Chapter 3

On Yuan Xiaojun's lung lobes, there are faint gray flocs, which are evenly distributed, and when Yuan Xiaojun inhales the smoke into his lungs, the gray flocs in his lung lobes will become more and the gray will deepen .

After Yuan Xiaojun noticed Wu Xiaotian's weird eyes, he asked curiously: "Damn, don't you have a crush on me, right? Let me tell you, I already have a girlfriend, don't be gay!"

After hearing Yuan Xiaojun's words, Wu Xiaotian woke up with a start.

He grabbed the cigarette in Yuan Xiaojun's hand, threw the cigarette butt under his feet, stomped it out vigorously, and said, "I've told you many times that smoking is harmful to your health, and it's easier to get lung cancer. You quit smoking, you still smoke!"

After his words fell, he felt a sudden blur in front of his eyes, and then he felt dizzy and dizzy.

Suddenly, he staggered, and if Yuan Xiaojun who was standing beside him hadn't had quick eyesight and quick hands to grab his shoulder, he would have fallen to the ground by now.

After helping Wu Xiaotian to the bed, Yuan Xiaojun asked with concern: "What's the matter? It's not an old problem again, is it? I tell you not to be too frugal. If you don't have money to eat, you can find me. The money for the meal will be paid by me." Still not bad."

Wu Xiaotian shook his head and replied: "No."

He was fine one second, but the next second, he felt very uncomfortable in his eyes and a little dizzy for some reason. These things happened so suddenly and were very abnormal.

"Do you care about the lungs I just saw on Yuan Xiaojun's body?"

Wu Xiaotian thought to himself.

At this time, he looked at Yuan Xiaojun's chest again. As before, he concentrated on Yuan Xiaojun's lungs. Then a magical scene came out. He looked directly through Yuan Xiaojun's body and saw Yuan Xiaojun's lungs. .

But this time the time was extremely short, and soon he felt a blur in front of his eyes, and his head felt dizzy again.

It was just his guess before, but this time he was [-]% sure that his blurry eyes and dizzy head must have something to do with the fact that he saw Yuan Xiaojun's lungs just now.

Originally, he thought that he had inherited Wu Peng's witch doctor skills and witch power, but he didn't expect that he also had a pair of divine eyes that could see through.

"Lend me ten yuan, I haven't eaten lunch yet."

At this moment, Wu Xiaotian said to Yuan Xiaojun without hesitation.

He had received Yuan Xiaojun's money many times before, and although Yuan Xiaojun never asked him to pay it back, he hadn't asked Yuan Xiaojun to borrow it for a long time.

Although Yuan Xiaojun's family is richer than his, he is actually a child of an ordinary family, but he has both parents, and one more person in the family earns money, so he usually needs more pocket money.

After Yuan Xiaojun heard Wu Xiaotian's words, he took out ten yuan from his body and handed it to Wu Xiaotian without hesitation, saying: "I knew you didn't eat it, and it happened that I didn't eat it, let's go together."

Wu Xiaotian has already thought about it. Now that he has inherited Wu Peng's inheritance, he can not only heal injuries, but also see through people's bodies. This is much better than B-ultrasound and CT.

In the past, he had no skills and could not make any money. In addition, his mother had always been in poor health. The money he usually earned from working outside was used to supplement the family and provide medical treatment for her mother.

Now that you have this ability, are you afraid you won’t be able to make money?


In a small restaurant in front of the school.

Wu Xiaotian and Yuan Xiaojun each ordered an egg fried rice, just when they were about to finish eating.

Suddenly, Wu Xiaotian saw Yuan Xiaojun's girlfriend Jiao Wenjing, who was being embraced by Liu Weifeng, walking towards them.

After Wu Xiaotian saw this scene, he quickly said to Yuan Xiaojun: "Xiaojun, who did you just hear that I was beaten up for harassing Zhu Xueqi?"

After Yuan Xiaojun heard this sentence, a very bright smile appeared on his face and he said: "I almost forgot, you can check on the campus website, there is a post about you harassing other beautiful girls, and then you were taken by Wang Qiang Man, you repaired it severely, and now you are famous in our Binhai University!"

(End of this chapter)

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