Stunning Beauty President's Personal Soldier

Chapter 255 The Three Sisters Are Here

Chapter 255 The Thirteenth Sister Is Here

Chapter 264 The Thirteenth Sister is Here

Xu Shaoye was also worried that someone would fall victim to the poison left by Zhao Zhong.

If someone really died because of Zhao Zhong's poison, this is the so-called I don't kill Boren, but Boren died because of me.

In this way, Xu Shaoye would feel guilty.

After cleaning up and down the corridor in all aspects, Xu Shaoye was finally sure that there was nothing left, and he let out a long sigh of relief.

Cleaning up the corridor is not a small project, every inch must not be spared, and one has to worry that oneself will not be poisoned by the poison left by Zhao Zhong.

"Can we come out now?"

Bai Muyun, Yi Xiaofei stood at the door of the ward, with only one head exposed, watching Xu Shaoye busy up and down, not knowing what he was busy with, after Xu Shaoye walked from one end of the corridor to the other end, Yi Xiao asked impatiently road.

In a place like a hospital, patients don't want to stay here, it's too depressing, let alone nice people.

Concubine Yi Xiao was only frightened during the attack and was not injured. If it wasn't for accompanying Bai Muyun, she would have left long ago.

Still trapped in the ward, not even allowed to enter the corridor, Yi Xiao became even more irritable and impatient.

"Okay, don't be angry. Why are you so angry these days? As a girl, you should be gentle."

Bai Muyun was a little dissatisfied when he heard Concubine Yi Xiao yelling at Xu Shaoye.

Concubine Yi Xiao had a bitter look on her face, she had such a temper these few days, and it wasn't because of Xu Shaoye.

Liu Nianyun glanced at Bai Muyun strangely.

When Bai Muyun was in the company, he had a much more tempered temper than Yi Xiaofei, and when he got angry, the employees didn't even dare to breathe, but now he even said that Yi Xiaofei had a bad temper.

Xu Shaoye came over and saw Yi Xiaofei looking at him resentfully.

"Look at your sweat!"

Bai Muyun took out her personal handkerchief, and gently wiped the sweat off Xu Shaoye's face.

Bai Muyun said that sentence to Xu Shaoye emotionally, I like you, and my heart is tied to Xu Shaoye's body. Seeing Xu Shaoye sweating profusely, I can't help feeling a little distressed.

Not only Xu Shaoye was stunned, but everyone was also stunned.

Bai Muyun actually wiped Xu Shaoye's sweat? !

It makes people wonder if they are dazzled.

"What are you looking at?"

The air was eerily silent, everyone was looking at Bai Muyun, she felt uncomfortable, and she lowered her head in shame.

Yi Xiaofei smiled bitterly.

For Xu Shaoye, Bai Muyun was able to let go of his body and wipe Xu Shaoye's sweat.

"It's okay!" Xu Shaoye understood Bai Muyun's intentions, and couldn't help but feel a little proud. He reached out and took her handkerchief from Bai Muyun's hand. The contact between his hands seemed to generate an electric current, which made Bai Muyun tremble all over.

"Thank you!"

Xu Shaoye wiped it carelessly twice, and handed back the handkerchief.

"I do not want it!"

Bai Muyun was so ashamed that he wiped Xu Shaoye's sweat in front of Yi Xiaofei and Liu Nianyun, which was too obvious.

She reluctantly took the handkerchief Xu Shaoye handed over, said no, then turned and ran into the ward, covering her head with the quilt, like an ostrich.

"Bai Muyun, what about your reserve and shame!"

"Would Shaoye think I'm a casual woman?"

Bai Muyun, who was covered with a quilt, kept asking himself in his heart, thinking of his behavior just now, he couldn't help secretly worrying whether Xu Shaoye might misunderstand that he was a casual woman.

Bai Muyun ran back to the ward, Xu Shaoye's hands froze in the air.

"She doesn't want it anymore, I want it!"

Xu Shaoye chuckled and put away the handkerchief.

Concubine Yi Xiao couldn't help but go up and kick Xu Shaoye, this guy...!

The following time was calm, perhaps because Xu Shaoye stopped the previous attack, the people who attacked Bai Muyun were frightened and did not dare to attack easily again.

The attackers didn't kill Bai Muyun, so they certainly wouldn't just stop.

Similarly, Monsanqi's search for these people has not stopped.

However, Meng Shanqi almost turned the entire city of Seoul upside down. The person who attacked Bai Muyun seemed to have evaporated from the world, and there was no trace of it.

Xu Shaoye's life is quite comfortable, teasing Bai Muyun every day, looking at Bai Muyun's blushing face, he enjoys it very much.

The only thing that made Xu Shaoye unhappy was that Concubine Yi Xiao seemed to be displeased with herself, and every time she looked at her with raised eyebrows, she spoke coldly to each other.

For Liu Nianyun, Xu Shaoye kept a respectful distance.

The main reason was that Xu Shaoye teased Liu Nianyun once, Liu Nianyun glared, and when Xu Shaoye was unprepared, he threw him over the shoulder, almost throwing Xu Shaoye over his back.

On this day, Xu Shaoye had just checked his surroundings and found nothing unusual, thinking that it was another normal and quiet day, Shisan came.

"who is she?"

Bai Muyun saw that Thirteenth Younger Sister was wearing heavy makeup, revealing clothes, hot body, not weaker than herself, and her every move was full of powerful charm, she immediately glared and questioned Xu Shaoye.

Her voice trembled a little, thinking that Xu Shaoye was messing around outside and someone else came to her.

"How did you come?"

Xu Shaoye was very surprised to see Thirteenth Sister, walked up and said, "Go, let's talk outside."

Xu Shaoye's words made Bai Muyun misunderstand even more, his body trembled rapidly, and his voice trembled, and said: "Let's just say it here. If there is anything you can't say, you have to hide it from others."

The thirteenth younger sister has seen a lot of the world, and she can see at a glance that Bai Muyun has misunderstood her relationship with Xu Shaoye. She suddenly smiles and becomes charming. She sticks to Xu Shaoye's body, raises her eyebrows, and says provocatively: " This is a matter between me and him, you, an outsider, are mixing in the middle."


Bai Muyun's eyes darkened, and he almost fainted.

His eyes turned to Xu Shaoye, with misery, disappointment, and heartbreak.

Bai Muyun received an elite education since he was a child. Although he had a boy he liked during school, he never fell in love. He was as pure as a piece of white paper.

This time, she fell in love with Xu Shaoye, it can be said that she gave her heart to him, how could she admit such a blow.

At this moment, Bai Muyun wanted to kill Xu Shaoye and then commit suicide.

"Freeze said!"

Seeing that Bai Muyun had misunderstood, Xu Shaoye pushed Shisanmei away and said bluntly.

"It's not what you think!" Xu Shaoye hurriedly explained to Bai Muyun.

Bai Muyun's personality is too strong, and this kind of person is the easiest to get into a dead end. If she doesn't untie her heart, she is likely to get entangled in her heart and become seriously ill.

"Didn't I go out a few days ago, and asked some people to help me keep an eye on the whereabouts of the person who attacked you."

"Only relying on her to find my attacker?"

When Bai Muyun heard Xu Shaoye's explanation, he believed it a little.

It's just that the thirteenth sister doesn't look like she has such great ability.

What's more, for those who attacked him, Meng Sanqi dispatched the entire police force in Seoul, and every time he caught these people's tails, these people got the news in advance and ran away in advance.

(End of this chapter)

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