Stunning Beauty President's Personal Soldier

Chapter 128 It Should Be My Martial Uncle

Chapter 128 It Should Be My Martial Uncle

Chapter 133 It Should Be My Martial Uncle

At this time, the old monk took off his monk's robe, shook his hand, and shot out those silver needles one after another, stabbing towards the servants like a silver drizzle.


The silver drizzle blew past, and those servants fell to the ground one after another, and they were all dead.

Some of them died simply and neatly, and their heads were directly pierced by silver needles, while others died so horribly that their eyes, nose, and mouth were all pierced with silver needles.

The silver needle that was able to cure diseases and save lives just now has turned into the scythe of death in the blink of an eye. Harvesting life is as easy as cutting leeks.

The bloody scene made many people vomit and vomit non-stop.

This moment made Long Xingtian even more convinced that this old guy is definitely not a serious monk!More like a Grim Reaper without long hair!

The old monk bypassed the corpses and walked towards the rich man step by step.

The rich man's legs gave way, and then he knelt directly on the ground, and began to ask the old monk to beg for mercy, and told the kindness of his dead father to the old monk.

Only then did Fu Hao realize what kind of terrifying person he had provoked!
The old monk stopped and said coldly: "I said to save you for two years, but I will let you live for two years. You should cherish the remaining days."

After all, as soon as the sole of the foot stomped on the ground, there was a thud, and the old monk stamped a big hole in the ground, and the old monk jumped up from the ground, jumped out of the wall as if flying, and disappeared.

In the days that followed, instead of feeling his body becoming weaker, the rich man became stronger day by day, full of energy, and full of inexhaustible strength.

This made the rich man gradually forget what happened back then, thinking that he could only live for two years, and that the old monk was deliberately scaring him. Now that he has such a strong body, he can not only live for two years, but also live for another 20 years, 200 years. Years are no problem!
Because Long Xingtian has always kept the old monk's words in mind, he has been paying attention to the rich man's physical condition, but seeing the rich man's lively appearance every day, he also began to doubt whether what the old monk said that day was true or not .

After all, how can the rich man's father also save the old monk's life, the old monk should not kill them all, and let the rich man live for two years.

It's just that Long Xingtian has to admit that it is indeed a disaster for the rich to continue to live. Since he recovered from his illness, the rich have not only not restrained themselves, but even worsened, causing many people to complain.

One day, in the corridor of the hospital, Long Xingtian suddenly encountered several doctors pushing a stretcher and hurriedly walking towards the operating room. Seeing the nervousness of the doctors, it was obvious that the patient's life was already in danger, and before the stretcher was pushed In the operating room, one of the doctors suddenly said in a deep voice: "The patient is dead, please go to cremation."

Long Xingtianxia consciously felt sorry for the patient, but he was a little angry because the patient had to be cremated right after he died. What kind of reasoning is this?So I went to the doctor to find out.

The doctor said helplessly: "Dean Long, you can see for yourself." After finishing speaking, he lifted the stretcher's white cloth.

Immediately, a stench came over his face, causing Long Xingtian to wrinkle his nose and look down.

Long Xingtian has been a doctor for so many years, what disgusting scene has he not seen?But when he saw the tragedy of the patient's death, he felt nausea and vomiting again after more than ten years.

The patient's body was covered with acne, and the yellow-brown pus was still flowing out, and the flesh on his body was rotten. In some places, the bones inside could even be seen, but the bones were also black and rotten, like Like rusty iron.

The doctor said at the side before: "I suspect that the patient is infected with the virus, and he has no family members, so I want to be cremated immediately."

Long Xingtian didn't speak, but fixed his eyes on that person, because he suddenly found that this person looked familiar, but he couldn't be sure for a while, so he asked immediately: "Do you know the identity of this person?"

"Da Fuhao Zhang in this city is the one who got terminally ill two years ago, but he didn't know why he recovered. You showed him at that time. He didn't have any health problems this morning, and he even made a few appointments. The young model was playing on a yacht in the sea. At noon, he suddenly felt sick and wanted to vomit, so he went back to rest. Until about three o'clock, the servants suddenly smelled a very rancid smell from his room, and knocked on him several times. The door couldn't even be opened, so they felt something was wrong, and quickly asked someone to knock him open, and then they saw the rich man turned into this."

The doctor continued to worry and said: "Dean, I have never heard that a normal person will do this a few hours after the onset of the disease. Do you think he is infected with a new type of virus? Do you think we should Report it to the country as soon as possible, after all, this is not a child's play..."

As for what the doctor said next, Long Xingtian couldn't listen at all, and the scene from that year reappeared in his mind.

two years...

The old monk did what he said, and he only let the rich man live for two years.

Later, Long Xingtian learned that before the rich man died, he had indeed added a queen to his family. It was a child born to a second-tier female celebrity. It was unclear whether it was a boy or a girl.

After the second-tier female star learned that the rich man had died, she was quite happy, thinking that she could inherit their family property with this child, but whoever reported the crimes that the rich man had committed over the years, the court ruled that all the rich man's family property should be confiscated. confiscated.

But the second-tier female star changed the subject and firmly refused to admit that the child was hers. Later, I heard that the child was adopted by a monk and taken to the mountain.

Long Xingtian always felt that this monk was the old monk from back then.

After the story was told, Long Xingtian sighed: "Chinese medicine is profound and profound. It can save lives, but it can also kill people. In the eyes of Western medicine, it is a terminal disease, but it is easily handled by the old monk. He also said how long you can live. As long as you are allowed to live, this order is beyond the reach of Western medicine. Since then, it has been more than half a century, and it is the first time I have known real Chinese medicine!"

Xu Shaoye drank a glass of water, slowly pulled his thoughts out of the story, and said with a smile: "Hua Guo is indeed Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, but if I guess correctly, the old monk that Dean Long talked about, It should be my uncle."

After Long Xingyun finished telling the story, Xu Shaoye knew who the old monk he was talking about was.

Although he has never met his uncle, he has heard about this uncle from his master.

A monk with such medical skills is only his own uncle.

(End of this chapter)

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