Chapter 182

Chapter 187

Xu Shaoye was able to bring down the big man just now, which was indeed a bit beyond Dongzi's expectations, but as this guy said, fighting depends on strength alone, and it's not enough.

Xu Shaoye looked up at the yellow-haired man, and said with a faint smile: "It seems that no matter what I say, you won't believe it, but I have to take this guy back, so you can do it, but you can rest assured, Because you are being used, I will try my best not to hurt you! You can safely attack me, don't be polite."

"Hmph! You bastard is so arrogant! Watch!"

Hearing Xu Shaoye's words, Huang Maonan immediately became angry, because Xu Shaoye's words were like, he is a vase, as long as he exerts a little force, it will shatter!
You know, Huangmao is so difficult, and no one has ever said such a thing before. To him, this is a great shame, and immediately rushed towards Xu Shaoye, very fast, like a gust of wind.

When he rushed to Xu Shaoye's approach, his thighs were like an axe, and he swept directly towards Xu Shaoye's waist and ribs. strength.

Seeing the yellow-haired man's kick towards him, Xu Shaoye's expression remained calm and calm. He stretched out an arm, trying to block the yellow-haired man's kick...

When the yellow-haired man saw that Xu Shaoye was attacking his leg with only one arm, he sneered in his heart.

You know, not only is he a black belt in Taekwondo, but he is also best at leg skills. Coupled with his hard work over the years, it can be said that the attack power of his legs is more than three times stronger than that of his arms. , It is not a problem to break a tree trunk with a thick mouth of a bowl with one leg.

As for Xu Shaoye, he tried to block his blow with just one arm, he was courting death!
The man in the sunglasses can almost see the tragic scene of Xu Shaoye being kicked to the ground by him, clutching his broken arm and screaming, but this is what he deserves, who told him that he is a showy man, then, his own Of course it was time to teach him a lesson.

In mid-air, arms and feet collided quickly.


With a muffled sound, the yellow-haired man only felt a huge force coming, and he took a few steps back to stabilize his body, while Xu Shaoye stood still, motionless!
Seeing this scene, a look of horror appeared on the face of the yellow-haired man.

This kick, he can be said to have exhausted all his strength without reservation. He even believed that as long as this kick can land on Xu Shaoye's arm, it is not impossible to break his arm with one kick. of.

However, the result was quite the opposite of what I expected.

Not only was Xu Shaoye not injured, he didn't even have a problem at all. At this moment, he stood there calmly, as if the blow he had just given was no different than a tickle for him.

But his legs felt a little sore.

Could it be that this guy's arms are harder than his own legs?

No!Impossible, it is absolutely impossible!

Thinking that he has become famous in his taekwondo management by virtue of his leg skills, and he has never defeated anyone else. Could it be that now, he is going to lose to an unknown stranger?And still lost on the legs!
But the yellow-haired man would never allow this kind of thing to happen. At this moment, he roared and rushed towards Xu Shaoye again, then jumped up in front of Xu Shaoye, with his slender and strong thighs, towards the top of Xu Shaoye's head Pressed down.

His leg can be said to be full of strength, and remembering the falling trend, with the help of his own strength, it can be said that this leg can exert twice as much strength as usual!

He is confident that this time he will definitely beat Xu Shaoye to the ground.

However, looking at the leg that was pressing down from the top of his head, the expression on Xu Shaoye's face was still as calm as water, without too many fluctuations.

Although this blow was already the most powerful move for the yellow-haired man, but for Xu Shaoye, it still seemed too naive.

After all, although the yellow-haired man is already a black belt in Taekwondo, what he practices is still mainly fitness. Therefore, no matter how fierce and powerful the appearance looks, the lethality is still not too much. big.

However, Xu Shaoye has always practiced killing skills since he was a child, and he pays attention to killing the opponent in the shortest time.

It can be said that this is the essential difference between the yellow-haired man and Xu Shaoye.

This is also doomed, even if Xu Shaoye closes his eyes, the yellow-haired man will never win against him!

At this time, when that leg was about to be pressed on the top of Xu Shaoye's head, Xu Shaoye, who had been motionless all this time, finally moved. He was like an old man, moving slowly, stretching out slowly. A hand patted the yellow-haired man's leg.

Seeing this, the yellow-haired man sneered even more in his heart, secretly thinking that Xu Shaoye must have been frightened stupid by his fierce moves, that's why he used such a soft move against himself, which doesn't seem to have much strength at all, if Relying on this, it is like resisting his move, it is simply a fool's dream!
"Hmph! Just let me beat you down!"

The yellow-haired man roared loudly, at this moment, that leg had already pressed against the top of Xu Shaoye's head, and Xu Shaoye's hand patted the yellow-haired man's calf at this moment.


Next, there was a muffled sound, and to everyone's surprise, it was the yellow-haired man who flew out.

The yellow-haired man's body was like a cannonball, flying five or six meters away, and finally landed on the ground, then wiped out another three or four meters on the ground before stopping.


Seeing the yellow-haired man lying on the ground, everyone couldn't help but gasped, and looked at Xu Shaoye again, their eyes were full of horror, without the slightest contempt.

It's a joke, two people want to subdue Xu Shaoye one after another, but they all end up like this in the end, who dares to continue, that's simply impatient to live.

Xu Shaoye moved his wrist, but he didn't use all his strength, otherwise, the yellow-haired man would not just fly away, but at least one of his legs would have been crippled.

At this time, Xu Shaoye looked around at the crowd, his eyes flicked across the faces of these people one by one, and said: "If you still look like a hero, go ahead."

(End of this chapter)

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