Chapter 1051 Witness
Chapter 84 Witness
After reading the file, the judge closed the file, then picked up the wooden hammer and hit it, saying: "Bring the suspect."

Xu Shaoye was brought up with shackles on his hands and feet!

"Small career!"

Seeing Xu Shaoye, Bai Muyun stood up, with tears in his eyes, and called out.

Xu Shaoye smiled at Bai Muyun and nodded slightly.



Hearing Xu Shaoye say it's all right, Ma Lun and Chester snorted softly, and said eccentrically, "Is it really all right? I'll let you know if there's anything wrong after the trial!"

Xu Shaoye turned his head to look at Mullen and Chester, and grinned.

Seeing Xu Shaoye's smile, Mullen and Chester suddenly felt a thump in their hearts, feeling a strong sense of uneasiness.

Mullen and Chester shook to get rid of the uneasiness.

However, it was of no use, on the contrary, this sense of anxiety aggravated a lot.

Xu Shaoye was escorted to the hearing booth by the police officers. The judge glanced at Xu Shaoye and asked, "Xu Shaoye, the police officers in our country accused you of murder. Can you plead guilty?"


Xu Shaoye smiled, raised his head, and looked at the judge.

The judge was not surprised, and said: "Whether you plead guilty or not, all the evidence now points to you. Even if you don't plead guilty, it doesn't mean you didn't kill someone."

"You can ask a lawyer to represent you, and if you don't have a lawyer, our court can appoint one for you."

"No need! I have my own lawyer!"

Xu Shaoye said, and then looked at the white curtain cloud.

Bai Muyun panicked all of a sudden, Xu Shaoye looked at her, and must have wanted Brandon and Duke she invited to be his lawyers.

But Bai Muyun has been at Mirabella's house for the past two days, never going out at all, and has never contacted Brandon or Duke.

Bai Muyun immediately took out his mobile phone and called Brandon and Duke.

There was a ring and it was hung up immediately.

Bai Muyun was about to cry!
When Bai Muyun was in a hurry, Brandon and Duke stood up from behind her and said, "Miss Bai."

"Mr. Brandon, you are here too!"

Bai Muyun was overjoyed, looked at Brandon and Duke and said.

"Mr. Brandon, I wish you."

"I know what Miss Bai means, don't worry!"

Brandon and Duke said with a smile, walked down from the hearing bench, raised their hands, and said, "Your Honor, I am Mr. Xu's lawyer."

The judge nodded.

Brandon walked to Xu Shaoye's side, and smiled at Xu Shaoye.

In fact, Brandon and Duke have no idea.

He was arrested temporarily. Regarding Xu Shaoye's case, he didn't know anything about it, and he didn't investigate it. He just had a blind eye.

Brandon and Duke feel that they have no chance of winning at all.

"Okay, let's start calling witnesses!"

The judge glanced at the crowd in the arena and said something.

The bailiff called the first witness into court and asked him to swear his hand on a Bible before questioning him.

"I saw him kill someone!"

The first witness was a gray-haired foreign old man who was over fifty years old. He pointed at Xu Shaoye and said in a decisive tone.

"Old man, you have to be careful what you say!" Xu Shaoye said with a cold light in his eyes, staring at the foreign old man.

The foreign old man felt that Xu Shaoye's gaze was like a sharp sword, piercing his eyes, causing infinite fear in his heart.

"My lord, you have also seen that this Chinese man threatened our witness. From this, it can be seen that he is vicious, and he must be severely punished!"

The lawyer representing the police officer saw this scene and said immediately.

The jury sitting on both sides whispered to each other and agreed with the prosecution lawyer.

"Is there any evidence for the prosecution?"

The judge allowed the first witness to go down, and then looked at the lawyer representing the police officer.


The prosecution lawyer said loudly and affirmatively.

Then they started to call the witnesses in the back. Every witness claimed that they saw Xu Shaoye murder, and they spoke in a decent way. If they weren't themselves, they would not be able to tell that they were lying.

"They're lying!"

After Bai Muyun heard the testimony of these so-called witnesses, he stood up anxiously and shouted: "They are all fake, they gave false testimony. I was the only one present at that time, and I was the only witness!"


The judge tapped the wooden hammer, looked at the white curtain cloud, and said loudly: "This is a courtroom, so no loud noises are allowed."

Mirabell pulled Bai Muyun and told her to sit down.

"What's the matter with you? Didn't you rescue Shaoye in two days? If the judge and jury believed the testimony of these people, Shaoye would go to jail."

Bai Muyun roared at Mirabell.

"Don't worry, just take your time!"

Mirabell was not angry at all, and pulled Bai Muyun to sit down: "Wait a while, there will be a good show."

Soon, all the witnesses were summoned, and the police officer presented the evidence.

I have to say that Mullen and Chester did it very carefully and thought of everything they could think of.

There were Xu Shaoye's fingerprints on the murder weapon.

"Do you have anything to say?"

After reading the evidence and hearing the testimony of the witnesses, the judge turned his head to look at Xu Shaoye.

Brandon and Duke stood up, but they didn't know what to say. They turned their heads to look at Xu Shaoye, and found that Xu Shaoye still had an indifferent expression on his face, as if the one who was going to be sentenced was not him, but someone else.

"Tell the judge we have witnesses too!"

Xu Shaoye said to Brandon and Duke with a confident smile.

"Your Honor, we also have witnesses!"

Brandon and Duke are not optimistic about Xu Shaoye.

In his opinion, Xu Shaoye's so-called witness is Bai Muyun.

However, the relationship between Bai Muyun and Xu Shaoye is difficult to be convincing legally, and even Bai Muyun's testimony cannot be used as evidence.

"Then pass up your witnesses!"

The judge glanced at Xu Shaoye and said.

The bailiff went out, and after a while, a woman came in.

Seeing this woman, Mullen and Chester's eyes shrank suddenly, showing an incredulous look, as if they had seen something frightening.

According to procedure, the woman put her hand on the Bible, swore, and then came to the witness stand.

"This witness, can you prove the innocence of the suspect in court?"

the judge asked.

"Back to your honor, I can't prove his innocence, but I can prove his guilt!"

The woman who came in pointed at Mullen and Chase, and said loudly.

"This is how the same thing?"

"That's right, didn't you interrogate that Chinese man?"

"How did this woman identify the leaders of the police station, Mullen and Chester?"

There was an uproar in the jury and hearing seats, and everyone whispered to each other.

(End of this chapter)

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