my copy is so popular

Chapter 4 Mr. Zombie (Part [-])

Chapter 4 Mr. Zombie (Part [-])
During the three days of waiting, Chen Wei was not idle, and improved his physical ability every day according to the method of qi intake.

Uncle Jiu felt very pleased when he saw that his always lazy apprentice suddenly became so diligent.

Three days later, next to the Ren family ancestor's grave
The altar was ready, and Uncle Jiu began to hold the burial ceremony.

After the ceremony, Uncle Jiu began to observe carefully in front of the tomb, and seemed to notice something was wrong.

Master Ren stepped forward and said, "Uncle Jiu, that Feng Shui master said that this point is difficult to find and it is a good point."

Uncle Jiu nodded when he heard the words, and then said, "That's right, this hole is called Dragonfly's Point of Water. The hole is three feet four feet long, and only four feet can be used, and the width is one foot three feet, and only three feet can be used. Therefore, the coffin cannot be buried horizontally. It must be properly buried." burial!"

Master Ren put his thumbs up when he heard the words, what Uncle Jiu said was exactly the same as what the Feng Shui master said.

It was the first time Chen Wei heard that there are so many details about burials, so he asked curiously, "Master, what is a legal burial?"

"The so-called legal burial means vertical burial, right? Master Ren." Uncle Jiu looked at Master Ren.

"That's right, that Feng Shui master said: if the ancestors are buried vertically, the descendants must be good?"

"Is that great?" Chen Wei asked first.

If it was spiritual, he would consider going back and telling his parents and giving it a try?
But Mr. Ren shook his head and smiled wryly, "To be honest, the business of our Ren family has been getting worse and worse in the past 20 years! I don't know why?"

Uncle Jiu said directly, "I think that Mr. Feng Shui has enmity with your Ren family. Did the old man offend this Mr. Feng Shui before his death?"

Master Ren was a little embarrassed, so he confessed that his father threatened and lured Mr. Feng Shui back then.

Said that this point was originally selected by Mr. Feng Shui, but his father also took a fancy to this point, so he paid and coerced the other party to give it to him.

Uncle Jiu nodded, as expected, no wonder he felt something was wrong with the tomb at first glance.

"No wonder that Mr. Feng Shui wanted to harm you, and told you to sprinkle cement on the entire tomb, so that the head of the coffin could not touch the water, so how could it be called superficial water! But he still has a bit of conscience, and let you relocate the coffin after 20 years , if you kill half your life, you won't hurt your whole life, if you kill one generation, you won't hurt your eighteenth generation!"

"I see." Master Ren put on a thoughtful state.

At this time, the coffin workers had already dug to the top of the coffin.

"Raise the coffin!"

Following Uncle Jiu's order, the coffin was pulled up by a rope.

"Today is Ren Gong's mighty and brave reappearance. Anyone aged 36, 22, 35, and 48, who belongs to the rooster or ox, should turn around and avoid."

People who fit this sentence in the crowd turned around one after another.
after a while

"The evasion is complete, open the coffin!"

Several workers neatly pulled out the coffin nails and removed the coffin lid.

At this moment, the cry of a crow suddenly came from afar.

When Uncle Jiu heard this, he felt something bad in his heart, so he pulled the two apprentices to the coffin.

Chen Wei originally wanted to refuse, but for the reward of the dungeon, he still stepped forward. It should be the first time he has come into close contact with a corpse.

But when he saw Old Master Ren's body, he was startled. Except for the atrophy of the skin and muscles, the rest of the body didn't change much.

This corpse has been lying in the coffin for more than 20 years, and the corpse has not rotted until now. It must have been soaked in formalin!
Uncle Jiu also noticed something was wrong, and immediately asked someone to cover the coffin, and suggested that Master Ren cremate the body on the spot, otherwise there would be trouble.

However, Mr. Ren knew that his father was most afraid of fire when he was alive, so he would not agree to cremation no matter what.

Uncle Jiu had no choice but to give up and asked the workers to carry the coffin back to Yizhuang first.

Before leaving, he specifically asked Chen Wei and Qiu Sheng to light an incense array of plum blossoms near the tomb, and put incense on the nearby wild graves as well.

Chen Wei didn't know what the Plum Blossom Fragrance Array was, but fortunately Qiu Sheng knew, and after asking about it, he lit an incense array next to the tomb.

But as the incense slowly burned out, Chen Wei discovered something was wrong. Why did the three incense burn out halfway, and ended up with two short and one long.

As for Qiusheng, everyone knows...

Returning to Yizhuang, when he saw the three incense sticks in Chen Wei's hand, Uncle Jiu sighed, and then slowly said

"People are most afraid of three long and two short, and incense is most afraid of two short and one long, but it just happened to burn like this! Alas..."

Uncle Jiu sighed again, and walked slowly to the altar.

"With this incense in the house, someone must be mourning!"

"Master, you mean Mr. Ren's house..." Chen Wei asked tentatively.

Uncle Jiu nodded
Qiu Sheng quickly asked, "Master, is there any way to avoid it?"

"I've already thought of a solution, otherwise I wouldn't have brought the coffin back." Uncle Jiu stared at the coffin with a serious face.

It was only then that Chen Wei realized why the name of the dungeon was called Mr. Zombie. It turned out that the key to the plot was the corpse in the coffin.

At this time, Qiusheng also realized that the appearance of the corpse was not quite right.

"Yeah, this body hasn't rotted away after all this time!"

Having said this, he immediately realized something was wrong and quickly called Chen Wei to push open the coffin lid again to take a look.

With the experience of the day, Chen Wei became more courageous, but he didn't refuse.

"Wow, I'm blessed!"

The lid of the coffin was opened, and the Old Master Ren inside not only did not rot, but his flesh and blood became fuller.

After hearing this, Uncle Jiu came forward and found that the body had begun to mutate. He quickly asked the two to cover the coffin and prepared yellow paper, red pen, black ink, kitchen knife, and wooden sword.

After all the tools were ready, Uncle Jiu killed a big rooster and took its blood, which was poured into a bowl.

Then he began to make magic, blending Taoism into chicken blood, and then pouring in black ink to mix it.

Then use the Tai Chi Eight Diagrams Mirror to introduce Yang Qi into the blood ink.

Finally, pour the blood ink into the ink fountain, and everything is done.

"Ink fountain?" Chen Wei had seen this thing in history books. It seemed to be an ancient carpenter's tool, used to mark straight lines.

"Well, when you flick this ink thread on the coffin, be very careful, don't miss a place."

"it is good."

Uncle Jiu lit the incense and began to popularize science for the two apprentices.

Divide people into good guys and bad guys, corpses into zombies

The reason why people become bad people is because they fail to live up to expectations.

The reason why a corpse becomes a zombie is because it has an extra breath
Before a person dies, he is angry, suffocated, and suffocated. After death, the breath is blocked in his throat, and the corpse will mutate and become a zombie.

Chen Wei listened carefully to Uncle Jiu's teachings, and finally knew the origin of the zombies, and Qiu Sheng did the same, but they were so engrossed in listening that they both forgot to tap the ink thread under the coffin at the same time.


It was getting late, and Qiu Sheng was riding a bicycle, about to write a story about "the love between man and ghost".

On Chen Wei's side, after these few days of adaptation, he no longer had nightmares at night.

That night, the old man Ren in the coffin was dishonest. He tried several times to get out of the coffin, but due to the suppression of the ink fountain line, all of them ended in failure.

The next day, the sun rose as usual, and after Uncle Jiu and Chen Wei practiced, they set off to Master Ren's house to discuss the new cemetery.

After arriving at Ren's house, Uncle Nine and Master Ren went upstairs to talk about things. Only Ren Tingting, Tingting's cousin A Wei and Chen Wei were left downstairs. Qiu Sheng from the original plot did not come with him today.

As the captain of the town's security, Ah Wei is always arrogant in his work, and looks down on a bumpkin like Chen Wei.

But after Ren Tingting told some stories about going to school in the provincial capital, Chen Wei also had a feeling and said a few words.

After all, Chen Wei is a modern college student who has seen many great things in the world. Just a few words can make Ren Tingting look at him with admiration.

This made my cousin Ah Wei who was sitting next to him very jealous.
PS: It’s not my fault. The first story dungeon should be more detailed. The future dungeons will only describe the core parts

PS2: Please give me some favorites and recommendation votes. It’s not easy to code on mobile phones.

(End of this chapter)

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