God-level see-through witch doctor

Chapter 222: Plucking Hair from the Tiger's Head

Chapter 222: Plucking Hair from the Tiger's Head
When Xiong Tianhao saw Su Ke, his eyes lit up involuntarily, because the young woman in front of him was so attractive, she looked familiar, but for a while, he couldn't remember when he had seen her.

After driving away the little brother in front of him, Xiong Tianhao licked his lips, looked at Su Ke up and down unscrupulously, and asked curiously: "Have we met?"

"One night 20 years ago, you raped a woman in a box in a bar. Do you still remember?"

After hearing these words, Xiong Tianhao suddenly realized.

If Su Ke hadn't reminded him, he would have already forgotten the period 20 years ago.

However, even though he was drinking at the time, the incident was not completely forgotten.

After carefully looking at Su Ke, he said in disbelief: "You are that woman back then? I can't think of seeing you in 20 years. You are more feminine and seductive than before. It seems that I used to His eyesight is right."

After the corner of Su Ke's mouth twitched involuntarily, he said coldly: "Could it be that you have never regretted what happened 20 years ago?"

With a smile, Xiong Tianhao said loudly: "Repentance? I, Xiong Tianhao, have never regretted what I have done. You come to me now because you want me to be responsible for what happened to the strong woman 20 years ago, right? If you want me to be responsible, it's not impossible, you can follow me in the future!"

While talking, Xiong Tianhao couldn't help showing an extremely lewd expression on his face, he really liked Su Ke.

He has never been short of women around him, but he has never had such a provocative and charming woman like Su Ke.

With a cold snort, Su Ke spat in front of Xiong Tianhao and said with a sneer, "Is your son dead?"

After hearing this sentence, Xiong Tianhao said with a condensed expression: "What do you want to say?"

With a proud smile, Su Ke said crazily: "The debt from 20 years ago should be paid off now. You ruined my youth, and I will ruin the rest of your life. Not only will I let you die without a son, but I will also pay you back." I will make you pay for what you did to me!"

Xiong Tianhao said to Su Ke angrily, "You killed Fei Fei?"

The corners of Su Ke's mouth raised slightly, revealing an inscrutable smile and replied: "Don't slander me, killing your son will only dirty my hands!"

After Xiong Tianhao gestured to the two subordinates beside him, the two put Su Ke in between, and they would arrest her as long as Xiong Tianhao gave an order.

He said to Su Ke again: "You must know who killed Fei Fei, right? As long as you tell me who did it, I can let you go today!"

With a smile, Su Kehao said without timidity: "There are so many people around here, don't you dare to arrest me in public?"

Xiong Tianhao replied with a serious look on his face: "Don't think that I dare not do it. If you push me hard, I can do anything!"

After Su Ke heard Xiong Tianhao's words, she couldn't help becoming nervous. She realized that she had underestimated Xiong Tianhao's courage. She had gone too far this time. If Xiong Tianhao really wanted to take her away, she would not resist at all. Ability.

Seeing that Su Ke kept silent, Xiong Tianhao gritted his teeth and said coldly: "Arrest her!"

After his words fell, Xiong Tianhao's men, who had already caught Su Ke in the middle, attacked her without hesitation.

At this moment, an angry voice suddenly remembered.


After Xiong Tianhao heard this voice, a furious expression appeared on his face. He Xiong Tianhao was not called Xiong Ye in Binhai City for nothing.

What he didn't expect was that Wu Xiaotian would say this sentence.

If it were someone else, Wu Xiaotian would not necessarily make a move, but no matter what Su Ke said, she was also Su Ningxue's master, so it's fine if she didn't see it, but since she saw it, she couldn't do nothing.

(End of this chapter)

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