Stunning Beauty President's Personal Soldier

Chapter 177 Telling You To Scare Me Again

Chapter 177 Telling You To Scare Me Again

Chapter 182 Telling You To Scare Me Again

"Damn! What is this guy's body made of? Could it be that it's really made of steel and iron?" Hunzi thought so horrified, and subconsciously wanted to retreat first.

However, Xu Shaoye obviously would not let him escape easily.

Before the bastard could even take a step back, he suddenly felt a tightness in his neck. It turned out that Xu Shaoye had grabbed his collar.

"Want to escape? I'll send you away!"

Xu Shaoye sneered, then with a sudden force of his arm, he grabbed the bastard directly, and then grabbed his chest and thigh with two big hands, and then yelled, directly lifted the guy up, raised his hands over the top.

Then, Xu Shaoye spun around on the spot and began to shake.

"Wow! Let me go! Let me go!"

The bastard felt dizzy for a while, and almost vomited out his stomach acid for a while.

"Okay, I'll let you go!" Xu Shaoye yelled loudly, swung his arms violently, and threw the bastard out like a shot put, hitting many bastards behind him, and suddenly there were sounds from all directions. There were screams one after another.

"Xu Shaoye, be careful behind you!"

At this moment, before Xu Shaoye had time to catch his breath, he suddenly heard Zhao Yingnan's anxious shouting. Out of the corner of his eye, he found that the man in the sunglasses had slipped behind him at some point and was holding his hand. The steel pipe in the slammed into his back.

Because Xu Shaoye found out too late, and the steel pipe was about to hit him, so he couldn't dodge it in time, and could only wait for the steel pipe to hit his back.

Seeing this, the man in sunglasses laughed loudly, the stick didn't do anything to you just now, now look at the steel pipe in my hand, can you bear it?
Seeing that Xu Shaoye was about to be hit by the steel pipe, Zhao Yingnan couldn't help screaming, and quickly closed her eyes in fear.

Although Xu Shaoye just took that stick forcibly, there was nothing serious about it, but this time it's different, this time it's a solid steel pipe, with all his strength, even if the opponent is an iron man, It can be smashed, not to mention that Xu Shaoye is only a body of flesh and blood!

Zhao Yingnan could almost imagine that after Xu Shaoye was hit by the steel pipe, he was lying on the ground rolling back and forth in pain.

When Zhao Yingnan just closed her eyes, almost at the same time, she heard a "dong" sound, which was the sound of steel pipes hitting her body, and hearing the sound so directed, it was obvious that the man in sunglasses was using I tried my best, I'm afraid Xu Shaoye's bones will be broken this time.

However, after a few seconds passed, everything was quiet, Zhao Yingnan didn't hear Xu Shaoye's screams, and thought, could it be that Xu Shaoye was directly fainted by the other party?Otherwise, how could there be no scream?

Thinking of this, Zhao Yingnan opened her eyes subconsciously, but the scene in front of her made her eyes suddenly tighten, and her pretty face was full of unbelievable colors at this moment!

I saw the man in sunglasses standing behind Xu Shaoye, holding a steel pipe in his hand, still maintaining an attacking posture, but the steel pipe in his hand was bent almost sixty degrees.

As for Xu Shaoye, he was still standing there, as if nothing had happened. At this moment, he twisted his neck, looked back at the man in the sunglasses, and said with a smile, "You and your subordinate, are you still doing this?" Raccoons of the same feather, they all like to use insidious tricks to sneak up on others, but there is one more thing that is the same, the result will be the same for you.”

The man in the sunglasses raised his head and looked at Xu Shaoye. Although the latter was smiling at him, the man in the sunglasses felt unprecedented fear, as if the person standing in front of him was a monster!
At this time, I heard my cold words spit out from Xu Shaoye's lips, which made the man in the sunglasses no longer have any courage to resist, and fell to his knees on the ground with a plop, and the steel pipe in his hand also fell to the ground with a bang. Gululu rolled away.

"Brother! Let me go! I was wrong! I was really wrong! It was because I didn't know Taishan with my eyes that I accidentally offended you, a great god. I beg you, please let me go!" "The man in the sunglasses knelt down on the ground and begged for mercy. At this time, he completely lost the bit of toughness he had before.

What a joke, this person in front of him is so powerful that he beats them all up in less than a minute. If he acts tough again, he will kill himself!

The boy in sunglasses was afraid that Xu Shaoye would not let him go, so he kowtowed while begging for mercy. After all, he didn't want to end up like that guy.

Xu Shaoye glanced at the man in the sunglasses, but he didn't kill them all. At this moment, Zhao Yingnan finally came to his senses. Xu Shaoye's power was completely beyond her expectations, but at the same time, she was also a little angry. Because since this guy is so powerful, let's make a move from the beginning. The gang has been dealt with by Ma Liu soon, why wait until now?It made her so nervous that she almost died of fright.

But fortunately, the matter was finally resolved, and it was a false alarm.

At this time, Zhao Yingnan cheered, ran over quickly, and kicked the man in the sunglasses several times as if venting, cursing: "It's amazing to hold a guy! It's amazing to wear a pair of sunglasses! Tell you to do it again!" Frighten me! Hmph! I kick you, I hit you!"

While talking, Zhao Yingnan punched and kicked the man in the sunglasses, but she was a girl and her strength was not very strong, but she still beat the man in the sunglasses and screamed.

"Okay, I hid so far just now, now I know how to show off my prestige, have you fought enough? If you have fought enough, let's go quickly." Xu Shaoye said at this time.

After Zhao Yingnan kicked the man in the sunglasses on the ass for the last time, she smiled in satisfaction and left behind Xu Shaoye.

The two walked towards the thief who stole the bag before. At this time, the thief saw the mess around him and saw Xu Shaoye walking towards him step by step. He was almost frightened and quickly offered the bag with both hands. Then he also knelt on the ground and apologized again and again.

Xu Shaoye came over and left without stopping. Zhao Yingnan kicked the guy a few times before chasing after him.

The man in sunglasses didn't dare to stand up from the ground until Xu Shaoye and the two had disappeared. He looked in the direction where Xu Shaoye and the two left, and a look of ruthlessness flashed in his eyes. Obviously, he would not leave this matter alone. finished.

The man in the sunglasses scolded the thief: "Are you blind with those dog eyes? You actually robbed that guy's bag! We were beaten up like this."

The thief immediately said innocently: "I snatched this bag from that woman just now, who knew that she knew that man, and what's more, that man was so fierce in fighting, it was like Like a bear."

(End of this chapter)

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