my copy is so popular

Chapter 283 Zanpakuto

Chapter 283 Zanpakuto
Followed by the second lottery
[Congratulations to the host for winning the prize: EX-level copy "JoJo's Bizarre Adventure"]

I actually picked up a complete dungeon again, and this is an outrageous dungeon world.

In this world, no matter how strong you are, you may be killed by the special stand-in ability.

Lin Yu doesn't intend to go in and take risks casually, he just visits the dungeon store at most, he doesn't want to die in this world full of bugs.

It's finally the last lottery draw.

With the rewards of the first two lottery draws, Lin Yu can accept the third lottery draw, even if it is thanks for participating.

[Congratulations to the host for winning the reward: SSS level dungeon "Reaper"]

World Announcement: [Congratulations to the player "Hidden" for successfully creating the SSS-level copy "Reaper", hereby make an announcement! 】

Before Lin Yu even had time to react, the world announcement from the game's main system rang in his ears.

"Damn it, I'm a heifer flying on the plane today, and the cowhide is in the sky."


Because three SSS-level dungeons have been released before, the players in the Huaguo Division are much calmer than before.

But the mentality of players in other competition areas has completely collapsed. There are 4 SSS-level dungeons on Huaguo's side, and there is not even one on their own side.

Is the gap between the competition area and the competition area so big?


After Lin Yu received the copy of "Reaper", he immediately entered the copy store, and the first line on the first page was [Zanpakutao-Shan Da].

Weapon: Shallow

Type: Zanpakuto
Grade: Special

Grade: special

Introduction: The appearance of Zanpakuto before it was unraveled was created by Ermeiwu Wangyue alone.It is the rudiment of Zanpakuto, and after being written into its own spirit and belief by its owner, it will become the only Zanpakuto.

Price: 1 game coins
Lin Yu bought it without hesitation. After all, this thing is a necessary thing in the world of death gods, and it is also the strongest weapon of death gods.

But now there is an important question, that is how to wake up this Zanpakuto?

King of Sages: [The host is very simple, you only need to hold up the Zanpakuto, aim the tip of the knife at your heart, and then stab the knife down to enter the world inside the Zanpakuto. Successfully awaken Zanpakuto. 】

"Oh, it's so simple! Just stab yourself with a knife!"

King of Sages: "Yes!"

"Fuck you! Stabbing yourself with a knife is something only a neuropathy would do." Lin Yu felt that this way of awakening was too exaggerated. If he didn't stab himself well, he would be playing himself to death.

The King of Sages replied calmly: "The host can completely trust me, as long as you stab hard enough, you will be able to successfully awaken the Zanpakuto!"

"I believe you ghost, you king of sages is very bad!"

Lin Yu will definitely not joke about his life.

But what the King of Sages said next made him change his mind.

"What are you afraid of, host? Don't forget that you have the physique of a ghost king. Even if your heart is gone, you can regenerate it."

Lin Yu slapped his forehead suddenly when he heard it, and he actually forgot about it.

That's right, I am no longer an ordinary human being. The fatal injuries to humans are no different from ordinary injuries on me.

So he made up his mind, raised Zanpakutao high, and quickly stabbed it into his heart.

The King of Sages added another sentence at this time: "I forgot to mention one thing, the Zanpakuto is a special weapon, so when it is pierced into the body, it will also cause the same damage to the soul.

Therefore, the pain felt by the host will be the same as when a normal person is stabbed! "

"You didn't tell me sooner!"

Lin Yu couldn't help complaining, and then a severe pain flooded into his brain instantly, making his consciousness fall into a coma.


When Lin Yu opened his eyes again, he found that he was already in the ruins of a huge palace.

He shook his head vigorously, then remembered what happened just now.

If you didn't guess wrong, this should be the time inside Zanpakuto.

At this time, a voice sounded in the empty palace.

"correct answer!"

As the voice fell, a man in a brown cloak and a strange mask appeared on the roof in front of him.

Lin Yu looked at the masked man quietly, and he could feel a familiar force from him, as if he had seen it somewhere before.

"You should be my Zanpakuto!"

The masked man nodded first, then shook his head.

"You're only half right, I'm just a fragment of your Zanpakuto, if you want to know how to awaken the real Zanpakuto, then try to defeat me!"

"I thought it was going to be guessing! It turned out that there was going to be a fight, so it was just what I wanted!"

Lin Yu immediately calls out the system and finds that the game character functions can be used normally, so it will be much easier.

"Fusion Transformation!"

He instantly changed into a game form, and then quickly stacked buff skills for himself.

The masked man stood on the golden roof of a pavilion from beginning to end, looking at Lin Yu silently.

"The Breath of the Sun · One Shape Change · A Flash of Round Dance!"

Lin Yu took a sharp breath, and then his body turned into a red light and approached the mask.

"too slow!"

The masked man instantly raised his right hand, stretched out his middle finger and index finger, and clamped the blade of Riyan Knife with lightning speed.


A look of surprise flashed in Lin Yu's eyes, and then he immediately activated the energy in his body, and the Sun Flame Knife turned into a blazing white He Knife.

However, facing the Riyan Knife with such a high temperature, the masked man was completely unmoved, and just released a burst of purple energy from his hand, which isolated the high temperature of the Riyan Knife from the outside.

Seeing that this trick had no effect, Lin Yu immediately transformed his own energy into chakra and condensed it in his mouth.

"Fire escape, the fire is extinguished!"

Flames like sea water poured out from his mouth, instantly engulfing the masked man in the sea of ​​flames.

"Good adaptability, but the power is not enough!"

The masked man reappeared in front of Lin Yu, and there was no trace of being burned by the flame on his body.

Then he let go of his two fingers, and then raised his sword and kicked Lin Yu's chest.

"Pluto's arrogance strengthened!"

Lin Yu didn't have time to dodge, so he could only concentrate his domineering energy on his chest to improve his chest's defense ability.


Just hearing a muffled sound, Lin Yu was kicked thousands of meters away, and his ribs were all broken.

The masked man seemed to feel that it was not enough. After finishing this kick, his body suddenly disappeared into thin air.

When he appeared again, he had come to Lin Yu.

"Crack the ground!"

A top-down kick with such fierce power that the air made a crackling sound because it couldn't bear the force.

"So fast, no! He didn't move over, but teleported over."

Lin Yu's brain is running fast. Just now, the masked man disappeared directly into his knowledgeable arrogance, so he must have used some kind of teleportation skill.

But now that the opponent's kick has arrived, he must quickly make a countermeasure.

"Divine power!"

The kaleidoscope Sharingan reappeared, and Lin Yu's body became incorporeal.

However, the masked man smiled slightly, and suddenly withdrew his fallen foot, then raised his right hand and punched Lin Yu in the abdomen.

Lin Yu thought that this punch would pass through his body, so he would have a chance to fight back.

However, the fist of the masked man was extremely domineering, and the purple energy contained in his fist twisted the air.

"Hold the grass!"

Lin Yu only had time to say these two words, and then he was blown away again, and a big mouthful of blood spewed out of his mouth!

(End of this chapter)

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