Chapter 264
Chapter 275 It's okay to eat
Xu Shaoye walked into the elevator and pressed the floor where Bai Muyun was. The elevator ran for a while and then stopped.

Xu Shaoye came out of the elevator, and saw that there were figures shaking everywhere on the floors where there were no people at all, and everyone was running fast, as if someone was whipping them from behind, telling them to speed up same footsteps.

Seeing this situation, Xu Shaoye used his toes to think and knew that something would happen to the Xiangtian Group, otherwise Bai Muyun and Yi Xiaofei left without even saying hello, and did not answer his phone.

Xu Shaoye's anger also dissipated, and he stopped asking Bai Muyun and Yi Xiaofei to question him.

Wouldn't it be confusing to talk about this kind of thing at this time!

Xu Shaoye walked in without making a sound.

It's just that Xu Shaoye's seemingly leisurely pace is too conspicuous among these hurried people.

"Give way!"

Xu Shaoye was too leisurely, blocked the way of others, and was urged by those behind him.


Xu Shaoye hurriedly stood aside, said sorry, but did not dare to move, for fear of disturbing these people again.

Xu Shaoye waited for a while, and saw Concubine Yi lowered her head, she didn't know what she was looking at, her high-mouth shoes stepped on her feet quickly, and she trotted towards this side.

"What happened? Why did you leave the hospital without even saying hello? Do you know that Mu Yun still has a shoulder injury, and it is very likely that he will have sequelae."

Xu Shaoye also trotted behind Yi Xiaofei, and said.

Concubine Yi Xiaoye glanced at Xu Shaoye, and said without a trace of emotion: "Why are you here? Stand aside quickly, don't block us from doing things."

Yi Xiaofei waved her hand, signaling Xu Shaoye to hide aside.

"In the end what happened?"

Xu Shaoye did not follow what Yi Xiaofei said, but continued to ask after Yi Xiaofei.

"Stop making trouble here!"

Yi Xiaofei glared at Xu Shaoye impatiently, and said, "Someone attacked our Xiangtian Group's stock market and wanted to use the stock market to attack our Xiangtian Group."

"Okay, you know it too, let's go and play."

Like coaxing a child, Yi Xiaofei waved her hand and left quickly.

Xu Shaoye suddenly realized.

No wonder Bai Muyun was still wounded, so he rushed back with Yi Xiaofei. It turned out that someone attacked Xiangtian Group.

Xu Shaoye didn't know anything about the stock market, but he knew that if a listed company suffered too much loss in the stock market, it would probably go bankrupt and its assets would be liquidated.

It seems that the mastermind behind sending the anti-blood mercenary group to attack Bai Muyun changed another way, and must put Bai Muyun to death.

Xu Shaoye followed these people into Bai Muyun's office.

The office that Xu Shaoye remembered before had changed drastically, and it was crowded with many people.

Many tables were placed in the middle, and many people sat in front of the tables, staring at the stock market fluctuations on the computer, and reporting the situation to Baimuyun.

Bai Muyun stared blankly at the big screen that was installed for no one, on which the stocks representing the Xiangtian Group kept going up and down, like a roller coaster.

"Boss Bai, someone sold our Xiangtian Group's stock again, this time 7000 million."

The person staring at the computer quickly reported the latest situation to Bai Muyun loudly.

"Eat it for me! Eat it up as much as they throw."

Bai Muyun issued orders with a deadpan face, very general demeanor, and unusually calm.

Xu Shaoye found a trace of panic in Bai Muyun's eyes.

Xu Shaoye sighed, a group was pressing on a woman, it was too much pressure for Bai Muyun.


The trader responded, his fingers flying on the keyboard.

"Boss Bai, if things go on like this, our group's funds will definitely not be enough."

A middle-aged man sitting not far from Bai Muyun stood up, looked at Bai Muyun worriedly, and said.

"How much money do we have at our disposal?"

Bai Muyun's face remained unchanged, and he asked without looking back.

"There are still about 2000 million."

The middle-aged man quickly glanced at the computer, and then reported to Bai Muyun.

"How much money do we need to survive until the market closes?"

Bai Muyun nodded and continued to ask questions.

"About a billion."

The middle-aged man calculated quickly.

"Concubine Xiao, I asked you to call the major banks for loans. How long will it take for the money to arrive?"

Bai Muyun turned around and asked Yi Xiaofei.

"Boss Bai, the major banks have rejected our loan!"

Yi Xiaofei glanced at the surrounding employees in embarrassment, and whispered something in Bai Muyun's ear.

"what reason?"

Bai Muyun's expression changed.

"Before us, someone took the first step and borrowed all the money in all the banks in our city."

The money in the city-level bank is limited, and someone borrowed all the money first, obviously considering that the Xiangtian Group will eventually ask the bank for help, cutting off the way of the Xiangtian Group.

Immediately, the faces of all the employees around turned ugly.

They guessed what Yi Xiaofei said.

"Contact the consortium that has a cooperative relationship with us and ask if it is possible to borrow some funds from them."

Bai Muyun closed his eyes, took a deep breath, calmed down his mood, and gave orders to Concubine Yi.

"Forget it, I'll fight it myself!"

Bai Muyun took out his phone and made a call. The phone rang for a long time, but no one answered it. If he called again, it was already turned off.

Bai Muyun changed several numbers and called, but the result was still the same, either no one answered, or the phone was hung up and turned off.

"Boss Bai, someone sold [-] million shares of our Xiangtian Group."

An exclamation came.

Apparently, those who want to bring down the Xiangtian Group know very well how much liquidity the Xiangtian Group has, and they don't want to give the Xiangtian Group a life at all.

The [-] million is just tentative, to see if the Xiangtian Group can eat it.

If it can be eaten, the shares of Xiangtian Group will be sold later.

"Eat it!"

Bai Muyun gritted her teeth, she was not allowed to back down at this time, either you die, or I live, there is no second choice.

Now Bai Muyun can only hope that the other party's funds are not as much as their Xiangtian Group.

However, this may be very small.

Now that the other party launched an offensive against the Xiangtian Group in the stock market, they were naturally well prepared.

"Boss Bai, the other party has listed another [-] million of our stocks."

Following the words of the trader in front of the computer, Bai Muyun's face was ashen, and his heart was full of despair.

Everyone was silent and didn't speak. They looked at the Xiangtian Group's shares listed on the stock market. If they couldn't buy them in five minutes, Xiangtian's stock price would fall on the verge of a crash.

"What are you doing with a mournful face? If you can't eat it, you'll have it!"

Suddenly a voice rang out among them.

(End of this chapter)

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