Chapter 46

The injury on her back made it difficult for her to swing her hands. If the arc was too large, it would be very painful, so she had to ask Wu Xiaotian to undress herself.


Su Ningxue's words made Wu Xiaotian swallow involuntarily.

Su Ningxue was wearing a black tight-fitting leather jacket, which should have been wrapped around her chest. The reason why he was so sure was that he could see it from the wound on Su Ningxue's back.

After taking a deep breath, Wu Xiaotian said cautiously: "Then I will help you undress, if it hurts you, you can call out."


Immediately, Wu Xiaotian started to do it.

Because he could only stand behind Su Ningxue, the process of undressing was a bit difficult and slow, but seeing Su Ningxue's skin as white as suet jade made him a little excited, he had never been so close had physical contact with the girl.

The most important thing is that he has only known each other for less than an hour.

After about ten minutes, Wu Xiaotian finally took off the leather jacket on Su Ningxue's body.

Just as he thought, Su Ningxue was wearing a white chest wrap underneath her upper body.

However, Wu Xiaotian's eyes are now focused on the hideous scar on Su Ningxue's back.

This scar is at least ten centimeters long and half a centimeter deep. Although it has begun to solidify and scab, just looking at it makes my heart ache.

Scars like this, not to mention a young girl, even a veteran who has experienced many battles, I'm afraid they can't bear it, but Su Ningxue didn't say a word before, and carried it over.

Wu Xiaotian always believed that Su Ningxue would definitely not be an ordinary girl, and now he is even more convinced.


Su Ningxue felt that Wu Xiaotian put her right hand on her back, so she turned around without hesitation and slapped Wu Xiaotian on the face, saying angrily.

"You dare to take advantage of me? Be careful, I will kill you!"

Wu Xiaotian shut himself up because of this slap, he quickly took his right hand from the wound on Su Ningxue's back and said: "I, I am healing your wound."

"Ha ha!"

After a sneer, Su Ningxue said in a cold tone: "Do you think I'm so innocent?"

After hesitating for a while, Wu Xiaotian continued, "I'm really healing your wounds. The wound on your back is too big. Even if it heals, it won't take a while to recover. It will leave a big scar, but after my treatment, the scar on your back may be completely eliminated."

Su Ningxue now somewhat believes that Wu Xiaotian really wants to heal her wounds, but in her opinion, the method is not right.

After a pause, she said: "Okay, even if you really want to treat me, it's not right for you to treat me like this?"

If it wasn't because Wu Xiaotian saved her and carried her home with good intentions, the frivolous act just now would be a death penalty.

Wu Xiaotian explained: "My treatment method is a little different from the doctor's treatment method. I need to put my palm on your wound."

Although he can use witch power to heal Su Ningxue without putting his right hand on her body, the effect is less effective, and the scars on Su Ningxue's wound need to be removed, so it is best to stick his hand on her wound for treatment.

Su Ningxue said coldly: "You are not lying to me, are you?"

Wu Xiaotian quickly replied: "I swear to the sky, I never lied to you, if I lied to you, the sky will strike five thunders!"

Su Ningxue went on to say: "I don't know if you will strike me with thunder, but if you lie to me, I will kill you with my own hands!"

After hearing these words, Wu Xiaotian felt a chill on his neck, as if a knife had been scratched on it.

After taking a deep breath, Wu Xiaotian broke out in a cold sweat involuntarily.

"Let me help you bandage the wound. It's getting late. After the bandage is finished, you should rest early, so that it will be beneficial to the wound healing."

Wu Xiaotian has already given up his plan to treat Su Ningxue, the risk is too great, and he and Su Ningxue are neither related nor related, so there is no need to tie his head on the waistband of his trousers.

However, Su Ningxue said: "Can't you erase the scars on my back?"

Women are creatures that love beauty, especially beautiful women. Although she can't see the scars on her back, others can. She is such a delicate beauty, and she feels uncomfortable when she thinks of a hideous scar on her back. .

"I'll give you a chance to heal me now. If you can't get rid of the scars on my back, see how I can deal with you!"

Su Ningxue said viciously to Wu Xiaotian.

(End of this chapter)

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