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Chapter 95 The Truth Comes Out

Chapter 95 The Truth Comes Out
Although Lin Yu didn't want to owe others favors, he didn't like being locked up in the detention room even more, so he had to compromise.

Then, under the leadership of Officer Chen, he came to the interrogation room where Cao Wensheng was. (given a last name)

As soon as Lin Yu entered the door, Cao Wensheng immediately showed a surprised expression on his face.

Shouldn't he be locked up in the detention room at this time?

How did you come to the interrogation room?

Could it be that he kicked the iron plate, this is impossible!
I had already checked Lin Yu's details before taking action. He was just an ordinary person!
Countless questions floated through Cao Wensheng's mind, and emotions such as doubt, fear, and surprise surged into his heart instantly, which made his mental state start to become unstable.

Cao Wensheng tried his best to convince himself that even if this guy surnamed Lin had a background, as long as he didn't admit it, the other party would have nothing to do with him.

And let the person responsible for this accident leave the detention room without authorization, the police station must have acted favoritically.

As long as he survives this hurdle and exposes the matter after he goes out, then no matter how hard the opponent's backstage is, it will be enough for them to drink a pot.

Officer Chen led Lin Yu to the table, and handed him the case record.

"Comrade policeman, isn't it unethical for you to do this?" Cao Wensheng asked.

"Don't worry, since we are law enforcers, we will naturally abide by the law."

"The words are beautiful, so why is he here and can look through the case records? Is he also a policeman?" Cao Wensheng sarcastically asked.

But what Police Officer Chen said next made him dumbfounded on the spot.

"Although this Mr. Lin Yu is the person responsible for this accident, he is also the person in charge of the "Play Management Bureau" in this area, and because this incident involves card bans, from a procedural point of view, he has the right to personally Investigate the accident. "

Play management?

Cao Wensheng's mind was completely confused.

The person surnamed Lin is actually someone who plays with the bureau!If he knew that the other party still had this status, he wouldn't dare to do such a thing even if he was killed.

Lin Yu, who was flipping through the case records, keenly captured the moment when Cao Wensheng was in a state of confusion, and his eyes began to emit an evil purple light.

Cao Wensheng's consciousness blurred instantly when he saw Lin Yu's eyes.


"Cao Wensheng."




After the two asked and answered, Lin Yu asked almost all the information about Cao Wensheng, and then he suddenly cut into the topic of the case.

"Why use a banned card?"

"Because the secret key that Lin Yu sold is too cheap, my shop business is getting worse day by day, so I want to take revenge on him!"

Officer Chen who was watching was stunned. What happened to Cao Wensheng?Don't call yourself out?

In the monitoring room of the police station, Xiao Yunting looked at the monitoring screen in the interrogation room and showed a playful smile.

"There's something about this kid that instantly hypnotized him?"

Lin Yu nodded in satisfaction when he heard Cao Wensheng's answer, and now he has completely shaken off his responsibility.

"Officer Chen, do you want to ask me something else?" He turned his head and asked Officer Chen beside him.

Officer Chen obviously hadn't recovered from Cao Wensheng's "self-explosion" just now, he was stunned for a while, and then hurriedly said, "Officer Lin, please ask him the specific details of the crime."

"it is good!"

Lin Yu nodded and continued to interrogate Cao Wensheng. The other party's mind has been completely controlled by [Dementor], so he will honestly explain what he wants to ask.

But when Lin Yu asked where the banned card was purchased, Cao Wensheng's consciousness immediately seemed to be stimulated, and his language began to become confused.

Upon seeing this, Xiao Yunting picked up the microphone on the table and preached, "You don't need to ask this question. Organizations that sell banned cards usually impose memory interference on the seller, so you can't find out by asking."

"All right!"

Lin Yu could only give up the questioning, then raised his hand and snapped his fingers, and the [spiritual spell] on Cao Wensheng was released in response.

Cao Wensheng, who had returned to normal, was at a loss as if he didn't know what happened just now.

"What did you just do to me?"

"It's nothing, just let you tell the truth obediently." Then Lin Yu pointed to the camera on the ceiling.

Police officer Chen at the side understood and projected the video of the interrogation just now on the wall. After Cao Wensheng watched it, he was sweating profusely. He knew he was finished!

Although the videos and confessions obtained by similar methods of hypnosis cannot be used as direct evidence, Cao Wensheng later explained the details of the crime one by one.

Including the clothes he wore when he committed the crime and the escape route. As long as the police investigate based on these clues, the evidence will be obtained soon, and what awaits him next will be legal sanctions.

There is something wrong here, Lin Yu is going home to sleep, and he is tired after a whole night of tossing.

"Boy, are you going to leave like this?"

Lin Yu heard the reputation and looked over, Xiao Yunting had been waiting by the corridor for a long time.

"Uncle, I am very grateful for your help tonight, but it is so late now, let's have another day to drink tea."

"Yes, but I'm curious about how you hypnotized that Cao Wensheng. As far as I know, there are many prerequisites for hypnotizing a person." Xiao Yunting asked curiously.

"This is my secret, can you keep it secret?"

"Of course, but the fact that you are pretending to be a member of the Play Management Bureau may show up on the Play Management Bureau's desk tomorrow." Xiao Yunting turned around and said casually.

As soon as Lin Yu heard this, he rushed forward and blocked his way.

"Uncle, that's not what you said in the detention room just now. You said that as long as I can prove my innocence, you will give me the whole story."

"Did I say that? Where's the evidence?" Xiao Yunting said with a puzzled face, as if he didn't admit it.

Lin Yu couldn't help clenching his fists. He knew he had been tricked by the other party.

"Okay, I admit defeat, let me tell you, the trick I just did was not hypnosis, but a kind of superpower, please be satisfied!" Lin Yu can only confess honestly.

Xiao Yunting nodded in satisfaction, "That's right! In fact, you don't have to worry about anything. In fact, you are not the only one who has superpowers!"

After speaking, he raised his right hand, and a ball of fire appeared in his palm out of thin air.

"You can use skills without summoning transformation?" Lin Yu asked in surprise. It was the first time he saw ordinary people using skills under normal conditions.

Seeing his surprised face, Xiao Yunting showed a smile on his face, and then explained, "Players with a level greater than or equal to level 50 will gradually assimilate themselves with the game characters, and their physical abilities will improve, but the magnitude will not be too great." Big, but when the level is greater than 80, the assimilation speed will be greatly accelerated.

You can even use the abilities of some game characters without transforming, just like me.But there are also a very small number of players who have awakened this ability after level 50. We generally call them "Illuminati", and you should belong to this type of player. "

It turns out that Lin Yu was worried that he would be regarded as a different kind when he used his skills in reality, but now it seems that his worries are unfounded.

(End of this chapter)

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