Chapter 1059
Chapter 93 Ask for help
Shi Rufei drove the car and rushed to the airport as fast as possible.

Inside the airport, there was already a military helicopter waiting. Seeing Shi Rufei rushing in, the helicopter pilot immediately started the plane.

"Mr. Xu, please get on the plane!"

Shi Rufei jumped out of the car and said to Xu Shaoye.

Xu Shaoye also jumped out of the car and boarded the helicopter.

The military helicopter took off and flew into the distance. After flying for half an hour, the military helicopter landed in a big mountain.

Xu Shaoye jumped out of the plane, and now it seems that this is a lush mountain with no abnormalities.

"Mr. Xu, please come with me!"

Shi Rufei jumped off the helicopter and led the way.

Xu Shaoye followed.

Shi Rufei came to the mountain, took down a rock from above, exposed an electronic screen, stood in front of the electronic screen and scanned his eyes.


The mountain shook, and a door opened on the mountain, revealing the passage inside.

Shi Rufei walked in first.

Going all the way to the innermost part, there is a quiet room where Tang Ximing and Qiu Tianci are all there.

"Brother Xu, you are here!"

Tang Ximing breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Xu Shaoye.


Xu Shaoye nodded slightly, scanned the situation in the quiet room, and asked, "What's going on?"

There is a bed in the quiet room, and a person is lying on the bed, unconscious and swollen all over.

"Brother Xu, this is one of our colleagues who was poisoned during the mission. We tried our best to treat it, but it didn't help at all, so I want you to see if there is any way." Tang Ximing looked hopeful Looking at Xu Shaoye, he said: "Brother Xu, you must find a way to save him, he is too important to us!"

"I dare not guarantee that I will be able to survive him, let me see first!"

Xu Shaoye didn't finish his words. Although he has high medical skills, there must have been many doctors and experts before him.

Xu Shaoye walked over and glanced at the man lying on the bed with swollen body.

This is no longer as simple as simple poisoning.

This person was also irradiated by radioactive substances, so his whole body was swollen.

Xu Shaoye carefully checked this person's condition, then raised his head and shook his head at Tang Ximing, saying, "I can't save this person either."

"Brother Xu, you have to save him no matter what." Tang Ximing became anxious when he heard this, and said, "This person is too important to our country!"

"I've tried my best!" Xu Shaoye shook his head. It's not that he didn't want to save him, but he really couldn't save him. He looked at Tang Ximing and said, "If you want to know something, I can temporarily wake him up for about 10 minutes."

"Is there really no way?"

Tang Ximing still asked without giving up.

"There is really no other way!"

Xu Shaoye replied affirmatively.

"Okay then, let this comrade come to his senses."

Tang Ximing nodded reluctantly, with tears in his eyes.

These are good comrades of the country, and every loss of one is a huge loss to the country.


Xu Shaoye nodded, took out his golden needle, and stabbed it from the top of the swollen man's head, and then stabbed it under his neck again.

This needle below the neck is to cut off the neurons below the neck of the man, rendering him insensible.

Otherwise, even if he woke up, he would be unable to speak out due to the severe pain, let alone get any news from him.

Xu Shaoye continued to prick the man's head with needles, almost covering his head with golden needles. From a distance, he looked like a golden hedgehog.

Xu Shaoye's hands were full of energy, and he slapped down suddenly, hitting this person's back.


This person spit out a lot of dirt, which was extremely stenchy.

Xu Shaoye had a quick eye, grabbed the transparent cover next to him, and covered the dirt.

This piece of dirt is the irradiated blood in this person's body, and it is highly radioactive. If it is not covered, it will also harm them.


The person stimulated by Xu Shaoye let out a long breath, struggled a few times with his eyelids, and slowly opened them.

"Comrade Xia Feng!"

Tang Ximing took a step forward, stood in front of Xia Feng, and looked down at him.

Xia Feng's mind was still in chaos, he didn't know where he was, and looked around in a daze, even Tang Ximing didn't recognize it immediately.

Tang Ximing was in a hurry, but he didn't urge him any more.

After a while, Xia Feng finally came to his senses and recognized Tang Ximing.


Xia Feng called out.

Although Tang Ximing is not very old, he is a red seedling. Before that, he went abroad to hang out with Xu Shaoye and made great contributions.

So Tang Ximing's military rank is not low, and he deserves the title of officer.

"Xia Feng, I'm really sorry, your injury is too serious, we have exhausted all methods, but there is no way to save you."

Tang Ximing looked at Xia Feng and said deeply.

"Sir, I am aware of my own injuries. I never thought that I would survive until now, let alone have a clear consciousness to see the officer."

Xia Feng said with a nonchalant smile.

Tang Ximing looked sad and did not speak.

"By the way, sir, you have to send someone to rescue our scientists quickly, otherwise they will be really dangerous!"

Xia Feng's face suddenly changed, and he remembered something.

When Xu Shaoye heard Xia Feng's words, he immediately stood up and walked outside.

The next words already involved state secrets, so it was not something Xu Shaoye could listen to, and Xu Shaoye didn't want to get involved.

Xu Shaoye walked out along the passage, smoked a cigarette outside, and puffed.

Before Xu Shaoye finished his cigarette, Shi Rufei walked out and said to Xu Shaoye, "Mr. Xu, let me send you away."

Xu Shaoye followed Shi Rufei silently and boarded the helicopter.

The helicopter sent Xu Shaoye back to the airport in Seoul, Xu Shaoye jumped off from above and walked outside.

"Mr. Xu!"

Shi Rufei suddenly shouted from behind.

"what's up?"

Xu Shaoye turned his head and looked at Shi Rufei.

"never mind!"

Shi Rufei opened his mouth and swallowed back what he wanted to say.

Xu Shaoye didn't care, he turned around and continued walking forward.

Xu Shaoye had more or less guessed what Shi Rufei was going to say.

Xu Shaoye didn't want to get involved, and the officials would not use their own strength until the last resort.

Xu Shaoye, who came out of the airport, took a taxi and returned to Xiangtian Group.

(End of this chapter)

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