Stunning Beauty President's Personal Soldier

Chapter 548 You don't even have a child

Chapter 548 You don't even have a child
Chapter 574 You don't even have a child
"Boss Bai, what you want, and the money you got back!"

Zhao Quan'an drove a pickup truck and stopped in front of Bai Muyun's villa. With a flattering smile, he nodded and bowed to look at Bai Muyun.

"I don't want the money anymore, just treat it as an errand fee for you!"

Bai Muyun didn't take the money, glanced at it, and said casually.

"Thank you, Mr. Bai, thank you, Mr. Bai!"

Zhao Quan'an smiled even brighter, and ran for Bai Muyun, deducted the money for shopping, and deducted the gas fee. Zhao Quan'an lost no less than 3000 yuan this trip, which was almost more than a month's salary.

"Mr. Bai, you are going to install surveillance! Let me help!"

With the benefit of more than 3000 yuan, Zhao Quan'an smiled, glanced at the equipment on the car, and said courteously.

Bai Muyun looked at a lot of things pulled over from the pickup truck, and asked Xu Shaoye to do it alone. He didn't know how long it would take, and he and Yi Xiaofei would need to help him deliver things.

It's okay for light ones, but for heavy ones, I and Yi Xiaofei really can't help Xu Shaoye.

"Alright, I'll trouble you then!"

Now that Zhao Quan'an himself had proposed it, Bai Muyun agreed with it, and at worst, it would be best to give Zhao Quan'an a labor fee.

"No trouble, no trouble. This kind of manual work should be done by people like us!"

Zhao Quan'an returned with a smile, then ran to the pickup truck and unloaded everything on it.

"Shaoye, I've bought something, let's see what to do with it." Bai Muyun called Xu Shaoye, and said to him, "Let him help you, and hurry up."

Zhao Quan'an smiled and nodded to Xu Shaoye.


Xu Shaoye responded and began to install these alarm devices.

Bai Muyun's villa is very large, and there are too many places to install. It took Xu Shaoye more than three hours to install all the rooms.

"Boss Bai, I'm leaving!"

Zhao Quan'an wiped the sweat from his forehead and said to Bai Muyun.

"Don't worry!" Bai Muyun rushed to the bedroom, took a small wad of cash in his hand, and handed it over: "I'm sorry to trouble you, this will be considered your wages."

"Don't, don't, Mr. Bai!" Zhao Quan'an quickly waved his hand, signaling that he didn't want it: "I can't take this. I bought you something just now, and I already lost a lot of money. How can I still ask for your money?"

"Just take it, one yard is worth one yard, just now it was your errand fee, now it is your labor fee."

Bai Muyun forced the money into Zhao Quanan's hands.

"Then I'm welcome, thank you Mr. Bai!"

Zhao Quan'an showed an embarrassed smile and took the money.

For Bai Muyun, the money was at most enough for a meal or even a piece of clothing, but for a person like Zhao Quanan who had no cultural knowledge, it was a huge amount.

Xu Shaoye returned to the room, lay down on the sofa, and let out a long breath: "I'm so tired!"

"Get up, you are so dirty that you have to lie down on the sofa." Yi Xiaofei walked over, patted Xu Shaoye, and said dissatisfiedly: "Look at the sweat all over your body and the dust on your clothes, Go take a shower quickly, change your clothes, and I will wash it for you."

"Let's wash together!"

Xu Shaoye suddenly wanted to play tricks on Concubine Yi, grabbed Yi Xiaofei's hand, and winked at her.


Concubine Yi's face turned red in an instant, she turned her head and didn't dare to look at Xu Shaoye, but felt that Xu Shaoye's palm was surprisingly hot, and she couldn't pull it out after several times.

"Someone is watching."

Concubine Yi Xiao's face was like a red cloth, and her voice was like a mosquito.

"Concubine Xiao, you just go with him, you've made him crazy, now you're bolder, why didn't you dare before."

Bai Muyun joked.

"Go, go with him, and see what he can do to you."

Xiao Ruoqing was also beside her, making noises in fear that the world would not be chaotic.

"Okay, I'll go with you!"

It seemed that being forced by Bai Muyun and Xiao Ruoliang, Concubine Yi actually agreed to come down, pulling Xu Shaoye to pull him up.

Xu Shaoye's claws are numb now!

His Chunyang Boy Kungfu has not yet achieved great success. If he has a relationship with Concubine Yi Xiao at this time, his own kung fu for so many years will be in vain. Xu Shaoye was so frightened that he quickly let go of Concubine Yi Xiaoye's hand, and ran away like he was running away. Into the bathroom.


Yi Xiaofei blushed and said to Xu Shaoye who was running away.

"Let me just say, he doesn't have the guts!"

Xiao Ruoqing raised her small nose, and glanced at Xu Shaoye who was running away, as if she had won a big victory.

Xu Shaoye hid behind the bathroom door, with mixed feelings, looked down, and could only smile wryly.

"Sister Muyun, Sister Xiaofei!" Xiao Ruoqing suddenly rolled her eyes, she didn't know what to think of, and said to Bai Muyun and Yi Xiaofei: "Don't think my words are harsh, if Xu Shaoye can't practice this kung fu, he will spend his whole life Can't touch you, are you willing to wait for him like this?"

"Aside from other things, if Xu Shaoye's kung fu is really not perfect, you don't even have a child."

Xu Shaoye, who was planning to be deaf, couldn't listen anymore, what is this called, isn't this cursing himself as an extinct one?He rushed out from the bathroom, glaring at Xiao Ruoqing with hatred: "What did you say?"

Seeing Xu Shaoye's vicious and vicious look, Xiao Ruoqing was startled, and hurriedly hid behind Concubine Yi Xiao.

"What are you doing? Look, you scared her!"

Yi Xiaofei glared at Xu Shaoye, and said: "I think what Ruoqing said is right, if you don't practice your kung fu, I've never heard that you can't do that after practicing kung fu."

After hearing Xiao Ruoqing's words, Yi Xiaofei became worried.

Zi and Mu Yun follow Xu Shaoye, they can't grow old, they don't even have a child.

Xu Shaoye was speechless and helpless. He smiled wryly: "Don't listen to her nonsense, I'm about to master my skills now. Don't worry, we will definitely have children!"

"Who wants to have a child with you!"

Concubine Yi Xiaofei and Bai Muyun spat lightly while blushing, and said duplicity.

"Go and take your shower!"

After hearing Xu Shaoye's words, Yi Xiaofei and Bai Muyun felt relieved, pushed Xu Shaoye into the bathroom, and closed the door.

Xu Shaoye glanced back, shook his head speechlessly, turned on the water and began to take a bath.

After Xu Shaoye finished washing, Bai Muyun, Yi Xiaofei and Xiao Ruoqing had already prepared the meal.

After eating, Xu Shaoye moved his things into Bai Muyun's bedroom. In the whole villa, only Bai Muyun's bedroom was the largest, suitable for the four of them to live in, and it didn't look crowded.

"We really want to sleep in the same room with Xu Shaoye?"

Xiao Ruoqing looked at Xu Shaoye who was carrying things into Bai Muyun's bedroom, turned her head to Bai Muyun and Yi Xiaofei with embarrassment, and looked at them.

(End of this chapter)

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