Chapter 1356 In Treatment

Chapter 1401 In Treatment

"The water temperature is almost there!"

In front of the cauldron, Mr. Li has been paying attention to the changes in the water temperature. From time to time, he reaches out and puts his hand in the water to test the temperature of the water. When the water temperature reaches fifty or sixty degrees, he says to Xu Shaoye.

"Thank you, Mr. Li, now let's go and get the old squad leader out!"

Xu Shaoye nodded and said to Mr. Li.

"Come here, come and help!"

Mr. Li beckoned to the guards next to him, asking them to come over and help.

Xu Shaoye and Mr. Li walked into the house, Mr. Huang and the policeman Li followed, and the foreign doctors followed behind. The hut was packed to the brim, and there was no place to set foot.

"There are too many people, go out and get some people!"

Seeing so many people, Xu Shaoye frowned slightly.

There are too many people here, and all the instruments on the old squad leader will be unplugged in a while, and the old squad leader needs to be carried out and put into the cauldron as quickly as possible.

With so many people now, it will definitely get in the way.

"Please go out first, please!"

Mr. Li also knows that there are too many people here. If you miss a little time, it will cause irreversible damage to the old squad leader. He asked the guards to go out first. There are not so many people, and then he went to the foreign doctors and let these foreign doctors go out.

"Please let us stay here, we want to see what this little doctor does."

The foreign doctor said, it sounded nice, but everyone knew that they were waiting to see Xu Shaoye's jokes.

"No!" Mr. Li refused without even thinking about it: "I want to take a look outside, the place outside is big, anyway, we are going to take the old squad leader out soon."

"It's unethical of you to do so."

Of course the foreign doctors didn't want to go out, they saw Xu Shaoye's joke immediately and protested to Mr. Li.

"This is the country of Hua, we are the hosts, and you are the guests. Now as the hosts, we want to invite you out, you'd better cooperate, otherwise don't blame me for calling the guards to invite you out!"

Mr. Li snorted softly, he had long been displeased with these foreigners, and everywhere felt that he was number one in the world and no one could compare to them.

If it weren't for the long study time of Chinese medicine, Western medicine may not be able to stabilize Chinese medicine.

Now Western medicine looks down on Chinese medicine everywhere, which makes Mr. Li very annoyed, but there is nothing he can do.

Now with Xu Shaoye, he can finally feel proud.

The expressions of these foreign doctors changed, and they moved their mouths, trying to say something, but when they saw the guards who were preparing to act, they walked out without saying anything.

However, they are very dissatisfied!
They didn't believe that Xu Shaoye could cure diseases by boiling people in a cauldron, not to mention whether he could cure diseases. The old squad leader now relies on medical equipment to maintain his life. Even so, it's just a few days.

As long as the instrument is unplugged from the old squad leader, the old squad leader will definitely die within a short time.

They wanted to see how Xu Shaoye could keep the old squad leader alive and put him in the cauldron.

The foreign doctor was very angry and walked out of the house.

Xu Shaoye knew that these foreign doctors wanted to see his jokes, but Xu Shaoye would definitely not let them do what they wanted.

Walking to the side of the old squad leader, he took out a elixir from his arms, and instantly the room was filled with a scent of fragrance, which shook people's spirits.

Xu Shaoye opened the old squad leader's mouth and put the elixir in, which was used to hang the old squad leader's life, and at the same time moisten the old squad leader's exhausted body.

Xu Shaoye took out the gold needle and pierced it directly into the old squad leader's Tianling Gai.

"My God! He's murder!"

Although the foreign doctor was kicked out, he still stood not far from the door and watched. Seeing Xu Shaoye stabbing the old squad leader's Tianling Gai with a gold needle of at least ten centimeters, he couldn't help screaming.

The human brain is the most mysterious thing. Even if Western medicine intensively studies the human body, it seems that the grasp of the human brain is less than [-] to [-]%.

And Xu Shaoye, without any ability to see the inside of the old squad leader's brain, just injected the needle without looking at it, which frightened the doctors.

"Shut them up!"

Xu Shaoye said impatiently.

He needs to concentrate all his attention now, and he can't be distracted. The foreign doctor's cry distracted Xu Shaoye's attention a little.

Huang Lao glared, and immediately the guards went up to tell these foreign doctors to shut up.

If Xu Shaoye was distracted by these foreign doctors, Mr. Huang would probably kill someone.

This is not a joke.

Seeing the guards coming up, these foreign doctors also knew that this was not a place where they could run wild, so they immediately shut up and covered their mouths, not daring to make a sound.

Xu Shaoye shot again, pinched a few gold needles in each hand, waved his hands, as fast as lightning, and pulled out afterimages in the air.

Foreign doctors almost stared out of their eyes!
What is this for?
Do magic tricks!

Xu Shaoye inserted golden needles into the old squad leader's more than a dozen heavy and large acupoints, then flicked the tail of the needle, injected strength into them, and connected them together to form a field that stimulated the old squad leader's body and stimulated the old squad leader's body. potential and vitality.

The potential and vitality in the old squad leader's body are running out, Xu Shaoye only needs the old squad leader to not die before he is blamed.

As long as the pot is off, everything is easy to say.

Xu Shaoye was sweating all over his body, and his clothes were completely soaked in less than a minute.

There was a feeling of emptiness in the body, and I couldn't stop taking a step back.

"Doctor Xiao Xu, are you okay?"

Mr. Li stood behind Xu Shaoye, saw Xu Shaoye took a step back, and immediately walked over, supported Xu Shaoye, and asked with concern.


Xu Shaoye shook his head, reached out and also took out a pill from his bosom and swallowed it.

His elixir is used to quickly restore the body and strength in the body.

"You carry the old squad leader out, be careful, I'll be there soon."

Xu Shaoye said to Mr. Li, then closed his eyes and sat down cross-legged, allowing the elixir he had just taken to dissipate the effect as quickly as possible, replenishing his lost physical strength and strength.

"Come here!"

Huang Lao said to the guards standing at the door, and asked them to carry the old squad leader out.

"be careful."

Huang Lao stared nervously, and told the guards.

Seeing the old squad leader being lifted up by the sheriff, the foreign doctors waited eagerly.

As doctors, these foreign doctors certainly noticed that the condition of the old squad leader was better than when the equipment was inserted on his body just now.

"how can that be?"

These foreign doctors cannot be trusted.

But their eyes cannot be deceiving.

In other words, they can deceive others, but their eyes are on themselves. They are all doctors, so they naturally know that the situation of the old squad leader is much better than before.

These foreign doctors wanted to know how Xu Shaoye did it.

(End of this chapter)

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