Urban Appreciation God

Chapter 65 Scared to Piss Pants

Chapter 65 Scared to Piss Pants
Even if these "children" had weapons in their hands, they couldn't touch Ye Yun at all, so they were useless.

"This is too scary...how did it become so powerful?"

Ye Yun was still in a daze, thinking to himself.

On the other side, the hooded kidnapper leader hammered the wall and subconsciously looked at Xu Haidong, who was naked on the bed...

Xu Haidong had no choice but even wanted to run away, what could he do?
Thousands of calculations, who would have guessed that Ye Yun is so good at fighting!

After Ye Yun came to his senses, he raised his legs, stepped over the kidnapper's brother who was unconscious in front of him, slowly came to the front of the kidnapper leader, and said coldly.

"Damn you too!"

The leader of the hooded kidnapper gritted his teeth when he saw this, and lowered his head as if admitting to be cowardly.

However, the next second, the leader of the hooded kidnapper suddenly pulled out a dagger from behind and roared frantically.

"You deserve to die! Go to hell!"

Yunyun seemed to have sensed something earlier and shouted quickly.

"Brother Yun! Be careful!"

Ye Yun raised his eyebrows, and just when the dagger was about to pierce his face, his head tilted slightly, and the dagger pierced the air...

Due to the excessive force, the headgear kidnapper leader couldn't keep his balance at all, and fell to the ground fiercely.

Ye Yun didn't talk nonsense, he turned around and stepped on the back of the leader of the hooded kidnapper.

As soon as he stepped down, the leader of the hooded kidnapper trembled on his back, and the black stockings on his head were instantly stained red by the red blood spit out from his mouth. On the ground, with a look of less air intake and more air output...

After doing this, Ye Yun turned around without hesitation and walked slowly towards the big bed in the room.

When Xu Haidong saw Ye Yun approaching, he rolled out of bed in fright, staggered and huddled in the corner and yelled.

"You, you, get out of the way! Stay away from me!"

Xu Haidong was terrified to the extreme, his calf was weak, and he was limp and shivering in the corner, not even as good as a dog.

Of course, it was also because Ye Yun's strength was truly terrifying.

In just a few minutes, the lawless kidnappers that Xu Haidong always thought were bad were subdued. Ye Yun didn't even get any blood on his body, and he was still so calm...

This is no longer a question of being able to fight, this is completely crushing.

"do not come?"

Ye Yun sneered.

"Why don't you keep taking it off? It's just right, let's see what ugly bugs under your body look like!"

Speaking of this, Ye Yun stepped forward, Xu Haidong felt a blur in front of his eyes, and closed his eyes in shock, his whole body was cold...

After a while, Xu Haidong didn't feel any pain in his body, so he opened his eyes.Suddenly, he realized that the stockings on his face had been ripped off by Ye Yun.

As for Ye Yun, he took several steps back with disgust in his eyes.

Xu Haidong couldn't help but look down if he felt something. It turned out that Ye Yun's actions just now had frightened him out of his wits.

Xu Haidong only had one pair of underpants left, and these underpants were soaked through now, and an indescribable smell of urine spread under Xu Haidong's body...

Ye Yun didn't do anything, and Xu Haidong was scared to death.

"Xu Haidong, you are a man after all, isn't it too disgusting?"

Ye Yun waved his hand angrily, very disgusted.

"Don't worry, I don't bother with people like you. However, how the Lin family will settle accounts with you is another matter!"

I don't know if it's cowardly or too shameful.

Xu Haidong stood up with a bang, covering his lower body with his hands, urine dripped down his legs and onto the ground, his face was pale.

Ye Yun ignored Xu Haidong and looked at Lin Xinger on the bed.

At this time, the only person who was still threatening was the only kidnapper who was pinching Lin Xinger's neck by the bed.

Seeing that Ye Yun noticed him, the kidnapper trembled, and his men worked harder.

"You are not allowed to come here! Otherwise, I will strangle her to death!"

Lin Xing'er's throat was pinched fiercely, her breathing stopped instantly, and her expression was extremely uncomfortable.

Seeing this, Ye Yun narrowed his eyes slightly. The kidnapper was obviously a rabbit in a hurry to bite, and he was not Ye Yun's opponent anyway, so he began to threaten Lin Xing'er's life.

"You'd better let go, or you won't live either."

Ye Yun stopped and said.

The kidnapper showed panic and yelled.

"I can let her go! You have to let me go too!"

"You know, it's impossible."

Ye Yun's attitude had no room for maneuver, pointing at Xu Haidong in the corner.

"Even he can't protect himself. Why do you think you can escape?"

"I don't care! I don't want to die! If I die, I will drag a back!"

The kidnapper roared angrily and exerted force with his hands, Lin Xing'er let out a cry of pain from his snort, and his face turned red.

"You brought it on yourself!"

Ye Yun looked at the kidnapper coldly, and in the next second, his body flashed, and when the kidnapper came back to his senses, Ye Yun had already appeared in front of him.

This extreme speed startled the kidnapper, but he was prepared to show no mercy, and tried hard to crush Lin Xinger's throat.

Suddenly, a piercing pain caused the kidnapper to cry out involuntarily.

Looking down, Ye Yun was pinching his wrist, twisted it [-] degrees, and lifted it in front of the kidnappers.

"I said, you will regret it."

Looking at his twisted wrist, the kidnapper's eyes were bloodshot from the pain.

Ye Yun kicked head-on, and the kidnapper also kicked and flew to the wall, and landed on the ground with a thud, without any reaction...

After everyone had been dealt with, Ye Yun began to unshackle Lin Xing'er, and took out the stockings stuffed in his mouth.

After helping Lin Xing'er up, Ye Yun couldn't help but ask with concern.

"Xing'er, are you... all right?"

After a brief silence, Lin Xing'er looked up at Ye Yun, her eyes were red.

With a sudden sound, Lin Xing'er jumped out of bed, grabbed the paper tissue box on the bedside, and rushed directly in front of Xu Haidong.

Seeing this, Xu Haidong was ashamed and anxious, and begged for mercy.

"Xing'er! Xing'er! Don't...don't...ah..."


Lin Xing'er didn't talk nonsense to Xu Haidong at all, raised the leather box, and slammed it on Xu Haidong's face with a bang.

This time, Xu Haidong was directly knocked down to the ground, and his right cheek was already swollen.

"You despicable villain!"

Lin Xing'er's eyes were full of anger, and the fear was completely dissipated under the angry counterattack.

As for Xu Haidong, how dare he say no?

Afterwards, Lin Xing'er launched an indiscriminate revenge, attacking the kidnappers who had lost the ability to fight back, either by beating or kicking them, or by picking up convenient objects and hitting them violently...

Seeing this scene, even Ye Yun couldn't help feeling chills in his heart, and sighed inwardly.

"Women's revenge is really..."

(End of this chapter)

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