1013 One Night

The Thousandth Chapter 16 One Night

Seeing Xu Shaoye teasing herself like this, Concubine Yi Xiao couldn't help being ashamed.

She saw Xu Shaoye's nosebleed, and she felt soft-hearted for a moment, so she said those words impulsively.

Just now in her own room, Concubine Yi Xiao thought for a long time before she made up her mind to come to Xu Shaoye's place.

Xu Shaoye teased her like this, Concubine Yi Xiao couldn't bear it!
"You!" Concubine Yi was ashamed and anxious, unable to speak, let alone know what to say, when she got angry, she stomped her feet and turned her head to leave.

Xu Shaoye knew that his joke was a bit too much, and Yi Xiaofei couldn't bear it.

Xu Shaoye jumped up from the bed and hugged Concubine Yi Xiao from behind.

Yi Xiaofei's body froze, and then she limp in Xu Shaoye's arms.

"let me go!"

Concubine Yi Xiaoye was hugged from behind by Xu Shaoye, smoked by Xu Shaoye's masculine aura, she seemed to lose her strength, her hand was on Xu Shaoye's arm, but she didn't need any strength.

"Don't let it go!"

Xu Shaoye said categorically, at this time, no one would let go.

Xu Shaoye used his strength to hug Yi Xiaofei from behind.


Concubine Yi Xiao let out a suppressed exclamation, she knew what was going to happen next, her face was as hot as fire.

Yi Xiaofei was thinking about one thing, when did she become so bold to let Xu Shaoye wait for her at night.

However, the thought flashed across her.

Because Xu Shaoye's whole body has already pressed up, on her body.

Concubine Yi Xiao glanced at Xu Shaoye who was pressing on her body, whose face was so close to her, then turned her head to the side, not daring to look any more.

Yi Xiaofei's eyelashes trembled slightly. She was a little afraid of what was going to happen next, but she still had a little expectation.

At some point, Yi Xiaofei's clothes were removed by Xu Shaoye, when she felt a chill, Yi Xiaofei discovered this.

Concubine Yi Xiaoye glanced shyly at Xu Shaoye, only to see Xu Shaoye's eyes shining in the dark night, as if seeing a rare treasure.


Concubine Yi Xiao let out a shy cry, and wrapped her body in a quilt to prevent Xu Shaoye from seeing it.

Xu Shaoye chuckled and got under the covers too.

Everything was going on like that, and Yi Xiaofei's voice echoed for a long time.

After everything subsided, Yi Xiaofei felt that she was weak all over, without any strength.

"Don't touch me anymore, let me sleep for a while, and call me early in the morning!"

Concubine Yi Xiao was so tired that she didn't even bother to open her eyes, she said something to Xu Shaoye weakly, turned her back to Xu Shaoye, and fell asleep in less than a minute.

Xu Shaoye hugged Concubine Yi Xiao from behind and fell asleep with Concubine Yi.

In the morning, Xu Shaoye's biological clock woke him up, and he checked the time, it was only a little past six o'clock.

"Concubine Xiao, Concubine Xiao!"

Xu Shaoye pushed Yi Xiaofei twice.

"Why, let me sleep for a while!"

Concubine Yi Xiao said something in a daze, then tucked her head into the bed, blocking Xu Shaoye's voice.

When Xu Shaoye saw this situation, he no longer called Yi Xiaofei.

Anyway, everyone knew about their relationship, and they were already engaged, so there was nothing wrong with Yi Xiaofei sleeping in his room.

Xu Shaoye closed his eyes.

"what time is it?"

After about an hour or so, Concubine Yi opened her eyes suddenly, sat up from the bed, and didn't care about her own spring, she picked up her mobile phone and saw that it was almost eight o'clock, so she yelled softly, turned around and called After looking at Xu Shaoye, he said very dissatisfied: "Didn't I tell you to call me earlier? What time do you think it is? How do you want me to go back to my room!"

"It's over!" Yi Xiaofei said, covering her face.

At this point in time, I am afraid that some people have already woken up. Seeing that I have not come out of the room at this time, I will definitely go to my room to find myself, and then I will know that I am not in the room. After thinking about it for a while, I will know that I am in Xu Shaoye's room inside.

When Yi Xiaofei thought about what kind of eyes Mu Yun and the others would look at her, Yi Xiaofei felt that she wanted to disappear now.

"I called you, you didn't wake up yourself."

Xu Shaoye said aggrievedly.

"It's your fault, it's your fault!"

Concubine Yi Xiao is completely unreasonable now, facing this situation, Xu Shaoye can only raise his hands and surrender.

Concubine Yi got dressed as quickly as possible, jumped off the bed, didn't even care about wearing socks, put on her shoes, opened the door, and took a peek at the corridor where there was no one there. , ran out of Xu Shaoye's room, and ran back to his own room.


Yi Xiaofei ran back to her room, closed the door, stood behind the door and let out a long sigh of relief.

"Were you in Shaoye's room last night?"

Bai Muyun's voice suddenly sounded, it looked like a question, but he said it in an affirmative tone.


Concubine Yi Xiao didn't look into her room at all, she didn't know that Bai Muyun was in her room, when a voice suddenly sounded, making Concubine Yi jump up in fright.

"Why are you in my room?"

Concubine Yi Xiao saw Bai Muyun, but she didn't dare to look into Bai Muyun's eyes, she turned her head to the side and asked guiltily.

"Don't worry about why I'm in your room. Besides, this is my home, and all the rooms belong to my home. I can go wherever I want!" Bai Muyun stared at Yi Xiaofei, snorted softly, Said: "Tell me where you went last night?"


Concubine Yi Xiao couldn't speak under the gaze of Bai Muyun.

"Go down and eat!"

Bai Muyun had already guessed that Concubine Yi Xiao was in Xu Shaoye's room last night, seeing Concubine Yi's appearance, she just became more certain.

Bai Muyun felt a little resentful, stood up, and walked out the door.

When Xu Shaoye undressed her last night, Bai Muyun had already woken up and knew about Xu Shaoye's nosebleed.

Later Xu Shaoye was afraid that he couldn't help it, so when he left Bai Muyun's room, Bai Muyun decided to go to Xu Shaoye's room in the middle of the night.

At night, when Bai Muyun arrived at the door of Xu Shaoye's room, he gently opened the door and saw Yi Xiaofei and Xu Shaoye.

The white curtain cloud did not explode, but gently closed the door and went back to his room.

And when Xu Shaoye and Yi Xiaofei were forgetting their love, they didn't even notice that the door of the room was opened.

Concubine Yi Xiao watched Bai Muyun walk out of her room, fell on the bed, buried her face in the bed, her face was burning hot.

After a long time, Concubine Yi finally calmed down a little. She checked the time and found that it was almost 08:30. At this time, she and Bai Muyun had already arrived at the company and started to deal with the company's affairs.

Concubine Yi Xiao was startled, tidied herself up a bit, and was already prepared to be ridiculed, and walked down the stairs.

(End of this chapter)

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