God-level see-through witch doctor

Chapter 217 Men Have Nothing Good

Chapter 217 Men Don't Have A Good Thing
After Su Ningxue saw Wu Xiaotian, a faint smile appeared on her face involuntarily, and she replied: "Well, it's much better."

"You're hungry, I'll cook for you."

After Wu Xiaotian walked in, he went straight to the kitchen.

He bought a lot of ingredients last night, enough to make meals for two days.

Originally, he thought that Su Ningxue didn't know about the post, but what he didn't expect was that Su Ningxue already knew about it, but what reassured him was that Su Ningxue didn't care about this post at all.

Didn't even care who made the post.

After a while, a table of delicious food was served.

Just when they both sat at the table and were about to eat, the door to the room suddenly rang.

Wu Xiaotian consciously went to open the door, he thought it was Zhou Yixuan who came.

When he opened the door and saw Su Ningxue's master standing outside, he froze.

Although Su Ke is nearly forty years old, her skin is rosy and her figure is well maintained. She belongs to the kind of noble lady who would be tempted by a man, especially for a man of Wu Xiaotian's age.

The last time Su Ke left a deep impression in Wu Xiaotian's mind, but because he only saw him once, he almost forgot about her during this period of time, but the moment he saw Su Ke, he remembered what happened before. everything.

"Why are you here again?"

Su Ke was also very surprised when she saw Wu Xiaotian.

After Su Ningxue heard her master's voice, she hurriedly came to Wu Xiaotian's side and said, "Master, don't blame him, I asked him to come."

Su Ke said to Su Ningxue angrily: "Did you forget what I told you since I was a child? There is no good thing about men in this world. They treat you well, but they are just greedy for your body. Bitch!"

Su Ningxue quickly said: "He is not such a person!"

With a cold snort, Su Ke said, "How do you know he's not such a person? How long have you known him? How much do you know about him?"

This sentence stopped Su Ningxue, she really didn't know much about Wu Xiaotian.

However, after this period of contact, especially after the contact last night, she felt that men all over the world might be bad people, but Wu Xiaotian would definitely not be a bad person.

Immediately, Su Ke said to Wu Xiaotian: "Come in with me."

Seeing Su Ke walk into Su Ningxue's bedroom, Wu Xiaotian didn't react for a moment.

Seeing Wu Xiaotian stunned on the spot, Su Ke said again: "Didn't you hear what I said? Come here quickly."

Although he didn't know what Su Ke wanted to do, but this time he walked to Su Ke's side honestly.

Su Ke said to Su Ningxue: "You can eat, I will talk to him, without my permission, you are absolutely not allowed to approach the door of the room!"

After saying this, she closed the door of the room and locked it back.

After Wu Xiaotian in the room saw this scene, his heartbeat accelerated involuntarily at this moment, completely unaware of what this woman wanted to do.

Although there was a woman standing in front of him, with his current skills, he was not afraid at all, but for some reason, Wu Xiaotian felt a little afraid of this woman in his heart.

After Su Ke closed the door, she went straight to the bed and sat down.

"Are you a student of Binhai University?"

Su Ke looked into Wu Xiaotian's eyes and asked curiously.

Wu Xiaotian nodded, and replied truthfully: "Yes."

"You sit down."

Su Ke patted the place beside her and said.

Wu Xiaotian didn't move, still standing at the door, turning a blind eye to Su Ke's words.

Su Ke said with a faint smile, "You seem to be very afraid of me?"

Wu Xiaotian quickly replied: "No, no."

"Since you're not afraid of me, why don't you dare come here?"

Su Ke continued.

After hesitating for a while, Wu Xiaotian slowly walked over to Su Ke and sat down.

(End of this chapter)

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