God-level see-through witch doctor

Chapter 23 The Beautiful 1-Character Horse

Chapter 23 The Beautiful Split Horse
Wu Xiaotian replied calmly: "Zhu Youshu, I don't know if Dr. Huang has heard of it?"

After thinking for three seconds, Dr. Huang shook his head and replied, "I haven't heard of it."

Jiang Mubai and his mother also looked puzzled.

They had heard of Fire God Zhu Rong, but this was really the first time they heard of Zhu Youshu.

Immediately, Wu Xiaotian explained: "In ancient times, Zhu Youshu was a noble profession, also known as witchcraft. Zhu Youshu used spells to cure diseases, including Chinese herbal medicine."

"'Blessing' refers to the curse, and 'Yu' refers to the cause of illness."

Jiang Mubai asked in surprise, "You mean, you cured my father with witchcraft?"

Nodding, Wu Xiaotian replied: "If you want to think so, you can say so."

Jiang Mubai's mother felt that Wu Xiaotian was playing tricks, because she didn't believe what he said. If it wasn't because her husband really got better, she would definitely reprimand Wu Xiaotian for talking nonsense here.


As a qualified Western medicine doctor, Dr. Huang focuses on scientific treatment. He has always scorned these superstitions, believing that superstition can only harm others and himself.

"Witchcraft is just a superstition that pretends to be a ghost. How can it cure diseases? Don't talk nonsense here!"

Wu Xiaotian asked, "Whether you believe it or not, Dr. Huang, the reason why I was able to cure Chairman Jiang was indeed through witchcraft."

After Dr. Huang heard his words, he was speechless immediately.

The facts were right in front of him, and he couldn't believe it.

Immediately, Wu Xiaotian said to Jiang Mubai: "Young Master Jiang, I believe Chairman Jiang's body will recover within two or three days at the most. At that time, don't forget our previous agreement."

Jiang Mubai nodded and replied, "Don't worry, as long as my father recovers, not only will I not care about the matter that you broke Yu Ruyi before, but I will also treat you well!"

Wu Xiaotian continued: "It's getting late, I'm going to class, goodbye."

After watching Wu Xiaotian leave, Jiang Mubai's mother asked again: "Doctor Huang, when will my husband wake up?"


When Wu Xiaotian walked out of the Central Hospital, he was stopped by someone.

"Stinky boy, hand over the paperwork I made earlier!"

Ye Qinghai stopped in front of Wu Xiaotian and said fiercely.

After being stopped by Ye Qinghai, Wu Xiaotian was a little surprised. He didn't expect that he would come to trouble him instead of looking for trouble with him. He is no longer the Wu Xiaotian he used to be. The threat to Ye Qinghai, he I didn't take it to heart at all.

"Give way, I'm rushing back to school."

Wu Xiaotian said calmly.

"You brat, did you take my words as a deaf ear?"

After hearing what Wu Xiaotian said, Ye Qinghai angrily stretched out his right fist and punched Wu Xiaotian in the face. He struck suddenly and very hard. If this punch had hit Wu Xiaotian, several teeth would have been knocked out.


Ye Qinghai was very fast, but in fact, in Wu Xiaotian's opinion, the speed of his punches was like a baby punching, as slow as a turtle.

Grabbing Ye Qinghai's right fist, Wu Xiaotian said with a fierce look: "Don't push me, I have restrained myself not to cause trouble for you. If you bite me and don't let go, I will make you regret it for the rest of your life! "

However, Ye Qinghai still didn't pay attention to his words. He only saw an extremely weird smile on his face, and then he raised his right foot and kicked Wu Xiaotian in the crotch.

The moment Ye Qinghai stepped out, Wu Xiaotian noticed it.

He took two quick steps back with sharp eyesight and quick hands, grabbed Ye Qinghai's kicked right foot with his left hand, and pulled back.


Immediately, with Wu Xiaotian's "help", Ye Qinghai made his first straight-up horse in his life, and it was also a straight straight-up horse.


In the next second, Ye Qinghai felt a heart-piercing pain.

(End of this chapter)

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