Stunning Beauty President's Personal Soldier

Chapter 1485 Zhao Zhong's Reminder

Chapter 1485 Zhao Zhong's Reminder

Chapter 1531 Zhao Zhong's Reminder

On the sea!
The Ice Gu saw that the Vajra Mosquito dodged the cold air it spit out, and knew that it would not be able to kill the Vajra Mosquito with this method alone.

Breathing cold air, he can only suppress and harass King Kong Mosquitoes!
If you want to kill King Kong Mosquito, you have to fight in close quarters and fight bloody King Kong Mosquito.

The Ice Gu shook its wings, and scattered azure blue light spots all over its body. These light spots fell into the sea water and instantly condensed into a piece of ice.

After a while, palm-sized ice cubes floated everywhere on the surface of the sea where the Ice Gu flew over.

The Ice Gu flew to the top of the Vajra Mosquito, watched as the Vajra Mosquito rushed down, stretched out its forelimbs, and grabbed the Vajra Mosquito.

The King Kong Mosquito didn't move slowly, it shifted a little to the left, letting the Ice Gu pass by, and at the same time turned its head sharply, piercing through the back of the Ice Gu with its sharp mouthparts.

Seeing this scene from a distance, Xu Shaoye couldn't help but tremble in his heart!
Sure enough, none of the strange insects in the world are simple!

Xu Shaoye knew how hard the shell of the Ice Gu was. Even with a gun, it couldn't penetrate it, but was pierced by the King Kong Mosquito with its mouthparts and penetrated into the body of the Ice Gu.

The mouthparts of the King Kong mosquito pierced into the body of the Ice Gu, it was nothing, the mouthparts of the King Kong mosquito gradually changed color, a light blue trace entered its stomach along the mouthparts of the King Kong mosquito.

It was actually sucking blood from the Ice Gu, evolving while fighting.

This is where King Kong mosquitoes are powerful.


The Ice Gu was pierced through the back, and the mouth let out an angry and painful cry, and the wings trembled, trying to speed up to get out of the King Kong mosquito's mouthparts.

The Vajra Mosquito is very smart, seeing the Ice Gu speeding up, it vibrates its wings and speeds up instantly, closely following the Ice Gu, continuously sucking the Ice Gu's blood.

Seeing this scene, Xu Shaoye's expression changed.

After all the calculations, I never thought that King Kong Mosquito would have such a skill.

According to the current script, even if the Ice Gu evolves twice, it is just a wedding dress for someone else, and in the end it will be sucked dry by the King Kong mosquito and die.

Underestimate the King Kong mosquito!

The Ice Gu couldn't get rid of the King Kong Mosquito all the time, and kept making terrifying noises from its mouth, and the King Kong Mosquito kept clinging to the Ice Gu, not afraid of sucking its blood.

The strength of the Ice Gu who lost blood slowly declined, and it seemed that everything was going in a bad direction.

"Ha ha!"

Seeing this scene, Morey and Moto laughed out loud, very proud.

No matter how powerful Xu Shaoye's Ice Gu is, so what?
It's not that he suffered under his King Kong mosquito.

"Come on, suck the Ice Gu to death!"

Morey and Moto even shook their arms and yelled back to King Kong Mosquito.

"What should we do now? It seems that Ice Gu is no match for King Kong Mosquito!"

Seeing this scene from Tang Ximing's side, Tang Ximing suppressed the panic in his heart and asked Xu Shaoye.

Xu Shaoye didn't know how to solve this problem!

However, Xu Shaoye was not panicked!

If the Ice Gu is so easily killed by the King Kong Mosquito, then it is not worthy to be one of the strange insects in the world.

"Don't worry, see what you're talking about!"

Xu Shaoye stared at the Ice Gu and Vajra Mosquito on the sea surface.

Another minute or two passed, and the Ice Gu flew a bit slower than before.

When even Xu Shaoye felt that the Ice Gu had no chance of winning, a sudden change occurred.

King Kong Mosquito's body paused, its wings shook twice, and it pulled its mouthparts back from the Ice Gu.

Seeing this scene, everyone was a little puzzled.

If King Kong Mosquito has been sucking ice Gu, it will definitely suck the ice Gu to death, why did it stop suddenly?
"Stupid! Stupid!"

Mo Lei and Mo Tuo yelled, wishing they could rush forward, take the mouthparts of the King Kong mosquito, and plunge them into the body of the Ice Gu with their own hands.

King Kong Mosquito pulled out its mouthparts from the Ice Gu, turned around and wanted to run away.

But the King Kong Mosquito's flying movements are quite weird, as if it's drunk too much, not only flying wobbly, but also seems to fall from the sky at any time.

"This is how the same thing?"

People couldn't understand it.

Xu Shaoye's eyes lit up, he could see it.

The King Kong Mosquito took advantage of the Ice Gu, if the mouthparts were stuck in the Ice Gu's body, the Ice Gu might be sucked to death by it.

But everyone has forgotten a characteristic of ice Gu.

The name of Ice Gu has a word of cold, which shows how low its body temperature is, not to mention its blood.

The King Kong Mosquito sucked so much blood from the Ice Gu, if it wasn't for it, it would be a strange insect, and the blood sucked into its stomach would have been frozen into ice cubes.

Although King Kong Mosquito wasn't frozen into ice, he didn't feel well either.

It takes a while to digest the blood of the Ice Gu!
The Ice Gu spun around in idling, and azure blue blood was flung out of the hole pierced on the back by the Vajra Mosquito, falling into the sea, and instantly froze into a layer of ice.

The Ice Gu shook its wings, chasing after the King Kong Mosquito angrily!
The King Kong Mosquito's speed was greatly reduced at this time, it was no match for the Ice Gu at all, and was overtaken by the Ice Gu in an instant.

Although the Ice Gu was sucked a lot of blood by the King Kong Mosquito, the Ice Gu that has evolved twice is still much stronger than the King Kong Mosquito.

Moreover, the King Kong mosquito sucked too much Ice Gu blood, although it was not frozen, but the extremely cold blood made its actions and reactions extremely slow.


The Ice Gu pounced on the King Kong Mosquito, and bit off one of the King Kong Mosquito's legs with one bite, the black blood dripped down, and a large number of fish in the sea turned their bellies in a short time.

It can be seen how poisonous the blood in the King Kong mosquito is!
Biting off the King Kong mosquito's leg with one bite, the Ice Gu didn't stop, and continued chasing the King Kong mosquito bite!

The Diamond Mosquito tried its best to dodge, but it was no longer the opponent of the Ice Gu. In a short time, the Ice Gu bit off all its legs and swallowed it in its stomach.

"damn it!"

Morey and Moto cursed.

He didn't care about King Kong Mosquito at all, but he knew that after King Kong Mosquito's death, their small island base would be destroyed.


The Ice Gu took another bite, this time biting off the King Kong Mosquito's breath.

At this point, the Vajra Mosquito had no more power to resist, and was chased and bitten by the Ice Gu, and soon the Vajra Mosquito was dying, not far from death.

Tang Ximing and the soldiers cheered.

But Xu Shaoye's face became serious.

King Kong Mosquito was about to be defeated, but Qingmu Chan hadn't delivered it yet.

After the Ice Gu devoured the King Kong Mosquito and evolved, Qingmu Chan wondered if he could awaken the Ice Gu that was evolving.

At this moment, Xu Shaoye's phone rang. Xu Shaoye saw that it was Zhao Zhong calling.

"Xu Shaoye, you have to be careful. I just found out from an ancient book that after three times of evolution, the strange insects of heaven and earth want to evolve for the last time. In addition to devouring the same strange insects of heaven and earth, it is also possible that the owner of this backlash will also get The last evolution."

Zhao Zhong's voice came.

(End of this chapter)

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