Chapter 161

Chapter 166 An Idle and Painful Life

However, Zhao Yingnan was not very grateful to Xu Shaoye. She got rich through her labor, and after the matter was over, she would take the corresponding reward as promised, and return the rest to that guy.

Thinking about it this way, Zhao Yingnan was not so excited.

Hey, if there are a few million more in this card, I probably can't stand the temptation and run away with the money!
But now that you have money, let’s have a good meal and reward yourself first!By the way, reward that guy Xiaoli.

Thinking of this, Zhao Yingnan patted her belly, and after asking passers-by, she walked to the nearby vegetable market.


After squatting on the ground for a long time, Xu Shaoye finally calmed down, touched his puffed cheeks, and couldn't help muttering: "This guy hits really hard. Fortunately, I was the one who was beaten. If it was someone else, It is estimated that a few teeth have to pop out."

Rubbing his cheeks, Xu Shaoye went to the living room and poured a glass of water.

After not sleeping all night, Xu Shaoye was a little tired, so he pulled down the curtains to block out the dazzling sunlight outside, and then he didn't even bother to take a bath, lay on the sofa, and fell asleep soundly.

This sleep was very sweet, and when I woke up, it was already past three o'clock in the afternoon.

After watching TV boringly for a while, he looked at the empty room, there was no one to talk to, so Xu Shaoye had to wash his face casually, and then went downstairs.

Not long after going downstairs, Xu Shaoye met Wang Dashan and a group of people who were patrolling outside. They were not as comfortable as Xu Shaoye. They had just worked all night last night and had to patrol during the day. They all stared at a pair of panda eyes. The hair is also messy. If you put some powder on your face, it will be a loss.

Seeing Xu Shaoye came out, Wang Dashan took a deep puff of his cigarette to refresh himself, and asked, "Handsome guy, shall we continue tonight?"

Xu Shaoye shook his head, and said: "Last night, we already frightened the snake. It is estimated that he will not appear in the next three days. You should take the time to rest and rest."

Hearing this, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, they are not hardcore, if they stay up all night, it's okay, but if they stay up for three or four nights, no one can bear it.

"Okay, then you guys continue to patrol, I'll go first." After Xu Shaoye greeted everyone, he walked outside.

"Handsome guy, why are you going?" Wang Dashan asked casually.

Xu Shaoye yawned, and then lazily said: "I don't know, I live in such a big house by myself, but I don't even have a person to talk to, and I don't have a job to do, so I just hang out every day, go to the bar Comfort the beautiful young lady who is broken in love, and pass the time like this."

It was said that Wang Dashan and his group were staring at Xu Shaoye's back, all of them had hideous faces, gnashing their teeth, envious and jealous!

Sure enough, people are more annoying than others!

Wang Dashan took another puff of the cigarette, then threw the butt of the cigarette on the ground, stamped it out with the sole of his shoe, and then crushed it twice, saying: "One day I will have to live this kind of idle pain." Day! What are you looking at? Hurry up and go on patrol."


After leaving Fukang Community, Xu Shaoye was in trouble again, because he had no idea where he could go.

I definitely can't go back home, although it's been a while since that incident happened, but it's hard to guarantee that Xiao Hua won't send someone to guard there.

Although Xu Shaoye missed his eldest brother's family very much, and now he has changed his face, but if he appeared at home rashly, it is difficult to guarantee that he will be suspected by interested people, so he has no choice but to give up now.

By the way, why not go to Fu Bo Fu Po's small restaurant to have a look, it has been several days since the last time we met.

With this in mind, Xu Shaoye didn't hesitate, took a taxi by the side of the road, and set off.

Half an hour later, Xu Shaoye got off the car and bought a bottle of good wine on the way to honor Uncle Fu, but when he got to the small restaurant, he found that the door of the small restaurant was closed, obviously not open.

Impossible, Fu Bo and Fu Po are very hardworking, unless something serious happens, it is impossible to suspend business in broad daylight.

At the moment, Xu Shaoye moved closer curiously, and looked inside through the glass on the door.

When he saw the scene inside clearly, Xu Shaoye frowned immediately.

Inside, the tables and chairs were turned upside down, messy everywhere, and all the wine cabinets were broken, and the wine flowed all over the floor.

Everything shows that the small restaurant has experienced a violent baptism not long ago!

Stopping the aunt who thought she just came back from shopping, Xu Shaoye said, "Auntie, why is this small restaurant closed?"

The aunt looked up at Xu Shaoye suspiciously, and said, "Who are you? Why are you asking this?"

Xu Shaoye lied casually and said, "I'm here to deliver the goods. I've already ordered them to be delivered today, but I found out that this place is closed. I can't bring the goods back."

"Oh, so that's the case." The aunt nodded understandingly, and then continued: "But this time, it seems that you really want to bring the goods back."

"Why?" Xu Shaoye asked.

"It seems that you don't know yet. Last night, a group of bastards suddenly rushed in. They smashed up the small restaurant and beat up the elderly couple. Okay, why did this happen all of a sudden? Oh, what a crime." Auntie said regretfully.

Xu Shaoye suppressed the anger that was about to burst out in his heart, and asked again: "Then do you know where they are now?"

The aunt said: "I thought they had no money and couldn't go to a big hospital, so they could only go to a small clinic. Walk along this street to the end, then turn left, and you will arrive at the third one."

Xu Shaoye recognized that small clinic, and thought that when he was a child, he would go to that small clinic whenever he had a cold or fever.

When I was a child, I remembered that the doctor in the clinic was a very kind grandfather with a long white beard and eyes with round lenses. I don’t know if he is still here now.

After Xu Shaoye thanked his aunt, he prepared to leave.

"Hey, young man." At this time, the aunt suddenly stopped Xu Shaoye, and then said earnestly: "If you came to ask them for money, then forget it, they probably don't even have enough money for medical treatment now. If you really If you disagree, Auntie can give you some first, that old couple is also a poor person."

With that said, take some money out of your body!

This aunt took Xu Shaoye as someone who asked for money for delivering food.

Being able to say this, it seems that this aunt is a kind person.

(End of this chapter)

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