Chapter 150 Phone
"Batman, how about I face Superman instead, and you help Barry open the passage?" Atom asked tentatively.

"No...Superman just wanted to catch me. Based on what I know about him, he definitely came alone and would not bring anyone else. At most he would bring Wonder Woman." Batman finished speaking, He looked at Ye Fu, as if asking if he was sure.

Ye Fu couldn't talk too much, because it would make Batman feel unreliable, so he pointed at it and said, "Don't forget, I still have helpers."

"Then it's settled, I'll go get ready." Batman stood up and walked out of the room.

Atom Man Ray Palmer glanced at his watch, and then said: "I have to go back to the company, please contact me when you need it, guest from another universe, nice to meet you today!"

Since Ray Palmer hasn't spoken out against Superman, he isn't currently considered an enemy of Superman.

As for Shazam, there is no such good treatment. Since breaking with Superman, Shazam has been hiding in the Batcave.


Batman makes an untraceable phone call that connects to Lex Luthor.

Luthor Corporation, Lex Luthor's office.

"Sir, there is an unknown number calling for you." The female secretary stepped on her high heels and held the phone in front of Lex Luthor.

"Thank you, go down first, I probably know who called me." Lex in the Injustice universe is the same age as Superman, but due to his human body and big bald head, Lex looks older than Superman a lot.

He took the phone from the female secretary and pressed the answer button. "Hi, I'm Lex Luthor."

A low synthetic voice came from the other end of the phone, "Lex Luthor, I heard you have kryptonite?"

Upon hearing kryptonite, Lex narrowed his eyes and said, "I don't know where you heard it from, but I advise you not to think about kryptonite."

After finishing speaking, there was a 'beep', and he pressed the hang up button.

"A cornered bat, or..."

Although Lex hung up the phone, his eyes were still fixed on the phone. With a level nine intelligence, he could be sure that the other party was Batman.

In this Injustice universe, Lex and Superman are good friends. From Lex's standpoint, he will never do anything to hurt Superman.

He released the news that he had kryptonite in his hand, and it was entirely to help Superman lead Batman.

Neither Lex nor Batman are fools, though.

Lex knew that if he could set Batman off, the other party would naturally set him off too, so he hung up the phone with the intention of testing him.

As time passed by second by second, the expression on Lex's face became more and more serious.

Finally, 30 seconds later, the phone rang again, and it was still the unknown number.

"It seems to be a desperate bat." Lex shook his head with a smile, cleared his throat, and then answered the phone.

"I don't care who you are, I really don't have kryptonite here, please give up!" These words were so righteous that even Lex himself almost believed them.

There was still a low synthetic voice on the other end of the phone, "Mr. Lex, Superman has changed. If you are really his friend, don't you have the heart to watch him go further and further down the wrong path? This is not a friend What to do."

"Wrong? Superman just punished the sinners. He made this world a lot less sinners!" Lex's tone gave people a feeling of believing in his friends and firmly supporting his friends.

Batman's voice was also obviously angry: "Is Green Arrow a sinner too? Are the people of Atlantis who don't want to accept Superman's rule sinners? Are the Martian Manhunters who shot at Wonder Woman sinners?"

He said a lot of people in one breath, all of them were superheroes who died against Superman.

"They...are necessary sacrifices on the path to justice..."

"Lex!" Batman's voice suddenly increased a few degrees, "I believe that in your heart, you should understand that Superman's actions are wrong. I believe that there is still true justice in your heart. As Superman, you are the best. My friend, you should guide him to do the right thing instead of pampering him blindly..."

"..." Lex remained silent, making one think he was thinking.

"Lex, don't let Superman make mistakes again and again. It's right to punish evil, but you can't kill people... at least you can't kill your friends!" Batman said sincerely, and Lex fell into deep thought. .

After nearly ten seconds, Lex seemed to have made a very important decision, and replied: "Please let me think about it. I will give you an answer at ten o'clock tonight."

After speaking, the phone hangs up.

Lex leaned back in his office chair, seemingly contemplating the authenticity of the call.

On the other side, the Bat Cave.Batman also hung up the phone, and Ye Fu was listening on the sidelines, seeing the phone hang up, he asked, "What's going on?"

"Lex is suspicious of me, but my acting is okay, he will sell me kryptonite...although it is fake kryptonite..." Batman said calmly.

"Amazing!" Ye Fu sighed with a smile.

This is a sincere feeling, Ye Fu is really unwilling to get in touch with this kind of person, mainly because it is tiring.

From Ye Fu's point of view, wouldn't it be over if everything was pushed flat?
As for this accidental contact with Batman, it was indeed a coincidence, and Ye Fu also wanted to meet this dark knight, so no one was looking for traces of Superman everywhere, but chose to add a little game experience.

That night, Lex sent a message that he had agreed to sell the kryptonite in his hand.

He made an agreement with Batman to trade in the ruins of the military area twenty miles north of the metropolis three days later.

So at night, Batman summoned Leaf Fu, Atom, Shazam, and cross-world contacted Flash. After explaining the situation, a detailed plan was arranged.

"Leaf Fu, are you sure you can take on Superman?" This was the tenth time Batman asked this question tonight.

Ye Fu still nodded, indicating that there was no problem.

As for Yan Shisan, who was sitting beside him, he wanted to cut this chatterer with a sword. Did he get annoyed if he didn't see his master?Still so blind!
"Okay, follow the plan, when we go to hold Superman, you should quickly join the Flash to open the space-time channel, remember - we only have this one chance!!" Batman looked around, and then said.

Everyone replied: "Understood!"

After the meeting ended, Ye Fu rejected Batman's invitation to chat, but took Yan Shisan out of the Batcave, saying that he would come back in two days.

After finally arriving in the DC world, how could Ye Fu be worthy of himself if he didn't have a good time playing around?

Besides, the Mother Box of Apocalypse in this world should still be on Earth, right?

(End of this chapter)

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