Chapter 111
Ruan Wenjun asked Fang Que with a surprised face at this time: "Old Fang, is what this little brother said right?"

Chinese medicine pays attention to observation, hearing and questioning. This is basic common sense, even if you are not a Chinese medicine practitioner, everyone knows it.

However, there are very few people who have actually seen Chinese medicine. Even Ruan Wenjun and Zhao Luodan have not fully seen it.

Fang Que looked at Wu Xiaotian with a shocked face and said, "Yes, Beiya has an extremely cold constitution. She has seen Western medicine and found that there is no cure at all. She will not live to be 30 years old at most. She has always relied on me to give her acupuncture to prolong her life."

"Little brother, with just one glance, you can tell that my granddaughter is terminally ill?"

Fang Que asked in disbelief.

He has always been known as a miracle doctor among the people of Binhai City.

In terms of attainments in Chinese medicine, he has never been convinced by anyone.

The president of the Chinese Medicine Association once invited him to be the vice president of the Chinese Medicine Association, but he refused.

Not to mention that he is just a vice president, even if he is asked to be the president of the Chinese Medicine Association, he has no interest at all.

At his age and state of mind, he has long regarded fame and wealth very lightly, and only cares about medical skills and curing diseases and saving people.

Wu Xiaotian nodded without hesitation.

Just now he also looked at Fang Beiya with his clairvoyant eyes, and to his surprise, Fang Beiya, like Ruan Wenjun, had thread-like dead air all over her body.

The difference from Ruan Wenjun is that besides the linear dead air, Fang Beiya also has faint golden anger.

This meant that someone was forcibly renewing her life. It didn't take much to figure out that this person was Fang Que.

Get a glimpse of the whole leopard.

For Wu Xiaotian who inherited Wu Peng's inheritance, this is very simple.

Seeing Wu Xiaotian nod her head, Fang Beiya said with an incredulous expression: "Impossible, you didn't even give me the pulse signal, how could you know my situation, you must have guessed it?"

In fact, Fang Beya herself did not believe this sentence.

But she couldn't believe even more that Wu Xiaotian's medical skills were even better than her grandfather's.

Wu Xiaotian glanced at Fang Beiya who was standing aside, and said with a faint smile: "Believe it or not, we didn't know each other before this."

Fang Beiya didn't believe it at all in her heart, Wu Xiaotian deduced her physical condition by relying on medical skills.

But Fang Que believed it.

As a very powerful Chinese medicine doctor, he knows better than anyone else that a powerful Chinese medicine doctor can completely deduce what kind of disease a patient is suffering from by relying on one of the diagnostic methods.

"After talking about her situation, let me now talk about the situation of Chairman Ruan Wenjun."

Wu Xiaotian turned his head to look at Ruan Wenjun, and then said: "Chairman Ruan's illness is serious without thinking about it, and it is terminally ill, there is no cure at all."

After Ruan Wenjun heard Wu Xiaotian's words, she couldn't help showing a very nervous expression on her face, because she was indeed terminally ill, and Western medicine had already sentenced her to death, otherwise she would not have tried Chinese medicine.

At this time, Zhao Luodan had to believe that Wu Xiaotian really understood Chinese medicine, and she quickly said: "Yes, our chairman suffers from motor neuron disease, which is known as gradual freezing."

Wu Xiaotian really didn't know about motor neuron disease, but the word "gradually frozen person" was familiar to him.

When Fang Que was taking his pulse, he also saw that Ruan Wenjun's illness was not simple.

However, this is the first time he has encountered the disease of gradually freezing people, so he didn't know what medicine to prescribe for a while.

When he heard Zhao Luodan's words and knew that Ruan Wenjun was suffering from gradual freezing, he suddenly felt a little powerless.

Although Chinese medicine is very miraculous.

However, Chinese medicine is not omnipotent, and he has never heard of it. Chinese medicine has been the first to cure people with gradual freezing.

After hearing Zhao Luodan's words, Fang Beiya was also very surprised when she knew that Ruan Wenjun had ALS. She had full confidence in her grandfather at first, but after knowing that Ruan Wenjun had ALS, she no longer had the last Confidence at the beginning.

(End of this chapter)

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