Chapter 184
They didn't know that this set of silver needles actually had this name, and they didn't understand the meaning of the word Wuli at all.

Seeing the bewildered expressions of the two of them, Wu Xiaotian explained: "Chinese medicine was also called Zhu Youshu in ancient times. At that time, Zhu Youshu could use witch power to cure diseases and save people. If it cures the disease and saves the life, the effect is very ordinary.”

"Later, on the basis of acupuncture and moxibustion, someone created a silver needle that can enhance witch power. This kind of silver needle has a collective name, it is called Xuanqi Silver Needle, and it is mysteriously called witch power."

After Wu Xiaotian's voice fell, Fang Que and Xiao Zhiyun saw an extremely miraculous scene.

I saw a wisp of faint golden mist suddenly emanating from the very ordinary Xuanqi silver needle in Wu Xiaotian's hand, curling up, it was extremely strange.

"Is this witch power?"

Wu Xiaotian nodded and replied: "That's right, witch power is invisible. I just used a special method, and with the help of this mysterious silver needle, this effect can appear."

After saying this, he went on to say: "Actually, this is also the first time I have seen the rumored witch power with my naked eyes."

Immediately afterwards, he continued again: "If I had treated Fang Beiya with Xuanqi silver needles before, the poison of extreme cold on her body would be better."

After Fang Que heard Wu Xiaotian's words, he quickly asked, "Can the poison of extreme cold on Beja's body be completely cured with the silver needle of profound energy?"

After Wu Xiaotian hesitated for a moment, he nodded and replied with absolute certainty: "Absolutely, if you treat it for three more times at most, the cold poison in Beiya's body will be completely cleansed, and it will never relapse in the future."

After Fang Que heard Wu Xiaotian's words, a bright smile appeared on his face involuntarily.

The poison of extreme cold on Fang Beiya's body was his heart disease.

Today I can finally let go.

Afterwards, Wu Xiaotian left Fang Que's villa.

Fang Que originally wanted Xiao Zhiyun to send Wu Xiaotian to school, but Wu Xiaotian refused.

After watching Wu Xiaotian leave, Xiao Zhiyun couldn't help but said to Fang Que: "Master, did you really give him the Xuanqi Silver Needle? This is a treasure handed down by your ancestors. You have also seen it. It is indeed a treasure." , with the Xuanqi Silver Needle, your medical skills will definitely be improved to a higher level."

Shaking his head, Fang Que said, "I once showed you the Xuanqi silver needle and asked you to study it, but have you seen any tricks? Like me, you also think it is just a needle. It’s just a set of ordinary silver needles.”

"You also saw it just now. When I put the Xuanqi silver needle in front of Wu Xiaotian, he recognized the special feature of the Xuanqi silver needle at a glance. If I hadn't just seen the pale gold on the Xuanqi silver needle with my own eyes Mist, I would not believe that there is such a miraculous silver needle in this world."

After Fang Que finished speaking, he couldn't help but sighed.

The longer he got to know Wu Xiaotian, the more he realized that he knew very little about Chinese medicine.

Not only did he not recognize the Xuanqi Yinzhen, but he was also helpless to deal with the extreme cold poison on his granddaughter.

After Xiao Zhiyun heard the master's words, although he still felt that since the Xuanqi silver needle was Fang Que's ancestral treasure, it should not be given to an outsider casually.

It would be fine if this set of mysterious silver needles was really just a set of ordinary silver needles, but it turned out to be a treasure, so Xiao Zhiyun was moved. He actually really wanted to get this set of mysterious silver needles.

According to Wu Xiaotian, acupuncture treatment with Xuanqi silver needles can achieve twice the result with half the effort. If he is allowed to treat the patient, he will definitely be able to get rid of the disease with the needle. When the time comes, the medical skills will surpass his own master, and it will definitely be just around the corner.


Six pm.

Wu Xiaotian came to the gate of Tianshui Yise Hotel again.

This time it was Ruan Wenjun who wanted to invite him to dinner.

The security guard at the door is still the same security guard who stopped Wu Xiaotian before.

When Wu Xiaotian was about to go in, the security guard at the door stopped Wu Xiaotian again.

"Why are you here again? It's cool in there, where can I stay!"

The headed security guard said to Wu Xiaotian impatiently that he was most annoyed by a poor guy like Wu Xiaotian who didn't have much money, but always liked to come to their Tianshui Yise Hotel.

(End of this chapter)

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