Chapter 39 Camera

Chapter 40 Camera

The villa that Bai Muyun lives in is not as luxurious as the Li family, it's just a group of villas, where the dignitaries of Linjiang City gather.

Xu Shaoye parked the car and walked into the villa.

The villa is decorated with very small girls, the walls are painted pink, and there are all kinds of plush dolls piled up everywhere.

When Xu Shaoye saw the furry doll in the villa, he couldn't help but glance at Yi Xiaofei and Bai Muyun.

Unexpectedly, Bai Muyun, Yi Xiaoyun's capable and condescending attitude in the company, is actually so girlish in private.

"Look at what!"

Bai Muyun's face turned red when she was seen, and her secret was seen by a man, which made her heart beat faster and angrily reprimanded Xu Shaoye.

It's really impolite to stare at a girl's secret, Xu Shaoye turned his head away.

All he could do was not to look at Bai Muyun and Concubine Yi Xiao. There were too many plush dolls in the room, no matter which direction they turned, they could be seen. Xu Shaoye had no choice but to not look at them.

"Where is my room?"

"The leftmost room on the first floor is your room! The second floor is the room of our girls. Without our permission, you are not allowed to step on the second floor."

The white curtain said.

Not only her face turned red, but even Concubine Yi Xiao also turned red.

After all, it was the first time a man lived in the family. Although they had nothing to do with Xu Shaoye, Xu Shaoye just came to protect them, but he couldn't stand the gossip of the neighbors.


I don't know how this situation will be passed on.

Liu Nianyun didn't look unnatural at all. She had performed many tasks like this and was already used to it.

Her gaze never left Xu Shaoye.

Liu Nianyun really wanted to know what Xu Shaoye's identity was, which attracted Meng Shanqi's attention to her so much.

"it is good!"

Xu Shaoye walked into the leftmost room, thinking he had to tidy it up by himself, but after opening the door, he found that the room had already been tidied up, very tidy and clean.

This surprised Xu Shaoye!
The air was filled with a faint fragrance, but it belonged to three people.

A smile appeared on the corner of Xu Shaoye's mouth, and he remembered this friendship.

He put down his things, walked out of the room, and said, "Since I am your bodyguard, then I will be responsible for your safety."

"I'll give you 3 minutes to sort out the things that are not suitable for me to see. I will go to each of your rooms to check."

Now that it's confirmed, Xu Shaofeng treats this job well.


Yi Xiaofei broke out first.

Into your own room?


Concubine Yi Xiao thought of the embarrassing clothes thrown around in her room, and what Xu Shaoye looked like when she saw them.

"Don't check it!"

Bai Muyun was also a little hesitant.

"The shooting that happened today doesn't make you feel a sense of crisis?"

Xu Shaoye sneered and said, "If you don't want to encounter such a thing again, just do as I say."

Bai Muyun and Yi Xiaofei's faces paled immediately, they didn't say any more words of rejection, they turned around and went upstairs to pack their things.

"Aren't you annoyed, Chief, you have been sending you to monitor me!"

Xu Shaoye glanced at Liu Nianyun, and impatiently clarified his words.

"You can tell our chief about this kind of thing. I'm only in charge of monitoring you."

Liu Nianyun was taken aback for a moment, it was the first time she met someone like Xu Shaoye who said things in the open, her eyes shrank slightly, and said.

"Forget it! You can monitor if you want, I don't care!"

Xu Shaoye didn't have the leisure time to meet Meng Shanqi, so he stood up, 3 minutes had passed, and walked to the second floor.

Xu Shaoye had just set foot on the second floor when Concubine Yi Xiao came out of her room and saw Xu Shaoye blushed.

Fortunately, I packed up my underwear just now, otherwise Xu Shaoye would be ashamed to death when he saw it.

Xu Shaoye entered Yi Xiaofei's room, swept his eyes everywhere, but found nothing suspicious, and walked towards the bathroom in Yi Xiaofei's room.

"what are you doing?"

Yi Xiaofei ran over to stop Xu Shaoye, a blush flew over her face!
Just now she threw all the clothes she changed into the bathroom. It can be said that the scene inside was a bit fragrant and messy.

Seeing Yi Xiaofei's expression, Xu Shaoye didn't understand why.

"For your safety, every place must be checked!"

Xu Shaoye said seriously.


Yi Xiaofei flatly refused.

How could a strange man see her own underwear, not to mention that inside those underwear, Concubine Yi Xiao got some indescribably interesting inner clothing for the sake of beauty.

"I was invited by Boss Bai, so there's no need to listen to you. For Boss Bai's safety, I must check everything in every detail. "

Xu Shaoye frowned slightly, and stepped forward.

"you dare!"

Concubine Yi Xiao screamed, rushed up and hugged Xu Shaoye, preventing Xu Shaoye from entering the bathroom.

It's just that Concubine Yi Xiao's figure is petite, how could her strength be Xu Shaoye's opponent, she hung on Xu Shaoye's body like a koala, and Xu Shaoye led her into the bathroom.

As soon as he walked in, Xu Shaoye saw the bright red hollow interiors at first sight, and randomly placed them on a pile of interiors, which was particularly conspicuous.

This kind of visual impact is so huge that Xu Shaoye can't help but fantasize about Yi Xiaofei's appearance in this suit in his mind.

Not anymore!
Not anymore!
Xu Shaoye felt that his blood flow accelerated, and it all rushed to his head, and his nose seemed to be bleeding.


Xu Shaoye raised his head high and let out a long breath to prevent himself from being really ashamed and bleeding from his nose.

"You stinking rascal, bastard!"

Yi Xiaofei blushed so much that she was about to bleed, she beat Xu Shaoye's body a few times with her delicate hands, and rushed over like crazy, stuffing all her underwear into the washing machine, regardless of whether these expensive clothes can't be used wash.

Xu Shaoye's facial features were very sharp, he looked up at the shower in the bathroom, and a faint flash reflected into his eyes.


Xu Shaoye raised his hand to take off the shower, put it in the palm of his hand and patted it lightly, the rather hard shower head suddenly fell apart, revealing the structure inside.

"Take a look, what is this?"

Xu Shaoye pushed aside the residue of the shower head with his hands, and found a small black pinhole camera from inside.

Seeing the pinhole camera, Yi Xiaofei was shocked like a lightning strike.

If you find a pinhole camera in your shower head, doesn't that mean you've been seen in the shower?
Concubine Yi's face turned pale, and she dared not imagine that the pictures taken by these pinhole cameras would be uploaded to the Internet.
Yi Xiaofei's heart kept sinking, she didn't dare to think about it!
(End of this chapter)

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