Stunning Beauty President's Personal Soldier

Chapter 210 Let me not even have the slightest desire to escape

Chapter 210 I don't even have the slightest desire to escape
Chapter 215 I don't even have the slightest desire to escape
Zhang Hai snorted coldly: "You just used a vase, so you hit them by surprise, but this is not a real skill, it's no big deal, if you show your real fighting skills, you think I will still be afraid You?"

Xu Shaoye seemed to have talked to Zhang Hai for a long time to say this, so there was no strange expression on his face. He hooked his fingers at Zhang Hai provocatively, and then said lightly: "Then, I will use this skill, Let me teach you some principles of life."

"Stinky boy! You are too arrogant!" Zhang Hai snorted coldly, clenched his fists and walked towards Xu Shaoye.

In his opinion, Xu Shaoye is just playing tricks, just like a cunning fox, but a fox doesn't have such skills. As a tiger, how could he be afraid of a fox?

Zhang Hai's speed was very fast, and he strode up to Xu Shaoye in a blink of an eye. With a loud roar, he punched Xu Shaoye with his casserole-sized fist.

However, Xu Shaoye didn't even hide, allowing Zhang Hai's punch to hit him in the face.

Seeing this, Zhang Hai sneered in his heart, thinking that this guy is just that, it's not a big deal, otherwise, how could he be hit by his own punch, and he didn't even have time to react to his evasive movements?

Next, Zhang Hai could almost predict that Xu Shaoye flew upside down from the nosebleeds from his fist, then lay on the ground and wailed non-stop, and finally crawled over like a dog, hugging his thigh tightly, begging Stop hitting yourself!Then, he would lift his feet up and let him lick his leather shoes clean!

The more Zhang Hai thought about it, the happier he became, but soon, he realized that there seemed to be something wrong, because Xu Shaoye in front of him, after being punched firmly by him, still stood there firmly, as if nothing happened似的,更别说直接被自己一拳揍的倒飞出去,然后爬过来给自己舔皮鞋了,因为他站在原地,根本就一动都没动。

At this time, Xu Shaoye raised his head, glanced lazily at Zhang Hai's fist, then averted his gaze lightly, and said, "The fist speed is slow, the fist strength is small, and it's even more imposing. No, do you think you are playing house? This punch of yours makes me not even have the slightest idea of ​​avoiding it."

At this time, a cold voice slowly spit out from Xu Shaoye's thin lips. In this slightly empty room, the sound lingered and lingered for a long time.

Seeing this, Zhang Hai widened his eyes in horror, with an inconceivable look on his face, as if he had seen a ghost in broad daylight.

No, even if he believed that he could see ghosts in broad daylight, he wouldn't believe that after being punched by him, nothing would happen!

However, things really happened at this time, and they really happened before his eyes.

"No! Impossible! This is absolutely impossible! You obviously got hit by me, and I used up [-]% of my strength for that punch. How could you have nothing at all? This is absolutely impossible!" Zhang Hai muttered to himself, he couldn't believe what happened in front of him no matter what!
Regarding his fists, Zhang Hai still has a lot of confidence, because his current achievements are what he punched back then, and the most powerful thing is that he directly punched one of them to grab the territory from him. The boss of the club suffered a concussion, and later lay in the hospital for more than half a year. Since then, he has the title of "Iron Fist King".

Zhang Hai is very useful for this title, because this title not only sounds very domineering, but also seems to be shown that his fists are iron!Be invincible!
However, when he punched Xu Shaoye in the face with such a powerful punch, the latter was completely fine!

Not only did I not believe it, but if it got out, other people probably wouldn't believe it either.

Iron Fist punched the man in the face, but the man was fine. It sounded like a joke!

Moreover, if he is the "Iron Fist King", then this kid should be the "Golden Face King".

This made Chen Hai feel a deep sense of frustration for the first time, and it also made him re-examine the young man in front of him. He knew that what he encountered tonight was a stubble!
This kid is not only cunning, but also very powerful!

Therefore, he is not a fox, but an extremely ferocious lion!

"Hey, it's not a good habit to suddenly lose your mind during a fight."

The cold voice suddenly exploded from Zhang Hai's ears, which reminded Zhang Hai that there was another enemy in front of him at this time, which made Zhang Hai come back to his senses immediately, and subconsciously, shot About to attack.

However, it was still too late, Zhang Hai only felt a pain in his stomach, he lowered his head, and found a foot kicked on his stomach.

Under a muffled sound, Zhang Hai spit out a mouthful of blood, and flew upside down, flying far away, and finally hit the opposite wall with a bang, before it was soft and slippery like a puddle of mud. down.

"Not only your little brothers, but you are just like this." Xu Shaoye reached out and patted the dust on the shoes, and said lightly.For Xu Shaoye, hitting Zhang Hai and his group didn't give him the slightest sense of accomplishment.

"Cough cough!"

However, Zhang Hai hadn't been completely beaten to the ground, and at this moment, he stood up again while leaning on the wall, looking at Xu Shaoye viciously with his eyes.

"Oh? I can still stand up, which is beyond my expectation." Seeing that Zhang Hai can still stand up at this moment, Xu Shaoye was a little surprised, although he didn't use all his strength when he kicked just now Strength, but it also used [-] to [-]% of the strength. If it were an ordinary bastard, let alone get up again, he might have passed out a long time ago, but this guy still has the strength to get up. Obviously, he There are also some such skills.

"Damn it, do you think I will be afraid of you? Go to hell!"

With a roar, Zhang Hai suddenly took out a black plastic stick from his waist, ran up to Xu Shaoye, raised the plastic stick in his hand, and slammed it down on the latter's head.

This plastic stick is not an ordinary plastic stick, but carefully crafted by Zhang Hai. The quality is harder than a stone. If he smashes it hard on the head, his head will explode!

"Oh? Is this your last resort? But to me, it's no big deal."

Xu Shaoye glanced lightly at the plastic stick, and then punched the plastic stick!
(End of this chapter)

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