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Chapter 301 Subduing Nine Foxes

Chapter 301 Subduing the Nine Foxes
Facing Lin Yu's question, the man answered like this:

"I know she is a vixen, and I voluntarily gave her part of my yang energy, otherwise, how could such a beautiful young lady be willing to do that with me!"

After hearing this, Lin Yu almost petrified on the spot. He thought it was a murder case of monsters killing humans, but it turned out to be a despicable, shameless and dirty transaction.

So he directly took out the ID of the management bureau from his pocket.

"Excuse me, please come with me, both of you!"

I thought that taking out the certificates of the management bureau would allow a man and a monster to follow him honestly, but the man asked another extremely tricky question.

"Dear Chief of the Play Management Bureau, what crime did the two of us commit? You want to take us back to investigate."

"You guys committed..."

Lin Yu suddenly got stuck halfway through his speech.

Yaozu maliciously hurt people?

Not enough, because these two goods are voluntary, and men voluntarily provide yang energy for the demon fox.

PC crime?
It's not accurate, because this crime is generally used on men and women, and it's really hard to say between the human race and the demon race.

Thinking about it this way, the man and demon fox in front of him really did not violate the relevant "laws", and he really had nothing to do with them.

"You two wait a minute!"

Lin Yu signaled the two of them not to move, then took out his mobile phone to call Xiao Yunting, and told him everything that happened here.

As a result, the first thing Xiao Yunting noticed was not the essence of the matter, but his current position.

"Well, Lin Yu, you dare to go to the nightclub behind Yuya's back. Let's see how I deal with you tomorrow!"

Only then did Lin Yu realize that he must have been kicked in the head by a donkey to tell his future father-in-law about coming to the nightclub. Isn't this purely sick?

But things have already happened, so that's the only way to go, let's deal with this case first.

"Leader, let's put aside our personal matters first, let's talk about how to deal with this man and the demon?"

At this time, Xiao Yunting resumed his usual seriousness, and after thinking carefully for a while, he said: "Leave that man alone, and catch all these vixens in the nightclub for me first, they belong to stealing into Blue Star, we play the game of management." He has the right to deal with them!"

"it is good!"

Hanging up the phone, Lin Yu looked at Yaohu, "You should have heard it too, should you follow me obediently, or force me to do it?"

After hearing this, the man wanted to intercede for Yaohu, but Yaohu didn't care about that, and attacked Lin Yu without saying a word.

She knew that if the human beings in this world wanted to explode their strength, they needed to perform special transformation rituals.

As long as you take the first shot and don't give the opponent a chance to transform, you can easily defeat the opponent!

Yaohu's idea is still very good, but it's a pity that she met Lin Yu, a man who was cheated, and even in his original form, he could beat 90.00% of players of the same level.

In just the first round of their encounter, Lin Yu eliminated the demon fox with one blow and destroyed sixty-seven percent of her demonic power, making her unable to maintain her human form and turning into a 4-meter-long brown fox. fox.

"You said why did you insist on forcing me to do it? Wouldn't it be okay if you just follow me?"

After speaking, Lin Yu activated his divine power to suck the fox into time and space, then turned around and gave the man a warning.

After all, Yaozu is not a blue star race, and sooner or later something will happen if they make a deal with them, I hope he can take care of himself!
The next few demon foxes were quickly captured by Lin Yu one by one in time and space, and like the first demon fox, they all made deals with those men with ulterior motives behind their backs.

It is precisely because of this that Lin Yu didn't kill the killer immediately,
The only thing I can't stand is that when he was catching these foxes, they were all "driving for a ride" freely. The picture is really too beautiful...

Near midnight, Lin Yu locked the nine vixens caught in this trip into the detention room of the Play Management Bureau.

Seeing this group of 3-meter-long foxes, the members of the Management Bureau clapped their hands in amazement. It turns out that there are really fox spirits in this world!
Xiao Yunting also came to the scene at this time, looking at this group of creatures from another world, his face was very solemn.

Although the higher-ups had known for a long time that creatures from other worlds would invade Blue Star sooner or later, they never expected that this day would come so soon!
"Lin Yu, what are you going to do with these monsters?"

Xiao Yunting wanted to hear Lin Yu's opinion first, after all, he was the one who caught all these monster races.

"This one……"

Lin Yu is also hesitant now. If they hurt humans, they will kill them, but the problem is that these monsters did not hurt people.

And he just asked the reason why this group of demon foxes came to Blue Star, similar to Mirror Demon, Shadow Demon, and Demon Vine. They all escaped to the Blue Star plane because they were afraid of being hunted by the Demon King.

"Team leader, if you don't hand them over to me, I can just assign jobs to them."

"You want to keep them to work for you?" Xiao Yunting didn't expect that Lin Yu would want Yaozu to work for him. This is a very novel idea.

In the past, if the management bureaus in other places encountered monsters, if they hurt anyone, they would kill them on the spot, and if they didn't hurt anyone, they would be directly imprisoned in a special place.

"Well, I think they came to Blue Star because of necessity, and they had no intention of harming human beings. It doesn't seem to be the same thing to just kill or lock them up." Lin Yu replied.

Xiao Yunting nodded when he heard the words, the management bureau actually wanted to coexist peacefully with the Yaozu.

After all, we are likely to face threats from other worlds in the future. If we can establish an alliance with the demon clan, it would be a good choice.

But there is a very important problem to be solved here, that is how to ensure that this group of monsters will not harm humans.

Regarding Xiao Yunting's worries, Lin Yu lied that he had the means to restrict the monster race and could guarantee that they would not harm humans.

After hearing Lin Yu's assurance, Xiao Yunting finally chose to believe in himself, his future son-in-law.

The reason why Lin Yu wants to do this is first of all to pave the way for his three monster clan subordinates. Another point is that he thinks that just like human beings are good and bad, not all monster clans are evil.

Facing those monster races who are kind and harmless, he is willing to give them a chance to survive.

Then Lin Yu pulled all 9 demon foxes into time and space. First, he was intimidated by the domineering aura of a demon king, and then he said his benefits to the group of demon foxes.

In the end, things went smoothly, and all the nine demon foxes chose to surrender.

Lin Yu also gave the nine foxes blood essence just like he subdued the magic vines before.

After absorbing the blood essence, the demon foxes once again gained the ability to transform into adults, and their race was also advanced from the lowest demon fox tribe to the higher-level spirit fox tribe. The body changed from the original brown fox to a white spirit fox .

Looking at this group of spirit foxes whose looks are generally between 80 and 90 and whose body is above C, Lin Yu decides to place them in Lin Jun Plaza and act as the front desk attendants of the square.

(End of this chapter)

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