Chapter 153 Businessman

"My friend, don't you know that you come first, first come first? This piece of ice-species floating green flower jadeite was the one I took a fancy to first, and his piece of ice-species floating green flower jadeite was bought in my gambling stone workshop, so Feelings and reason should be sold to me."

Wei Youwei gritted his teeth and said to Hou Lihua tit for tat.

Immediately, he said to Wu Xiaotian: "Brother Xiaotian, sell it to me for 100 million!"

Hou Lihua is not an ordinary person. As the chairman of Tianheng Jewelry Company, he has never seen such a scene. The main purpose of his coming out this time is to find good jade for his company.

As for the piece of ice-species floating green flower jade in Wu Xiaotian's hand, he is bound to get it.

"150 million, I want this piece of emerald wool, and now I will write you a check!"

While talking, Hou Lihua took out his wallet and prepared to write a check.

Wei Youwei regretted it very much at this time. If he had known that someone would interfere, he would have offered 100 million yuan at the beginning. Now that he has recovered, he watched the duck fly away.

With a faint smile, what Wei Youwei and Hou Lihua didn't expect was that Wu Xiaotian said, "Hou Dong, I'll sell you this ice-species floating green flower jadeite for 100 million yuan."

"Are you crazy? They are willing to accept 150 million yuan, but you only sell it for 100 million yuan?"

"You sold it to him for 100 million, why not sell it to me?"

"This broken stone is actually worth 150 million?"

Hou Lihua was stunned when he heard Wu Xiaotian's words. After he realized it, he shook his head and said, "The agreed 150 million yuan is only 150 million yuan. This piece of ice-species floating green flower jadeite is worth this money!"

But Wu Xiaotian replied: "I actually don't know about jade and jade, but I can see that Hou Dong is a good buyer. Before, Boss Wei only offered me 30 yuan, and then it rose to 50 yuan. Hou Dong, you One million at the first opening, for me, you let me earn an extra 100, these are enough."

After saying this, he handed the ice-species floating green flower jadeite to Hou Lihua.

After Hou Lihua's daughter Hou Qingrou heard Wu Xiaotian's words, she couldn't help giving Wu Xiaotian a high look.

Judging from Wu Xiaotian's attire, it is obvious that Wu Xiaotian is not a rich man.

However, he would rather take 50 less and sell this piece of ice green flower jadeite to her father. There are not many people doing business like him these days.

Wei Youwei on the side watched Wu Xiaotian helplessly, and handed the ice-species floating green flower jadeite to Hou Lihua, feeling extremely anxious in his heart.

However, he could clearly hear what Wu Xiaotian said just now, no matter how thick-skinned he was, he was too embarrassed to speak again.

What's more, Hou Lihua even offered 150 million yuan, but Wu Xiaotian was still willing to sell it to Hou Lihua for 100 million yuan in marriage. It can be seen that he was determined to sell this piece of ice green flower jadeite to Hou Lihua.

He is hopeless.

Hou Lihua was not polite either, and took the ice-species floating green flower jadeite from Wu Xiaotian's hand without hesitation.

After that, he quickly wrote a cash check and handed it to Wu Xiaotian and said, "This is a cash check for 150. You can cash it at any bank."

After hearing Hou Lihua's words, Wu Xiaotian hesitated for a while, but still took the check from Hou Lihua's hand.

"Hou Dong, I will return the 50 yuan to you. If there is a need, Hou Dong can call me at any time. If you can't do anything else, if you gamble with stones, I can barely help."

Wu Xiaotian didn't even look at the check Hou Lihua handed him. After putting the check away, he spoke.

Although Hou Lihua didn't see how Wu Xiaotian bet on stones with his own eyes, he believed that Wu Xiaotian's stone betting skills were better than most stone betting masters.

If Wu Xiaotian said he would return the 50 to him, he would definitely not accept it.

(End of this chapter)

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