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Chapter 231 Lin Yu VS Dongfang Ruby

Chapter 231 Lin Yu VS Dongfang Ruby
Liu Qingqing is still very happy to have successfully retained her position as one of the "Top Ten Elites". After all, the Top Ten can receive huge subsidies every year.

According to the competition system, a challenger cannot challenge the same top ten consecutively, and can only continue to challenge after at least the next three challengers have completed their challenges.

This meant that the next three challengers could no longer challenge Liu Qingqing, and she could rest for a while.

Lin Yu also handed Liu Qingqing a bottle of mineral water when he returned to the auditorium.

"Give you!"

Liu Qingqing took the water, nodded and said: "Thank you!"

"You're welcome!"

The challenge continued, and the next three challengers came to the stage one after another, but in the end they all ended in failure, which was unexpected by most members.

Xiao Yunting turned his head to look at Zhao Yuheng behind him, and gave him a look.

Zhao Yuheng knew how to prepare for the next battle!
But Lin Yu came to the ring first, and then hooked his fingers at the position of the Suzaku group.

"I want to challenge the captain of Suzaku Team 1, Dongfang Hongyu!"

As soon as this remark came out, the audience was shocked, and so was Zhao Yuheng. He was going to challenge Dongfang Hongyu, but Lin Yu took the lead.
The strength of Dongfang Ruby is not low!
She is also at the top of the top ten, and Long Yuxin and Xiao Yuyan have beaten her in the sparring competition.

Lin Yu also knows that Dongfang Hongyu is powerful, so why does he still challenge the opponent!

The main reason is that he was targeted by the Suzaku group yesterday, so today he must find this place.

Dongfang Hongyu raised her lips. She originally wanted to teach Lin Yu a lesson, telling him that there would be a price to pay for peeking at a girl's breasts.

However, fighting among members of the management bureau is prohibited, and the right to choose opponents in the challenge is in the hands of the challenger, so she really can't do anything for a while.

But now it's all right, Lin Yu even took the initiative to deliver it to your door!
The two stood facing each other, each holding their weapons tightly.

Lin Yu's weapon this time is the large "Long Aotian" [+13 Night Hidden], because only using this weapon can make up the difference in attack between the two sides, and at the same time weaken the advantage of Dongfang Ruby in armor.

If someone asks where the weapon came from, he can use "borrowed" to fool him.

When Liu Qingqing saw Lin Yu's weapon in the auditorium, his eyes lit up immediately.

She has already experienced the enhancement and knows that the floating light on the [Night Hidden] knife is caused by strengthening, and the red floating light can only be seen on +13 weapons, which means that this knife is a +13 weapon.

+10 weapon is already so cowhide, +13 can't be cowhide to the sky, no wonder that crystal turtle was so afraid of Long Aotian that night!

"Lin Yu, an ordinary member of the White Tiger Group, please advise!"

"Captain of Suzaku Group 1, Dongfang Hongyu, please advise!"

ID: Huofeng Liaoyuan

Rating: 93
Occupation: Fire Phoenix Messenger

Occupational characteristics:
Fire Phoenix Wings: After the second awakening, the Fire Phoenix wings can grow on the back, the character gains the ability to fly, and can use the fire wings to attack.

Rebirth of desire: After an awakening, when the character dies, there is a certain chance of being reborn from the ashes. After resurrection, the character will be blessed by phoenix flames, and all attributes will be improved. This effect can be superimposed.

Phoenix Flame Burning: The flame attack is converted into a Phoenix Flame attack. When the attack hits, it will add a burning effect to the enemy, and it will continue to cause damage during the duration of the effect.

Fire Immunity: Immune to fire attribute attacks.


At this time, the king of sages also reported the information of Dongfang Hongyu to Lin Yu.

Looking at those professional characteristics, Lin Yu felt the pressure. He deserved to be the top three players among the top ten. This professional characteristic alone is very difficult to deal with.

"Game start!"

At the referee's order, Lin Yu and Dongfang Hongyu rushed towards each other at the same time!

Fengyan and Baqi collided, and a wave of heat suddenly swept through the entire arena.

Because of the fire phoenix envoy's passive [flame immunity], Lin Yu couldn't use the breath of the sun, so he quickly exchanged for another set of breathing swordsmanship that restrains the flame.

"Breath of Water·One Type·Water Slash!"

Lin Yu's blade was immediately covered with a layer of water energy, and thick water vapor rose immediately after touching Fengyan.

(Let me explain here, unlike in the anime, after breathing swordsmanship is turned into a skill, it will have attribute attacks. The breath of the sun comes with blazing flames, the breath of wind comes with wind blades, and the breath of thunder comes with thunder and lightning. I will not explain them one by one in the following. listed!)

Soon the entire arena was covered by water vapor, and visibility became extremely low.

"Want to block my vision?"

Dongfang Hongyu saw Lin Yu's tactics, so she retracted her long whip and opened the [Fire Phoenix Wings] behind her, trying to fly out of the area covered by water vapor.

But how could Lin Yu let her escape? He concentrated his inner strength with his left hand, and then shot out several sword qi with his fingers.

Dongfang Hongyu, who was about to take off, suddenly felt several sharp sword auras attacking, and it must be too late to resist with a long whip, so she could only use [Fire Phoenix Wings] to resist.

But how could the Six Meridians Excalibur be able to be resisted by a mere Fire Wing? It easily penetrated through Fire Wing's barrier, hit Dongfang Hongyu's right arm, and left a sword mark on it!
"It looks like I underestimated you!"

Dongfang Hongyu touched the sword scar on his shoulder, and the phoenix flames suddenly ignited on his body, and the wound healed.

Not only that, because the sudden surge of Fengyan caused the surrounding temperature to rise suddenly, so the water vapor was also forced back by the heat wave.

Lin Yu also showed his figure, and Dongfang Hongyu immediately waved a long whip at him, and Fengyan also ignited on the whip, turning into a long flame of fire.

"Water Breath · Six Shapes · Twisting Vortex!"

Looking at the whip of fire, Lin Yu twisted his body and waved the weapon, forming a powerful vortex. The vortex turned into a sharp and huge blade, and bounced away the whip of fire.

"Too naive, Yan Huo Bin!"

Dongfang Hongyu pulled the handle of the whip, and the bounced flame whip automatically made a flame trap, binding up the water vortex created by Lin Yu.

"Can you still play like this?"

Lin Yu looked at the gradually shrinking circle of fire and knew that he could not stay in place any longer, otherwise he would be trapped.

So he immediately stopped spinning, activated his thoughts and flew into the sky.

A smile appeared on Dongfang Hongyu's face, she was waiting for this move.

"Fire feathers all over the sky!"

The [Fire Phoenix Wings] on the back of Dongfang Ruby burned violently, and its shape was two or three times larger than before.

Then the wings slapped towards Lin Yu, and countless flame feathers turned into flame throwing knives and shot at him.

The sky of fire feathers almost enveloped the entire arena, and there were so many that Lin Yu couldn't count them at a glance.

Under normal circumstances, Lin Yu could use the [Great Teleportation Technique] to move far away, but now it is an arena match, and barriers have been raised around him, limiting his movement space.

"Depend on!"

As soon as Lin Yu finished speaking, the fire feathers shot at him, and the flame burst instantly, like a firework.

Liu Qingqing, who was watching the battle, couldn't help clenching her fists. Through her perception ability, she could be sure that Lin Yu was actually hit just now!

(End of this chapter)

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