Stunning Beauty President's Personal Soldier

Chapter 1088 Mother Xu's Pig's Feet Soup

Chapter 1088 Mother Xu's Pig's Feet Soup
Chapter 1123 Mother Xu's Pig's Feet Soup
Moreover, he had done some embarrassing things with Xu Shaoye in the office before, so Bai Muyun also gave it up completely, and sat beside Xu's mother with a blushing face, lowering his head and yelling.



The sound of "Mom" made Xu's mother smile suddenly, and she burst into laughter. She looked left and right at the white curtain cloud, and she liked it very much.

Bai Muyun was even more shy when looked at by Xu's mother. If there was a crack in the ground, she would definitely slip in.

"Concubine Xiao is already there, so you have to work harder to get pregnant in the morning. While I am young, I can help you take care of the children. Anyway, I can take care of one, and I can also take care of two!"

Xu's mother pulled the white curtain cloud and said.

"And you too, hurry up."

Xu's mother's words made all the girls blush, and the resentment in their hearts just now disappeared under Xu's mother's words.

"Mom, have you eaten yet?"

Bai Muyun had already let go, also known as Shunkou, and opened his mouth to say "Mom", which made Xu's mother very happy.

"I've eaten, I've eaten, you don't have to worry about it!"

Mother Xu said with a smile.

Mother Xu swept over the girls with a smile, opened her mouth and said, "Mu Yun, you will accompany my silly son tonight, and you will get pregnant earlier."

Bai Muyun was so ashamed that he didn't know what to say.

Is it okay to say something like this on this occasion?

Even if you want to say it, shouldn't you say it to yourself in private?

Mother Xu didn't care about this, after she finished speaking to Bai Muyun, she looked at the girls and said, "From now on, you will take turns to come here every night, trying to get pregnant as soon as possible."

"Mom, I'm tired today, I'm going back to my room to rest first!"

Bai Muyun was the first to be overwhelmed, stood up, left a word, and ran back to his room in shame.

When all the girls saw that the white curtain cloud had left, they could still stay there, and went back to their rooms with excuses one by one, only Concubine Yi Xiao was left.

It's not that Yi Xiaofei doesn't want to leave, it's because Mother Xu has been holding her hand, she wants to leave, but she can't.

Ji Shaoye looked at all the girls who disappeared in an instant, couldn't help but smile bitterly, looked at his mother and called out: "Mom!"

"Mom, this is for your own good!" Mother Xu looked at Xu Shaoye with a serious face: "There are too many women around you, so cook raw rice as soon as possible, lest they change their minds and fall in love with others."

Hearing what his mother said, what else could Xu Shaoye say, he could only sigh and keep silent.

"Mom, I'm going back to my room too."

Concubine Yi Xiao who stayed here was also very embarrassed, maybe Xu's mother felt that she was pregnant, and said these words in front of her face.

Concubine Yi Xiao couldn't sit still when she heard these words, she endured the embarrassment and stood up.

"it is good!"

Xu's mother nodded, looked at Xu Shaoye who was still in a daze, and was furious, and said: "What are you doing in a daze, you silly boy, didn't you see that Concubine Xiao was going back to her room? Hurry up and help her."

"I can tell you, if anything happens to the child in Concubine Xiao's belly, you will get the hell out of the house."

Xu Shaoye was quite speechless, did he fall out of favor?
Xu Shaoye didn't dare to reply, he walked up and supported Concubine Yi Xiaoye.

"No need, I haven't reached the point where I need someone to serve me."

Concubine Yi Xiao felt awkward, and said to Xu Shaoye dumbfounded.

"You'd better let me support you honestly, and just take it as a favor for me, otherwise my mother will definitely not give up on this."

Xu Shaoye whispered to Yi Xiaofei.

Hearing Xu Shaoye's words, Yi Xiaofei also felt quite a headache.

She knew Xu's mother was doing it for her own good, but it was a bit too much, and Concubine Yi Xiao was not used to it.

"Let's go, I'll help you back to the house."

Xu Shaoye supported Yi Xiaofei to the second floor and back to her room.

Back in the room, Concubine Yi Xiao hurriedly asked Xu Shaoye to let go of herself. During the time when she just went upstairs, it was really hard for Concubine Yi to die.

"Small career!"

Yi Xiaofei just sat on the side of the bed when she opened her mouth to call Xu Shaoye, and there was a knock on the door.

Xu Shaoye walked over to open the door, saw his mother standing at the door, was taken aback for a moment, and said, "Mom, what's wrong?"

Mother Xu ignored Xu Shaoye and walked in from Xu Shaoye, holding a lunch box in her hand, and walked in front of Concubine Yi Xiaoye.

"Concubine Xiao, I personally stewed the pig's feet, it's very milky!"

As Xu's mother spoke, she opened the lunch box, revealing the stewed pig's feet inside.

An unpleasant smell wafted out, smelling this smell, Yi Xiaofei couldn't help but feel nauseous again, she rushed off the bed and rushed to the bathroom.

"Mom, what are you doing? Why does it smell so bad?"

Xu Shaoye glanced at it. The hot pig's feet in the lunch box were definitely not good in color and fragrance. The pig's feet had been completely stewed, with a layer of lard floating on them.

Most importantly, Xu Shaoye could tell that the pig's feet had no salt at all, no wonder the smell was so bad.

"Why don't you put salt in your stewed pig's feet?"

Xu Shaoye asked.

"What do you know, when you are a mother for the first time, in order to produce milk, you can't put salt in the pig's feet, you can only stew them in clear water."

Xu's mother glared at Xu Shaoye, then took out a small bowl from the lunch box, poured out a small bowl, put it on the table, and let Yi Xiaofei drink it when she came out of the bathroom.

Concubine Yi Xiao vomited up everything she ate for dinner in the bathroom, and her face turned pale when she heard Mother Xu's words.

She wanted to stay in the bathroom all the time, but after she stayed for a long time, Mother Xu came to the bathroom worriedly and looked at Yi Xiaofei with concern.

"Xiaofei, are you alright?"

"It's okay, I'm okay!"

Concubine Yi forced a smile on her face, remembering that she was going to drink the stewed pig's feet in a while, and Concubine Yi wanted to cry.

"You still said it's okay, look at your face is pale."

Xu's mother went over to help Yi Xiaofei out of the bathroom.

Concubine Yi wanted to yell for help at this time, to let Xu's mother let her go, and not to let herself drink this bowl of pig's foot soup.

"Come on, Concubine Xiao, drink up this pig's knuckle soup, it's good for you!"

Mother Xu picked up the pig's knuckle soup on the table and handed it to Concubine Yi.

Concubine Yi Xiao looked at the whitish and smelly pig's foot soup in the bowl, but she didn't take it, her whole body was refusing it.

Yi Xiaofei looked at Xu Shaoye as if asking for help.

Xu Shaoye hurried up, pig's knuckle soup is indeed useful for pregnant women, but now Yi Xiaofei is just pregnant, it's too early for Yi Xiaofei to drink pig's knuckle soup.

"Mom, what are you doing!" Xu Shaoye stepped forward, took the pig's knuckle soup from his mother, put it aside, and said, "Concubine Xiao is just pregnant, and she's still sick, why don't you serve this pig's knuckle soup Come here, don't you think she's not hurting her enough?"

"Mom, I'm a doctor, you have to trust me!"

Seeing what his mother wanted to say, Xu Shaoye said before him.

Only then did Xu's mother realize that her son has abilities that others don't.

(End of this chapter)

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