Stunning Beauty President's Personal Soldier

Chapter 1044 The Haggard White Curtain Cloud

Chapter 1044 The Haggard White Curtain Cloud
The first thousand and seventy-seventh chapter haggard white curtain cloud
"Haha, Brother Wilbur, haven't I been so busy these days that I forgot about this?" Maren and Chase laughed twice.

Did he really forget?
Of course not!
Mullen and Chester didn't intend to distribute any benefits to Wilbur and Cardy at all.

Now that Wilbur and Kadi have found out and come to him, if they don't give him some benefits, it will be unreasonable.

"Brother Mullen, you should remember now!"

Wilbur also laughed twice and said.

"Of course I remembered, Brother Wilbur, just wait a moment!"

Mullen and Chester hung up the phone.

Wilbur and Cady were not in a hurry, put down the phone, leaned back on the back of the chair, and hummed a ditty, feeling elated.


Wilbur's cell phone rang, and there was a text message.

Wilbur and Cardi picked up their mobile phones and looked at them. As he thought in his heart, it was a bank account notification.

Wilbur and Cady smiled, and glanced casually, but their hands trembled, and they almost threw the phone away.

"Dear user, you credited USD 20 at X hour on XX month XX day XXXX."

"so much?"

Wilbur and Cady were frightened!
What the fuck is going on?
Sending that Chinese man to me in advance, even gave me so much money?
Wilbur and Cady were scared.

20 is indeed a lot, but Mullen and Chester Ken blinked and distributed it to themselves, so he got more.

Wilbur and Cady usually accept bribes, at most a few thousand, tens of thousands of Stars and Stripes.

This time more than 20 came directly, and Wilbur and Cardy were scared.

Pick up the phone and call Mullen and Chester again.

"What are you going to do?"

Both Wilbur and Cady trembled a little.

He received the money, but the money he received was not stable.

With him, Xu Shaoye was like a time bomb, which might explode at any moment, and it was the kind that killed a large number of people.

At that time, I will definitely be smashed to pieces.

"Are you afraid?"

Mullen and Chester said.

He could understand the feelings of Wilbur and Cady, and he was also taken aback when he received the money.

What Mullen and Chester received was not 20, but 100 million Stars and Stripes.

After the murder happened, the bank cards of Mullen and Chester were instantly credited, and someone called him immediately, asking him to make Xu Shaoye the murderer and the murder incident an iron case.

Mullen and Chester were stunned when they saw the 100 million Stars and Stripes.

However, with such a large amount of money, even if Mullen and Chester struggled for a lifetime, they would not be able to save so much, so Mullen and Chester decided to do it.

The most important thing is that the person who called him promised to give him another sum of money after the matter was completed.

"You give me so much money at once, can I not be afraid?"

Wilbur and Cardy were not afraid of Mullen and Chester's jokes, and said directly: "What's going on? Tell me quickly, or I won't dare to accept my money."

"You can keep it at ease!" Maren and Chester said: "I sent that Chinese man to you just to hide him first and prevent him from seeing anyone. I can fake it here." If the evidence proves all of this, even if Holmes crawls out of the grave, the case will not be overturned."

"Who is going to kill this Chinese man?"

Although Mullen and Chester said so, and Wilbur and Cady were sure that Mullen had such abilities, he was still a little uneasy before he figured out the matter.

"Wilbur, ask what you should ask, and don't ask what you shouldn't." The voices of Maren and Chester suddenly became strange, a little cold: "Knowing too much will not do you any good. You just have to If you know you have the money, you can take it.”

After speaking, Maren and Chester hung up the phone.

Wilbur and Cady stared at the hung up phone, were stunned for a while, and then put the phone down.

Things have come to this point, there is no way out.

He couldn't bear to ask Wilbur and Cardi to return the money.

Anyway, he doesn't need to operate anything, just take money, such easy things are hard to find.

Xu Shaoye was escorted by two guards to the small black room.

"Go in!"

The guard pushed Xu Shaoye in.

The space in the small black room is very small, and it is impossible to stand upright or squat down. There is no gap, and the whole space is extremely dark.

I can't see anything, I can't hear any sound, as if I am the only one left in the world, and I am still swallowed by darkness.

In such a space, let alone three days, just one day, the whole person will be driven crazy.

This is definitely the most vicious punishment for people!
It is useless to Xu Shaoye!

Huaguo has passed down things from ancient times, whether it is to study medicine or practice martial arts, one must first hone one's temperament.

Xu Shaoye sat down cross-legged, closed his eyes, and began to practice his own Chunyang Boy Kung Fu.

After Chunyang Boy's great achievement, Xu Shaoye has never practiced well except for his daily routine practice. He just took these three days to take a good look at what is different after Chunyang Boy's great achievement. place.

Xu Shaoye felt that there was energy running in his body, and every time he passed a place, Xu Shaoye would have an extremely clear understanding of that part of his body.

Inside view!

Of course, this is different from the inside view of fantasy and martial arts novels, and it is not so magical.

This feeling is like touching a place with your hands, and the tactile sensation will be fed back to your brain, so you know what's going on here.

This is only limited to the movement of the strength in one's own body to that place.

In the same way, this strength will instantly make your own speed and strength explode dozens of times.

As mentioned in novels and TV, it is also impossible to attack with energy outside the body and cause great destructive power.

At most, it is to launch a palm wind.

The power of palm wind is at most just pushing people somersaults, trying to beat people to death is also a dream.

Even so, Xu Shaoye felt that he was completely a superman, except that he couldn't fly and couldn't shoot lasers with his eyes.

During the time when Xu Shaoye was locked in the small dark room, Bai Muyun was like crazy, trying to find a way to rescue Xu Shaoye.

However, the effect is not great, let alone rescued Xu Shaoye, now Bai Muyun doesn't know where Xu Shaoye is, and doesn't even let her see him.

In the past two days, Bai Muyun couldn't eat well, didn't sleep well, and his whole body was quite haggard.

Bai Muyun didn't dare to call Yi Xiaofei to tell her about Xu Shaoye's imprisonment, which made them worry and ran over.

(End of this chapter)

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