Chapter 122 Attack
Outside the space, one can see a small silver-gray celestial body orbiting the sun in periodic motion.

The outer ring of the star is surrounded by two interlaced silver halos. The same bright tone makes Feidaya star look like a huge pearl dotted on two interlaced disks. Standing in the starry sky in the distance, it looks like Extraordinarily gorgeous.

And those two intersecting silver halos are actually two space corridors circling the planet at a [-]-degree vertical angle, which were built by the Feidayan people with the highest technology.

Looking at this beautiful living planet, Yefu controlled the spacecraft and began to land.

Because Planet Feidaya is a planet with very advanced technology, there is also an airport crossing on the space corridor that specializes in receiving various spacecraft.

"Paragas, what is the currency of this planet? Can gold, silver and jewelry be used?" Yefu asked while controlling the landing of the spaceship.

"Reporting to my lord, because of the extremely advanced biotechnology of the Feidayan people, they need some powerful life genes in the universe, and these traded life genes are the best scientific research materials for them."

"So, if you want to get the currency of this planet, it's best to use some special strong genes to trade with them." Palaska replied.

The Saiyan family is employed by the Frieza Legion, and they are basically conquests and battles all the time. They naturally have a certain understanding of the slightly famous planets in the Northern Galaxy.

Because there is no telling when these planets will become their targets, and making intelligence preparations in advance is also the best way to reduce unnecessary sacrifices!
"That's it." With a thought in his mind, Ye Fu controlled some fourth-level monsters in the small world to separate some blood, and put it in a glass test tube.

"Let's go, let's see this technological planet together." After Ye Fu parked the battleship, he just took two steps away when suddenly there was an explosion not far away.


The dazzling fire and light could almost blind the eyes of ordinary people. After a heat wave hit, Yefu had already noticed the location of the explosion.

Looking down from the space corridor, I can see that on the surface of the planet Phydaya, huge plate lithospheres are floating on the mantle in a haphazard manner, hot lava is emitting hot green smoke, and lava with a height of one thousand meters can be seen everywhere Flowing to high altitudes, these lava flows fall from the sky and become lava rains, then flood the earth, and continue to flow back into the mantle along the low-lying parts of the plate.

"I'm going, is it so exciting!?" Ye Fu quickly waved and put away his precious battleship.

As for the people who accompanied Ye Fu, they formed a protective circle in an instant, protecting Ye Fu who was countless times stronger than them.

"Master! An extremely chaotic evil thought suddenly erupted on this planet, and this evil thought is huge!" Yan Shisan's body slowly filled with a gray ominous atmosphere, and the purple light in his eyes continued to flow, obviously I absorbed too many evil thoughts for a while, and I was a little overwhelmed.

"We came at the right time, someone actually attacked Feidaya Star!" Ye Fu became excited, because the scene in front of him must have been caused by a huge energy impact.

What kind of energy shock can cause such great damage to the planet?You must know that the Phydaya planet is a huge hard-shelled planet, and it can be said that every fragile place has been reinforced with high technology!
And with such a large amount of damage, it can be inferred that the strength of the attacker must be quite large, possibly more than 10000 combat power!
Because according to the memory of Paragas, in the universe, a combat power of [-] is a watershed.

Under [-] combat power, even a large-scale attack would at best only exterminate the species on the planet, and it would not be so easy to completely destroy the entire planet.

Only the attack of a strong man with a combat power of more than [-] can cause such serious damage to the planet Fidaya. What's more, the power of a strong man like Frieza can completely knock the entire planet out of the universe. to erase.

After the explosion just now, pillars of energy beams suddenly rose on the planet. Obviously this was a premeditated attack!
"Warning! Warning! There is an enemy invasion, and the airport road is now closed. Please follow the guidance and go to the shelter in an orderly manner. We Feidaya will give you the safest protection!" On the silver space corridor, suddenly remembered Warning lights and mechanical paging sounds, and then some weapon systems lit up on the space corridor, obviously preparing to occupy the high altitude to attack the enemy!

Just as the voice was still ringing, the space merchants around Ye Fu who came to trade all ran away in a panic. Some big merchants brought extremely powerful guards, so there was not much fear, but more Ordinary businessmen panicked.

Yefu suddenly opened an energy shield without warning, and in the next second, a huge explosion appeared beside them.


"Boom boom boom!!!"

A series of energy shells blasted from the surface to the sky, and the space corridor that was originally gathering energy was hit by some of the attacks after it scattered some of the energy attacks in mid-air.

I saw that these two magnificent silver long snakes had tilted slightly, and the alloy parts at the junction of several sections had collapsed and sunken. From time to time, there were a few fierce explosions and roars, and the crimson flames and wisps of gunpowder smoke continued to rise from the space corridor. .

A trace of evil thoughts emerged from Yan Shisan's body, and the whole person looked gloomy and terrifying!
"How dare you attack us! Master, Yan Shisan begs for help!" Yan Shisan asked coldly.

Ye Fu supported a circle of protective shields, and led the crowd to float in mid-air, then nodded slightly in agreement with Yan Shisan's request.

Now this planet is in the midst of war, they were suddenly attacked by the aliens because of the war, all kinds of distracting thoughts, evil thoughts, evil thoughts are constantly pouring out, Yan Shisan really needs to vent.

And under such strong evil thoughts, Yan Shisan almost couldn't die even if he wanted to. At this time, he could also go to fight and test the fighting style of a real strong.

"Go, you guys also follow me for a stroll, it's rare to be so lively, and I want to join in the fun, to see who the strong man bumped into me by such a coincidence." Ye Fu said plainly.

With a combat power of [-], it is almost enough to let yourself be hurt, and make yourself replicated in the dragon ball world.

And for this kind of guy who invaded the planet, Ye Fu also wanted to see it.

And on a continent on the planet Phydaya, a man with dark green hair silently took back his palm, then flung the braids on his head to the side, and then flew back gently. Inside his spaceship, he gracefully poured a cup of tea.

 Thanks: "Youmeng, Biting" for the one hundred book coins.

  When I was in class in the afternoon, I just found out that my roommate’s birthday is tomorrow, and I’m still in a professional class in the morning, and I’m going out for a drink in the afternoon.

  So I temporarily decided not to sleep tonight. Now that Red Bull, hot water for coffee, and Instant Noodles are all ready, let’s see how long the night can last and how much I can write.

(End of this chapter)

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