Chapter 36 Molested
Chapter 37 Molesting
Soon Xiangtian Group's logistics moved up the table and placed it opposite Yi Xiaofei. Before leaving, these installation workers looked at Xu Shaoye with envy.

Being so close to the white curtain cloud, even if nothing happens, facing two beauties every day is enough to make people enviable.

"Who made you sit here?"

As soon as Concubine Yi came back, she saw that she had an extra table, and that annoying guy Xu Shaoye was sitting opposite her, and she immediately became furious.

"I can't decide this matter. If you don't want me to appear in front of you, you can tell the chairman that this is arranged by the chairman!"

Xu Shaoye said boredly.


Concubine Yi Xiao wanted to step forward and bite Xu Shaoye, but thinking about it, she would be at a disadvantage anyway, so forget it.He could only stare at Xu Shaoye fiercely with murderous eyes, snorted heavily, turned around and walked into Bai Muyun's office.

Xu Shaoye just took a look, but didn't follow in, nor did he lie on the door to eavesdrop.

Concubine Yi Xiao didn't like her, but it was impossible for Bai Muyun to follow her wishes.

Sure enough, not long after, Concubine Yi Xiao came out angrily, her face was so gloomy that water was about to drip.

After leaving the door, he glanced at Xu Shaolai angrily, and sat on his seat angrily.

Xu Shaoye was not in a hurry, and looked at Yi Xiaofei with a smile.

"Look at what?"

After a while, Concubine Yi Xiao couldn't take it anymore, and suddenly slammed the document in her hand on the table, making a loud bang, and yelled at Xu Shaoye angrily.

"Of course I want to see beautiful women!"

Xu Shaoye didn't care, and smiled.

Hearing Xu Shaoye's words, Concubine Yi Xiao felt delighted for no reason, every woman hopes to be praised for her beauty.


Concubine Yi Xiao sat down, and in order not to look at Xu Shaoye, she erected the document in her hand and blocked it in front of her face, erecting a wall between her and Xu Shaoye.

Xu Shaoye wanted to laugh. As Bai Muyun's full-time driver and bodyguard, his work was not heavy, which caused Xu Shaoye to have nothing to do now, which was very boring.

Looking at the angry Concubine Yi Xiaoye, Xu Shaoye suddenly wanted to tease her to pass his boring time.

"Hoo, hoo!"

Xu Shaoye pursed his mouth and started blowing, intending to blow down the documents Yi Xiaofei had erected.

This requires a very strong lung capacity, and it happened that Xu Shaoye's lung capacity was very large, and the wind blowing out was also strong. After several rounds of hard work, with a bang, Xu Shaoye blew away the documents that Yi Xiaofei had erected.


Yi Xiaofei stood up with a cry, and glared at Xu Shaoye.

Xu Shaoye blinked his eyes, his innocent expression made Concubine Yi cry when she saw it, and Concubine Yi felt that she had wronged him.

"Don't be angry, I'm not angry!"

Yi Xiaofei closed her eyes, took a few deep breaths, and muttered softly.

However, it didn't help, and instead she became even more angry, because Xu Shaoye kept pinching his mouth and blowing, and the air that Xu Shaoye blew hit her body.


Yi Xiaofei completely lost control, screamed, and then ran into Bai Muyun's office.

Xu Shaoye could faintly hear Yi Xiaofei's soft sobbing from outside the door, with an embarrassed smile on his face.


This time it was really too much!

Concubine Yi Xiao is not a weak woman, she doesn't have much contact with her, and Xu Shaoye can tell at a glance that Concubine Yi belongs to the kind of strong woman, weak on the outside but strong on the inside.

He was able to tease Concubine Yi out of control, Xu Shaoye didn't know if he should praise himself or not.

Just when Xu Shaoye was thinking about these thoughts, Bai Muyun came out, followed by Yi Xiaofei.

Bai Muyun's complexion was not good-looking, Yi Xiaofei's face behind her was tearful, and there were still tears in the corners of her eyes that hadn't been wiped clean.

"Dum, thump, thump!"

Stepping on high heels, Bai Muyun ran up to Xu Shaoye, with strong anger in his almond eyes, staring at Xu Shaoye, making Xu Shaoye feel awkward for a while, and twisted his body uncomfortably.

"Why did you bully Concubine Xiao?"

Bai Muyun glared at Xu Shaoye bitterly, thinking that if Xu Shaoye didn't give an explanation, it would make Xu Shaoye unable to take it easy.


Xu Shaoye touched his nose, he couldn't explain it.

You can't tell the truth and say that you are just teasing her because you are bored.

It is estimated that Yi Xiaofei will instantly tear her to pieces as soon as she said these words.

"What is this? If you don't tell me a reason today, this matter won't be left alone!"

Bai Muyun couldn't hold back his anger, and burst out at Xu Shaoye.

Concubine Yi Xiao is his best friend, Xu Shaoye dares to bully Concubine Yi Xiaoye under his own nose, it is simply not too hateful.

"I like her, I deliberately made her angry, just to attract her attention!"

Xu Shaoye touched his nose and made up a reason.

This is the only reason that looks decent and can explain why Xu Shaoye bullied Concubine Yi.

Xu Shaoye's answer was beyond what Bai Muyun and Yi Xiaofei had expected. The two opened their mouths wide and stared at Xu Shaoye with an incredulous look in their eyes.

Neither of them expected to hear such a sentence from Xu Shaoye's mouth.

"Do you like Concubine Xiao?"

Bai Muyun didn't know why, but felt a faint sense of loss.

But this feeling disappeared quickly, and I was happy for Concubine Yi.

Concubine Yi Xiaofei followed her all the year round, but because of her status, no one dared to pursue Concubine Yi Xiaofei.

"Yeah! I fell in love with her from the first time I saw her. I don't know why, maybe this is the so-called love at first sight!"

Xu Shaoye was completely talking nonsense!
Concubine Yi Xiao is definitely a great beauty, but Xu Shaoye said that he fell in love with her at first sight, which is completely nonsense.

It's just that Xu Shaoye is looking at Concubine Yi Xiao now with tenderness and sweetness in his eyes.

The Oscar should award Xu Shaoye a statuette of Best Actor.

Bai Muyun turned his gaze to Concubine Yi Xiao, wanting to know her thoughts and opinions.

Seeing Concubine Yi's face turn red, it's not because of shame, but because of Xu Shaoye's anger.

"You like me, and if you want to use this method to attract my attention to you, you've got the wrong idea. Your behavior will make me hate you even more!"

Yi Xiaofei scolded Xu Shaoye coquettishly.

"Then how can I make you like me?"

Xu Shaoye's aggrieved face made Concubine Yi almost go crazy with anger.

You have offended yourself, but you still want to make yourself like him, are you crazy, or am I crazy!
"Dead this heart! I can't possibly like it!"

Yi Xiaofei said coldly.

However, Xu Shaoye suddenly stood up and rushed towards her and Bai Muyun. It seemed that Xu Shaoye was one of the rejected ones. He became angry from embarrassment and wanted to do something wrong.

(End of this chapter)

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