Chapter 23 Five Poison Gates

Chapter 23 The Five Poison Gates


Li Qinglian trembled with anger when she heard what the bodyguard said!

Whatever he said, he was also a charming girl, how could he become a container in his mouth, it was unbearable.

Li Qinglian wanted to tear his mouth apart!
The premise is that Li Qinglian has this ability.


Seeing the four people coming back and forth, attacking him from four directions, Xu Shaoye smiled contemptuously and sat still, waiting for them to come.


The bodyguard yelled.

These people are disciples of the Five Poisons Sect. Their elders did not know where they got the Ice Gu and how to cultivate it, so they planted the Ice Gu on Li Qinglian's body.

Although the Five Poison Sect is not a big sect, it is also frightening to hear!

The main reason is that they are good at using poison, and their methods are hard to guard against. Many people who offended them all died suddenly overnight.

"Go to hell!"

Green and gray stripes appeared on the bodyguard's face, and he let out a strange cry, like a toad.

The palm of the hand turned into a miserable green, which looked very terrifying.

"This is a man or a ghost!"

Li Zhiwei's eyes almost popped out, he cried out in fear, dragged his wife, son, daughter, and ran to the next room.

The bodyguard suddenly became like a monster. Li Zhiwei was able to run without being scared to sit down, which is already very good.

The bodyguard was getting closer and closer to Xu Shaoye, and the air was filled with a disgusting stench.

Xu Shaoye frowned slightly, the smell was indeed unpleasant.

Oh shit!

It doesn't matter if you turn into this ghostly look, but also disgust me with such an unpleasant smell!

Xu Shaoye stretched out his hand and grabbed the bodyguard who rushed over.

Seeing that Xu Shaoye dared to contact him without knowing whether he was alive or dead, a cruel smile appeared on the bodyguard's face.

A disciple of the Five Poisons Sect, all of them are covered with strange poisons!
It is no surprise that Xu Shaoye is so careless.

The bodyguard seemed to see that Xu Shaoye was covered in green stripes and died of poison.


Xu Shaoye grabbed the bodyguard's palm, pulled it down suddenly, pulled the bodyguard from the air, and bent his knees to push forward!

At this moment, Xu Shaoye pressed heavily on the bodyguard's stomach, and the bodyguard felt as if he was hit by an angry, running cow, his body was pushed up, and he bent like a prawn.


The bodyguard opened his mouth, and spat out a large amount of dirt mixed with blood.

However, before that, Xu Shaoye had already let go of his hand and left the place. The dirt mixed with blood did not touch Xu Shaoye at all.

The dirt mixed with blood fell to the ground and splashed everywhere in an instant.

Now the smell in the air was even more unpleasant, and Xu Shaoye had to cover his nose.

The other three maids saw that the bodyguard couldn't last a round under Xu Shaoye's hands and was directly brought down, their expressions changed uncontrollably, and their forward momentum stopped immediately.

Among the four of them, the bodyguards were the most powerful.

Now it is in the hands of Xu Shaoye, completely powerless to resist.

The most important thing is that Xu Shaoye did nothing when he touched the bodyguard's palm. Obviously Xu Shaoye is not afraid of their five poisonous sect's poison.

"Who are you? Do you know who we are and don't you know? Messing with our Five Poison Sect is tantamount to bringing disaster on your whole family!"

The three female disciples of the Five Poison Sect who pretended to be servants of the Li family stared at Xu Shaoye not daring to relax, fearing that Xu Shaoye would rush over.

It's not that they don't want to escape, but the rules of the Five Poisons Sect are placed there. If they escape, their lives will be worse than death.

Now he can only hope that the name of the Five Poison Sect will make Xu Shaoye retreat.

"Five Poison Gate?"

Xu Shaoye was taken aback, and met an acquaintance.

The Five Poisons Sect is notorious, and Xu Shaoye's master brought Xu Shaoye to conflict with the Five Poisons Sect.

He gave Wudumen a severe lesson, and then Wudu gave up his revenge on them.

I didn't expect to meet people from the Five Poison Sect here.

Back then Xu Shaoye was poisoned by the Five Poisons Sect and almost died.

That being said, it's a combination of new hatred and old hatred.

"It's just the Five Poison Sect, a group of people who can't stand on the stage, do you really think I will be afraid?"

Xu Shaoye snorted softly, made a wrong step, and rushed towards the three female disciples of the Five Poison Sect like a cheetah running on the grassland.

Seeing Xu Shaoye rushing over, the three female disciples of the Five Poison Sect glanced at each other. At the same time, they screamed coquettishly, and raised their hands to sprinkle a piece of powder forward, covering Xu Shaoye's rushing path.

Xu Shaoye must have seen it, but he rushed over as if he didn't see it.


Xu Shaoye's movements were violent and violent. He punched the air with a huge explosion and hit one of the female disciples of the Five Poison Sect viciously.


The female disciple of the Five Poison Sect screamed, her body spun and flew into the air, and fell fiercely on the wall. Like a painting, she slid down against the wall and remained motionless.

Seeing this scene, the remaining two disciples of the Five Poison Sect were terrified.

The powder they spilled just now is a kind of highly poisonous, the skin will rot immediately after touching it, within three seconds, the person who has been poisoned by this poison will definitely have swollen body and die suddenly.

But it had no effect on Xu Shaoye, this was the first time they encountered such a situation.

Xu Shaoye suddenly looked back, his eyes were like swords, and immediately made the hearts of the two remaining female disciples of the Five Poison Sect tremble, as if they were being targeted by a ferocious beast.


After weighing it up, the remaining two female disciples realized that they were not Xu Shaoye's opponent, so they turned around and wanted to run away.

Xu Shaoye flipped his palm over, and there were two gold needles in his hand, he shook his hand and threw them out.

Two tiny streaks of golden light swept across the air, piercing through the backs of the two female disciples of the Five Poison Sect.

The two female disciples of the Five Poison Sect paused and fell forward stiffly, making two muffled soft noises.


The door opened, and Li Zhiwei showed his head from inside. Seeing that all four of them had been dealt with by Xu Shaoye, he breathed a sigh of relief, and opened the door to get out.

"Don't come out, stay inside, now the living room is full of poison!"

Xu Shaoye's words made Li Zhiwei shudder, and hurriedly retreated.

Moving these four people together, Xu Shaoye walked to the room where Zhao Fangping was hidden just now, carried Zhao Fangping, threw them together, moved a stool, and looked at the five people.

"Where did the person who put a Gu on Li Qinglian go?"

These five are all young people, and the real voodoo is not here.

The five disciples of the Five Poison Sect just stared at Xu Shaoye with fear in their eyes.

Xu Shaoye took all five of them down without any effort, and really frightened them.

But the elder who asked them to betray Li Qinglian to lay a gu, would not dare to kill them.

The rules of the Five Poison Sect are more frightening than death.

(End of this chapter)

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