Chapter 9
After hearing the sound, Wu Xiaotian ran in the direction of the sound at the fastest speed.

After a while, he saw a woman in white sportswear shouting loudly.

And an old man with white beard and hair was lying in front of her, his body was still twitching, white foam was coming out of the corners of his mouth, and he looked very dangerous.

Yue Mucheng saw someone running over from the mountain, she quickly said loudly: "Please, can you carry my grandfather down the mountain?"

After she saw her grandfather fall down, she panicked completely.

Now they are halfway up the mountain, she is a woman, not to mention carrying her grandfather down, she doesn't even have the strength to lift her grandfather up, so when she saw Wu Xiaotian, it was as if she had seen a savior.

After walking in, Wu Xiaotian felt that the woman in front of him looked familiar, but he didn't recognize who she was for a while.

If it had happened before yesterday, he would have picked up the old man on his back and gone down the mountain without saying a word.

But today is different from the past, he is a witch doctor with the ability to cure diseases and save lives.

The most important thing is that he also wants to try how powerful the witch power can be after he inherits Wu Peng's inheritance.

Immediately, he squatted on the ground and carefully observed the old man on the ground.

After Yue Mucheng saw this scene, she hurriedly said, "What are you doing? Can you quickly help my grandpa down the mountain?"

Wu Xiaotian replied: "I know some medical skills, so I'll take the old man's pulse first."

After saying this, he subconsciously stretched out his right hand, grabbed Grandpa Yue Mucheng's right wrist, and started taking his pulse.

At the same time, he opened his perspective eyes to check the body of the old man on the ground.

Yue Mucheng was a little surprised when she heard Wu Xiaotian's words, but a smile of great joy appeared on her face.

The person she met casually turned out to be a doctor, and her grandfather was saved.

She is also urgently seeking medical treatment now. If it were normal times, she would definitely question Dr. Wu Xiaotian's identity.

He is too young, and one can tell at a glance that he is a student of Binhai University. Even if he is a student of medicine, his medical skills are not very good, and he is still on the pulse.

Chinese medicine is extensive and profound, and it is extremely miraculous. There are not no Chinese medicine practitioners at Wu Xiaotian's age, but all of them are students who have just been exposed to Chinese medicine, and they are not qualified to practice medicine at all.

At the same time, Wu Xiaotian finally saw where the physical problems of the old man on the ground came from.

Through the see-through eyes, Wu Xiaotian saw that the blood vessels in the old man's brain ruptured, which prevented the blood from flowing into the brain and caused damage to the brain tissue. The situation was extremely serious.

Yue Mucheng saw that the expression on Wu Xiaotian's face became serious, and she quickly asked, "What's wrong with my grandfather? Is it serious?"

Wu Xiaotian frowned and replied: "The old man suffered intracranial hemorrhage, and the situation is much more serious than we imagined."

After Yue Mucheng heard what he said, the expression on her face suddenly changed. She quickly said: "Is it so serious? Then hurry up and carry my grandfather down the mountain. I have already called 120 emergency services before."

After hesitating for a while, Wu Xiaotian stretched out his right hand and placed it on Grandpa Yue Mucheng's forehead. At this time, the witch power in his dantian Hainei was transmitted to Grandpa Yue Mucheng's brain through his right hand.

After Wu Li wrapped up Grandpa Yue Mucheng's head, the ruptured blood vessels in her grandpa's brain slowly returned to normal, and the excess blood in the brain also disappeared at this time.

"Cough cough cough."

Suddenly, Grandpa Yue Mucheng coughed crazily at this moment.

In addition to the white foam, there was blood in his mouth.

"What did you do to my grandpa?"

After seeing this scene, Yue Mucheng said nervously, "Why is my grandfather vomiting blood?"

(End of this chapter)

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