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Chapter 229 Girl

Chapter 229 Girl
One minute later, Liu Qingqing withdrew her lips and fled the scene quickly.

Lin Yu scratched the back of his head in confusion, wondering why Liu Qingqing was so strange today?

However, he didn't know that it was not Liu Qingqing but Xiao Yuyan who kissed him.

After Xiao Yuyan kissed Lin Yu, she ran to the ring hall on the second floor, clutching her chest with her right hand, as if her heart was about to jump out.

As for the reason why she kissed Lin Yu, it was to test whether he was immune to the curse on her body.

Facts have proved that Lin Yu has been completely immune to the effect of the curse.

Xiao Yuyan put her chin with one hand and fell into deep thought. There must be something different about this man from other people. As long as she could find this place, she might have a chance to break the curse on him.

At this time, Lin Yu didn't know that he had been kissed secretly, so he lay back on the sofa and fell asleep.

It was not until 7:[-] in the evening that Liu Qingqing called him up from the sofa.

"Wake up and have dinner!"

Hearing the sound, Lin Yu sat up, stretched a lot, then took off the towel from his eyes and opened his eyes. Finally, his eyes returned to normal.

Then he followed Liu Qingqing to the dining table.

"Lin Yu, your eyes have recovered?" Xiao Yuya asked with concern when she saw Lin Yu opened her eyes.

"Well." Lin Yu nodded, then turned his eyes to the table, and found that today's dinner is very rich, with a total of eight dishes!
So he asked, "What day is it today, why did you cook so many dishes?"

Xiao Yuya replied: "Sister Liu said that she came over for dinner the day before yesterday and owed us a meal. It just so happened that you advanced to the Top Ten Challenge today, so you personally cooked for such a big table.

Lin Yu has a taste. Sister Liu and I went out to buy this dish just now! "

"Bought it just now?" Lin Yu asked suspiciously.

"Well, after you came back and fell asleep just now, Sister Liu and I went out to buy it, what's the matter?"

Xiao Yuya didn't know why Lin Yu asked such a question.

But Lin Yu was lost in thought at this time, Liu Qingqing and Xiao Yuya went out to buy vegetables just now, who was the one who kissed him?
The smell of the perfume is obviously exactly the same as that on Liu Qingqing!

No, Lin Yu straightened his nose and found that Xiao Yuyan, who was sitting directly opposite him, also smelled of the same perfume.

Could it was Xiao Yuyan, the glamorous goddess who kissed him just now?

I'll be darling, this is too exaggerated!

Xiao Yuyan looked at Lin Yu's expression and knew that he already knew about her kiss. Her cold face was suddenly stained with red clouds, and she started to pick up the rice.

Xiao Yuya didn't notice the change in her sister's body, but Liu Qingqing's eyes were very keen. From Xiao Yuyan's flushed cheeks and Lin Yu's slightly shocked expression, she noticed something strange.

She can be sure that when she and Xiao Yuya went out to buy vegetables, something must have happened between the two of them.

Sure enough, women in love have extremely accurate intuition!
After dinner, Liu Qingqing sent Lin Yu to the hall, while she stayed and cleaned up the dishes with Xiao Yuyan.


In the living room, Xiao Yuya and Lin Yu were sitting opposite each other. She suddenly remembered that Lin Yu sang two very nice original songs, so she took the initiative to discuss some music knowledge with him.

After some discussion, she was once again impressed by Lin Yu's musical skills. The other party was like an amateur singer with professional strength.

Skills such as arranging, writing lyrics, singing, etc... are all masters and masters in all.

"Lin Yu, where did you learn all this knowledge? Did you study music before?" Xiao Yuya asked curiously.

"I learned from reading materials on the Internet."

"Learned from the Internet? Impossible!" Xiao Yuya doubted the authenticity of Lin Yu's words.

"Nothing is impossible. Music still requires talent. Maybe I have a relatively high talent, so I can become a talent by self-study." Lin Yu joked.

But Xiao Yuya seemed to take it seriously and continued: "I don't believe it, unless you can improvise a song on the spot."

When Lin Yu heard her words, he immediately wanted to show off, so he asked her to write questions at will and try to improvise by himself.

After Xiao Yuya thought for a while, she slowly spit out two words: "Girl"

After Lin Yu heard these two words, a song from his previous life immediately appeared in his head, but in order to be realistic, he deliberately pretended to be thinking, and asked Xiao Yuya to go upstairs to get a guitar.

After the guitar was taken down, he took the guitar and tuned it, then hummed a few words, and then reached out and plucked the strings.

"Girl, I don't want to see you suffer the same hurt, so learn to spoil.

Over and over again, over and over again, over and over again! "

Xiao Yuya, who had been exposed to music before, had a flash of light in her eyes. The tune and lyrics of this section are quite good.

"Is he really a genius?"

Lin Yu paused here for a moment, and then continued singing after a few seconds:

"What kind of attitude

so it doesn't look like I'm playing tricks

bad visitor

good people don't come

Because I used to stand outside the door
Going to the mountains and seas for you, emptying my pockets for you

To satisfy the expectations in your eyes, I dare not slack off for your sake, even if I am tired, I will pretend

For the adoration in your eyes

Girl, my story unfolds because of you. I learned patience because of you, and I changed all your bad habits because of you.
Girls don’t want to see you suffer the same hurt
so learn to love

No wonder, the love you really want!


Please forgive me, I don't want to part with you so soon! "

After singing a song, Lin Yu stopped what he was doing.

Xiao Yuya also recovered from the music, and her eyes on Lin Yu became brighter.

This is a song full of pure feelings, which quickly captured her heart and created an atmosphere of love-like excitement in her heart.

Xiao Yuya even fell into reverie, thinking that Lin Yu's purpose in composing this song was to secretly confess his love to her.

On the other side, Liu Qingqing and Xiao Yuyan in the kitchen heard the song, and they looked at each other in blank dismay. Lin Yu could sing so well, as good as a professional singer.

"He really always surprises people, with such cooking skills and strength, and now even singing is the same!" Liu Qingqing couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

"It seems that there are a lot of shining things in him, but this can't change the fact that he is stepping on two boats!" Xiao Yuyan still can't forget the fact that Lin Yu is stepping on two boats.

But Liu Qingqing felt different emotions from her tone.

In the past, when Xiao Yuyan said that Lin Yu had two boats, her tone was full of contempt, but today there was a hint of sadness in it.

"President Xiao, you must be jealous!" Liu Qingqing tentatively asked.

Xiao Yuyan couldn't help but smile after hearing this: "Qingqing, I'm different from you. There are a lot of excellent men around me, and I don't have any emotional barriers. My vision is much higher than yours!"

(End of this chapter)

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