Chapter 117

Chapter 122

"Wow! It hurts!"

Xu Shaoye was caught off guard, and was bitten by Zhao Yingnan on the neck. The severe pain from the neck immediately made Xu Shaoye scream in pain.

"Ugly woman, who do you want? Let me go!"

"Woooo!" Zhao Yingnan not only did not let go, but bit harder, as if to vent all the grievances she had received before, and there were two whimpers in her mouth, which sounded like two words—— "No!"

"Depend on!"

Xu Shaoye yelled, he is not strong, if he is bitten by this woman again, I am afraid that he is really going to die, now Xu Shaoye no longer just waited for death, he stretched out his hand and grabbed Zhao Yingnan's body, and then grabbed it hard!
It's very soft, like tofu talking about sex again!


That pair of noisy big hands covered the area in front of her body. Immediately, Zhao Yingnan groaned softly, and her big eyes became a little dazed at the moment. After reacting, she quickly jumped off Xu Shaoye's body, Covering his chest with his hands, he cursed angrily: "You are shameless! You rascal! You deserve to die!"

Xu Shaoye also got up from the ground, he felt a little wet on his neck, he stretched out his hand to wipe it, it turned out to be blood!

Xu Shaoye was a little annoyed that this bite made him bleed.

But fortunately, the wound was not deep, and it didn't hurt the main artery, so it was bleeding from the bite. It can be seen that the little girl used so much force just now, Xu Shaoye also said coldly: "You came here early in the morning My family made trouble, and then even wanted to bite me to death, I was just fighting back normally!"

Hearing what Xu Shaoye said, Zhao Yingnan became more and more aggrieved. He originally came to seek justice and reason, but in the end, not only was his body seen by this bastard, he even touched his own place!
Especially now, to say such a thing, it's just a slap in the face!

Zhao Yingnan is still a strong girl. No matter how wronged she is by others, she will grit her teeth and try her best to bear it. But now, the wrongedness she has suffered has exceeded the limit she can bear. With tears and red eyes, he said, "I'm not blaming you. I waited at your door for more than three hours last night. The 100 yuan you gave me is the compensation I deserve. I will accept it." You also have a clear conscience. I thought this matter was over, but why did you give me a bad review and play tricks behind my back?"

"Bad review? What bad review? When did I give you a bad review?"

Xu Shaoye didn't think about such a thing at all, he was a little confused!

This is nothing at all!

Seeing that Zhao Yingnan, who was still domineering and domineering, was crying at this moment, Xu Shaoye suddenly became a little flustered, thinking that he might have scratched her just now, right?But that's completely self-defense, and there's nowhere else to catch it except there.

And obviously she was the one who came to find fault first, at this moment she suddenly started crying again, what's going on?
Hearing what Zhao Yingnan said at this time, Xu Shaoye was completely at a loss.

Bad review?When did I give her a bad review?Is it time to sleepwalk?But you don't sleepwalk, do you?
But the only thing that is certain is that this bad review was definitely not left by me, because I made her wait at the door for more than three hours last night. What about bad reviews?
There must be something wrong.

At this time, seeing Xu Shaoye scratching his head and looking confused, Zhao Yingnan was even more angry. In order to prove himself, he took out his mobile phone and held it up to Xu Shaoye's face, angrily said: "How dare you say that this bad review is not yours!" Called? Didn’t you write this vicious message? The name on it is clearly yours, and the address is clearly written, 12, Unit 4, Building 707, Fukang Community.”

Xu Shaoye looked up, and was taken aback for a moment. On the phone screen, the messages and bad reviews on it clearly showed that they came from his account.

At this time, Zhao Yingnan said aggrievedly: "It's because of your bad review and such vicious comments. This month's bonus must be gone. I don't think you can live in such a big house at such a young age. I live a life without worrying about food and clothing. I come from a rural area, and my parents are seriously ill. Not only do I have to work to earn all the expenses for going to school, but I also have to remit a sum of money to my family every month. Do you know this? This bonus is my living expenses for the next month? Because of you, I can only eat steamed buns every day for the next month!"

Hearing this, Xu Shaoye felt even more guilty. He never thought that this guy had such a heavy burden on his shoulders!
Although this matter does not concern him at all, it somehow has something to do with him.

Suddenly, Xu Shaoye had a flash of inspiration, and in his mind, the picture of that kid Wang Dashan hiding in the toilet secretly with his mobile phone last night appeared.

And I still remember that when the kid came out of the toilet, there was still a smirk on the corner of his mouth...

This bastard was right, he was the only one who touched his phone last night!

After figuring everything out, Xu Shaoye hurriedly stepped forward and said apologetically, "Girl, although this matter has nothing to do with me, but it seems to have something to do with me, so I'll lose money, How much is your bonus this month? I'll pay you twice, no, three times, it's okay!"

Zhao Yingnan pushed Xu Shaoye away, looked at Xu Shaoye coldly, and said, "Are you playing dirty tricks behind my back after losing money? How dare I ask for it! You have money, and you have a lot of time to give it to me every day." I play, I can't exhaust you, I just beg you to let me go, okay? Don't disturb my life again in the future!"

After finishing speaking, Zhao Yingnan turned and walked towards the door.

"Hey! It's really not my fault, and I really want to lose money, don't you think about it?" Xu Shaoye chased after him.

Zhao Yingnan ignored it, slammed the door shut and left.

Xu Shaoye hesitated for a moment, but did not catch up, thinking that he knew that the girl must hate him to death now, even if he chased him, it would be useless.

While thinking this way, the door suddenly opened again, and Zhao Yingnan walked in with a flushed face.

"Huh? Have you figured it out? Believe me?" Seeing Zhao Yingnan go and come back, Xu Shaoye said in surprise.

Zhao Yingnan tugged at the t-shirt with few pieces of fabric left, and stammered: "Why should I trust you? But... I can't go out right now, can you lend me a piece of clothing?"

(End of this chapter)

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