Chapter 562
Chapter 588 It's Poisonous

The needle thrown out by the young man pierced Xu Shaoye's body.

Xu Shaoye instantly felt numbness and itching from the needle that pierced his body.


Xu Shaoye was shocked!
He was soaked in medicinal liquid by his master since he was a child, which has a very strong resistance to poison. Generally, poisons have no effect on Xu Shaoye. Now he has just penetrated into his own body, and there are so many reactions in the place where he was stabbed. Xu Shaoye knows that This is no ordinary poison.

Without even thinking about it, Xu Shaoye took out a medicine bottle from his bosom, poured out a self-refined detoxification pill and took it.

However, even so, a feeling of numbness quickly spread to the whole body, making Xu Shaoye feel dizzy, and double images appeared in front of his eyes.

Xu Shaoye forced himself to look forward, and the young man and woman pulled out a knife from there without knowing it, held it in his hand and rushed towards Xu Shaoye, the blade swept across, and cut a long rainbow, cutting towards Xu Shaoye's neck.

This is to behead him!


Bai Muyun, Yi Xiaofei screamed, and rushed towards Xu Shaoye, they only moved subconsciously.

Knowing that Bai Muyun and Yi Xiaofei were rushing towards him, Xu Shaoye raised his foot and swept away, sending Bai Muyun and Yi Xiaofei away, preventing them from getting close to him.

Xu Shaoye bit his tongue fiercely, the severe pain made Xu Shaoye's drowsy mind clear for a short time.


Xu Shaoye took out a clothes pole casually, looked at the direction in which the young men and women came, shook his arm, the clothes pole buzzed, and stabbed out like a spear.

The long spear stabbed forward, like a poisonous dragon attacking, cutting through the space like lightning, piercing into the young man's throat, piercing his throat, and penetrating from the back of his neck.

one strike!
Even if Xu Shaoye was poisoned now, causing his strength to drop a lot, and he was almost unconscious, he would kill this young man with a single blow.



Seeing Xu Shaolai puncture a person's throat with a clothes pole, the people around were paralyzed with fright, shouting frantically, running as fast as they could, getting farther and farther away from Xu Shaoye.

Xu Shaoye held the clothes pole in both hands, exerted strength with both arms, picked up the young man, and threw it towards the young woman who was rushing towards him.

The young man's body was thrown off the clothes hanger, bumped straight into the young woman, knocked the young woman down, and rolled on the ground, turning into a rolling gourd.


The clothes hanger in Xu Shaoye's hand shook, and it stabbed out instantly, piercing the young man's body, nailing the young woman to the ground, and inserting it into the concrete floor.

Xu Shaoye swayed and fell backwards. He was about to fall to the ground, but he felt caught by two soft bodies and lay in his soft arms.

"Shaoye, are you okay? Don't scare us!"

Bai Muyun and Yi Xiaofei were crying, and tears flowed down. They regretted so much at this moment, why they went shopping, if they listened to Xu Shaoye, such a thing would never happen, and Xu Shaoye would not be injured.

"Don't cry!" Xu Shaoye took a few deep breaths to prevent himself from fainting, and tried his best to stand up, supported by Bai Muyun and Yi Xiaofei: "Go, get out of here quickly."

Xu Shaoye was almost struggling, and ran out of the shopping mall. Yi Xiaofei called Xiao Ruoqing over: "Come and help Shaoye, I'll drive and send Shaoye to the hospital right away."

Xiao Ruoliang nodded fiercely, took Xu Shaoye's arm from Yi Xiaofei's hand, and supported Xu Shaoye together with Bai Muyun.

Xiao Ruoqing also had tears in her eyes, seeing Xu Shaoye secretly blaming herself, she cried, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

Xiao Ruoqing panicked completely, she just apologized to Xu Shaoye.

Bai Muyun looked at Xu Shaoye distressedly, then glanced at Xiao Ruoqing again, and sighed in his heart, Xiao Ruoqing couldn't be completely blamed for this matter.

If he and Yi Xiaofei hadn't supported him, Shaoye would not have allowed them to go shopping.

Soon, Yi Xiaofei drove the car over, flicked the tail, and parked the car in front of Xu Shaoye, Bai Muyun and Xiao Ruoqing.


Yi Xiaofei roared anxiously.

Bai Muyun, Xiao Ruoqing hurriedly carried Xu Shaoye into the car, Yi Xiaofei stepped on the gas pedal to the bottom, and rushed towards the nearest hospital at high speed.

On weekdays, Yi Xiaofei would not drive more than sixty yards, but today she didn't even look at the speed, she just felt that it was too slow, and she kept saying in her heart, go faster, go faster.

"How about Shaoye?"

Yi Xiaofei asked anxiously while looking at the car.

"I don't know, he passed out!"

Bai Muyun glanced at Xu Shaoye, Xu Shaoye passed out after getting into the car, Bai Muyun said in a crying voice.

"His body is so hot!"

Bai Muyun was next to Xu Shaoye, and there was astonishing heat coming from Xu Shaoye's body. It felt like he was about to embrace a stove. This was definitely not the body temperature that a normal person should have.

"Concubine Xiao, hurry up!"

Bai Muyun looked at Xu Shaoye in his arms, Xu Shaoye's face was frighteningly pale, he was sweating profusely, and his clothes were completely soaked.

"This is already the fastest!" Concubine Yi Xiao was also very impatient, she shook her head, comforted Bai Muyun and said, "Shaoye will be fine, I trust him."

The car drove all the way, and it took more than 20 minutes to drive, but was rushed by Yi Xiaofei in a few minutes.

As soon as she arrived at the hospital, Yi Xiaofei jumped out of the car, rushed into the hospital hall and shouted: "Doctor, doctor!"

"What happened?"

People in the hospital lobby turned their heads to look at Yi Xiaofei who was frantic, and the doctors from various departments who rushed out of the office looked at Yi Xiaofei and asked.

"Quick, save people!"

Yi Xiaofei said out of breath, disregarding her own image, at this time Yi Xiaofei's hair was disheveled, and sweat dripped down.

"Don't worry! It's useless to be anxious now, take us to see the patient!"

The doctor understood Yi Xiaofei's mood very well, they had seen too much, and said to Yi Xiaofei.


Concubine Yi Xiao is not in a hurry, she turns her head and leads the way.

The doctor ordered the nurse next to him to prepare a stretcher and walked outside.

After seeing Xu Shaoye, a large number of doctors reached out to touch his body, but immediately retracted. At this time, Xu Shaoye's body temperature was hot.

"Why is his temperature so high?"

The doctors were startled, they had never seen a patient with such a high body temperature.

"we do not know!"

Bai Muyun and Yi Xiaofei cried and shook their heads.

They really didn't know anything, they didn't even see that Xu Shaoye blocked the needle shot by the young man at Xiao Ruoqing.

"Let's not talk about that, put him in the ward quickly, and then cool him down."

Seeing that Bai Muyun and Yi Xiaofei couldn't say anything, the doctor could only arrange it temporarily.

(End of this chapter)

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