Chapter 232
Chapter 237 Conquer

The Ice Gu seemed to be aware of it very well, with a strange cry, the back was translucent, like wings carved from a layer of blue gemstones trembling lightly, trying to change direction and avoid Xu Shaoyepo's attack.

It's just that Xu Shaoye was very afraid of the Ice Gu, and a dozen golden needles sealed all possible escape spaces for the Ice Gu, making it nowhere to hide.


The golden needle that was thrown out by Xu Shaoye contained a powerful force and became harder than steel.

The body of Ice Gu is also very hard, and it is very difficult for the golden needle to penetrate its body.

It's just that in the battle with the Raging Fire Centipede just now, although the Ice Gu successfully killed the Raging Fire Celestial Centipede, it also felt uncomfortable, its body was in tatters, even a few limbs were torn off, and its body was even more dilapidated.

The Ice Gu escaped most of the golden needles, but a few golden needles were still pierced into the body, nailing it to the wall, like a specimen.


The Ice Gu screamed in pain, the protruding eyes revealed a fierce light, the legs danced, and a drop of blue liquid leaked from the place where the golden needle was pierced, this is the blood of the Ice Gu.

Be good, you are sick, it will kill you!
Xu Shaoye rushed over, pointed a gold needle with his thumb and forefinger, and stabbed the Ice Gu's eyes, preparing to pierce into its brain and kill the Ice Gu,
The eyes of the Ice Gu revealed a kind of fear, shaking the body, struggling, trying to get out of the control of the golden needle.

Time could not allow the Ice Gu to break free before Xu Shaoye stabbed the golden needle into its brain. Seeing Xu Shaoye getting closer, the Ice Gu became more and more flustered.


The Ice Gu suddenly yelled, this yell was different from the previous one, it was a kind of flattery and begging for mercy.

"This guy is so human?"

Xu Shaoye stopped. He didn't know why, but he understood the meaning of the cry of the ice gu.


Ice Gu saw Xu Shaoye stop, the golden needle in his hand was only a few centimeters away from his eyes, and immediately cried out again, full of begging for mercy.

The Ice Gu doesn't want to die yet, it's only been a few hours since it was born, and its survival instinct makes it beg for mercy from Xu Shaoye.

There was a hint of hesitation in Xu Shaoye's eyes, and he was thinking in his heart whether he really wanted to kill the Ice Gu.

Ice Gu is very rare, if it hadn't been found on Li Qinglian, Xu Shaoye almost thought it had been extinct for a long time.

And the Ice Gu is very strong, if he can subdue it for his own use, even if he faces Xiao Hua again, Xu Shaoye doesn't have to be afraid anymore.

But the only worry is that the Ice Gu is using a tactic to delay the attack, and when it recovers, it will kill itself immediately.

That's why Xu Shaoye hesitated.

Xu Shaoye's worry is not unreasonable. Although Ice Gu is an insect, its intelligence is not low. It can communicate with people and understand human speech.

"Do you think I should kill you or let you go?" Xu Shaoye couldn't make up his mind for a while, and asked the Ice Gu.

If someone saw Xu Shaoye talking to Ice Gu, they would definitely regard Xu Shaoye as a lunatic.

"Squeak, squeak, squeak..."

The ice Gu screamed crazily, as if expressing something to Xu Shaoye.

"If you are willing to recognize me as master, I will let you go!"

Xu Shaoye laughed, shaking the golden needle in his hand, his smile was a little treacherous.


The Ice Gu screamed again, long and piercing, full of anger.

"You don't want to?" Xu Shaoye's expression changed, and he stabbed the golden needle in his hand, about to pierce the ice gu's eyeball.


The Ice Gu nodded frantically.

Between life and dignity, Ice Gu chose to live.

Not to mention the Ice Gu, even humans, under such a choice, would choose not to have dignity and choose to live.

"it is good!"

Xu Shaoye was ecstatic in his heart, but there was no wavering on his face.

With a movement of his hand, a golden needle appeared again, and when the Ice Gu hadn't reacted, it pierced into its brain, then pierced his finger, and dripped onto the head of the Ice Gu.

Xu Shaoye's blood instantly submerged into the head of the Ice Gu, and the original azure blue head of the Ice Gu appeared bright red, which looked very gorgeous.

This is the confession ceremony.

It seems simple, but it works wonders.

The Ice Gu absorbed Xu Shaoye's blood, instantly became quiet, and the fierce light it revealed disappeared.

Xu Shaoye pulled out the golden needle that pierced into the Ice Gu.

The ice Gu vibrated its wings and flew in mid-air, onto Xu Shaoye's shoulder, and crawled in along Xu Shaoye's neckline.


Xu Shaoye only felt a pain in his back, the Ice Gu bit his skin and got into its body.

Xu Shaoye was startled, thinking that his recognition ceremony had failed, and the Ice Gu took the opportunity to penetrate into his body to retaliate against him.

After a while, Xu Shaoye didn't feel anything strange, instead, he felt a cool and refreshing feeling, which continuously circulated in his wound, which greatly relieved the pain in the wound.

Xu Shaoye moved his arm, but he didn't feel any discomfort. He could feel the existence of the Ice Gu himself, but outsiders couldn't find it.

Xu Shaoye felt the Ice Gu moving under his skin, and the movement did not move on his chest, and a cool feeling protected his heart veins.

Xu Shaoye was overjoyed.

Unexpectedly, Ice Gu could have this effect.

To protect one's own heart veins, as long as one is not fatally injured by a single blow, the heart veins protected by the ice gu will buy enough time for oneself to save oneself, which is equivalent to saving several lives.

Xu Shaoye turned his eyes and saw the corpse of the Raging Fire Centipede on the ground, his eyes lit up, this is a good thing.

Centipede is a kind of medicinal material, let alone a strange insect like Raging Fire Sky Centipede.

If people from the Yaomen know that there is a Fiery Sky Centipede here, they will all go crazy.

Xu Shaoye pointed to Liehuotian Centipede and walked to the gate of Li's house, called Li Xianglin and asked him to pick him up.

The wound on my back needs to go to the hospital for treatment.

Not long after calling Li Xianglin, Li Xianglin drove over. After jumping out of the car, he saw the three-foot-long, fiery red centipede in Xu Shaoye's hand, which looked like a ferocious fire centipede. He was immediately frightened. With a jump, he jumped onto the car, closed the car, looked at Xu Shaoye in horror, pointed to the Fiery Sky Centipede in his hand and asked, "What is this? Could it be the Ice Gu in my sister's body?"

"No! It's just an ordinary centipede!"

Xu Shaoye shook his head.

"Ordinary centipede?"

Li Xianglin looked at the centipede that was more than three feet long. How could it be an ordinary centipede?
You think I am a three-year-old child, or a fool!

"Don't worry, it's dead and won't bite!"

Seeing Li Xianglin's appearance, Xu Shaoye shook the Fiery Sky Centipede in his hand, and said.

19 Cake Reading: DVNWQJ
(End of this chapter)

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