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Chapter 241 Ghost Dance Tsuji Appeared Without Misfortune

Chapter 241 Ghost Dance Tsuji Appeared Without Misfortune

The King of Sages: [The host does not need to panic, as long as you completely kill Hei Si Mou's body without leaving a single cell, he will die naturally, and Gui Wu Tsuji Wu Mi is no exception.The reason why it is said in the original book that sunlight is necessary to destroy Wu Mi is because it is difficult for ordinary swordsmen to completely clear all his cells, but it should not be a big problem for the host! 】

"So that's the case, then I can only be cruel!"

Lin Yu raised the Sun Flame Sword again and fought with the reborn Black Death Mou again.

After getting rid of the weakness of beheading, Hei Si Mou's strength has also improved to a certain extent, and his level has also been raised from level 86 to level 90.

After more than a dozen rounds, Heiseimu's body was covered with scars again, and his body's self-healing ability became slower and slower.

Hei Si Mou's eyes began to dim. Even though he had evolved, he was still no match for the man in front of him.

It felt like when he was facing his younger brother Ji Guoyuanyi. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't overcome his opponent's powerlessness, which made his spirit on the verge of collapse.

At this time, Heishimu caught Lin Yu's blade from the corner of his eye, and he saw his current appearance through the reflection.

With a ferocious face and horns on his head, except for retaining the general shape of a human, he has completely turned into a monster.

Recalling his original intention, he was just trying to catch up with his younger brother, but in the end, he turned into this monster who was neither human nor ghost.

At this moment, Heishimu's mentality collapsed, and his body also began to collapse and dissipate, leaving only a bamboo flute that was broken in two in place.

Lin Yu sighed, he never thought that Hei Si Mou would not escape the "ugly death" by himself...

But now there is still one thing waiting for him to do, because of Hei Simou's obstruction, Tong Mo and Yi Wozuo have just recovered.

"Okay, it's your turn next!" Lin Yu turned to face the two ghosts.

Tong Mo and Yi Wozuo looked at each other, and decided to use the final ultimate move.

"Destruction and Kill Luo Needle!"

Yiwozuo took up his posture again, and concentrated all his strength on his fists. Finally, he summoned Luo Zhen to center on himself, and fired hundreds of missiles at Lin Yu in an instant, with extremely fast speed and huge power.

"Destruction, Final, Qingyin Chaos Afterglow!"

Facing Yiwozuo's strongest killing move, Lin Yu entered the [transparent world] again. In this state, he has the ultimate control over his body and can hide his fighting spirit at will.

After completely hiding the grudge, Yiwozuo's move lost its aim, and Lin Yu easily dodged these light groups one by one.

"Is this the highest realm of martial arts that I pursue?" Yiwozuo murmured.

In fact, as early as when Lin Yu cut him with the Riyan knife, he guessed that the other party had reached this level and could freely control the breath from his body.

"Goodbye, Yiwozuo! The breath of the sun, the shape of the sun, and the round dance!"

Lin Yu came to Yiwozuo in a flash, and while he was still in a state of frozen skills, he chopped off his head with a knife.

Facing Lin Yu, who has understood the [Transparent World], Yiwozuo is no match for him now.

On the verge of death, Yi Wozuo recovered his lost memory.

In fact, what he hates is not the weak at all, but the self who didn't protect his master and fiancee well.


After solving Yiwozuo, only Tong Mo, the second son of Shangxian, was left in the room, and Lin Yu went straight to him without talking nonsense.

"Blood Ghost Art, Fog Ice, Water Lily Bodhisattva!"

Naturally, Tong Mo also used his strongest stunt to create an extremely huge iceman, whose appearance was like a Bodhisattva sitting with his hands clasped together.

Just waving his hand has enormous power, and at the same time it can release a large area of ​​highly poisonous ice mist.

This trick is still very threatening to other pillar-level ghost hunters, but facing Lin Yu who can use the breath of the sun, it is simply overwhelmed.

The fiery flames surrounding Lin Yu dispelled the poisonous ice mist in an instant.

Then Lin Yu raised his knife, split Tong Mo and the water lily Bodhisattva behind him in half, and then made up a horizontal cut to cut off his head.

"Breath of the Sun · Twelve Shapes · Flame Dance!"

So far, the three strongest ghosts in the twelve ghost months have been eliminated.

Yushiro finally used the blood ghost technique to control Naruto, and used her blood ghost technique to move the entire Infinite City to the ground.

Muzan also recovered at this time, and noticed that the entire Infinite City began to move towards the ground. He suddenly felt something bad and guessed that Naruto must be under control.

So ruthless, he decided to execute Naruto immediately, but in the end he was still a step too late!
"Boom!" There was a loud noise!
Yushiro successfully transported the entire Infinite City to the ground before Naruto died.

Now, as long as we wait until dawn, we have a chance to kill the Ghost King, Onibutsuji Mukai!

Coincidentally, the moment Gui Wu Tsuji Wujing got off the ground, he encountered Lin Yu head-on.

"Oh, what a coincidence!" Lin Yu said hello with a smile.

"You are the man who inherited the breath of the sun!"

Oni Wu Tsuji was still very afraid of Breath of the Sun in his heart, because the place on his body that was cut by Ji Guo Yuanyi hundreds of years ago still felt pain.

"Forget it, Wu Mi, are you ready to face death?" Lin Yu re-entered the state of full breathing, and the Riyan knife and his body ignited flames again.

"You're a crazy talker, no matter what! I'll make a deal with you bloody ghost hunters tonight!"

As soon as the words fell, Wu Mi's body began to mutate, his arms turned into spiked whips, and 9 tube whips grew out of his back!
King of Sages:
Name: Oni Wu Tsuji Mimi
Level: 94 (in a gradually weakening state)
Identity: Ghost of the ancestor.

Introduction: The original ghost who has survived for more than a thousand years, the absolute ruler of ghosts, calls himself "a creature infinitely close to perfection", and has a cruel and cold personality.

Different from other ghosts, after Wu Mi entered the battle mode, he immediately used his full strength, and the long whip behind him attacked extremely fast.

Lin Yu also relied on the perception ability of [knowledge color domineering] and the dynamic vision of [kaleidoscope sharing sharing eye] to accurately capture his attack.

After dodging Wumi's round of attacks, Lin Yu quickly started to fight back, and a wave of flame sword energy was sent out from the Riyan knife.

"Breath of the Sun·Fourteen Shapes·Sun Flame Slash!"

Facing this wave of sword energy that needed the joint efforts of Hei Si Mou, Tong Mo, and Yi Wo Zuo to resist, Wu Mi sent out a wide-area powerful shock wave centered on himself.

The sword energy wave collided with the shock wave and canceled each other out.But the aftermath of the collision shattered all the surrounding houses.

After the ultimate move, the two fought again. Wu Mi's double-armed whip was like the scythe of death. It was not only extremely sharp, but also venomous.

According to the data of [Sage King], as long as he is drawn by it, he will be poisoned instantly. With Lin Yu's current poison resistance, he can't last long, so he must be very careful.

(End of this chapter)

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