my copy is so popular

Chapter 206 Departure

Chapter 206 Departure
The next morning, the sky is bright

There was already a long queue at the door of the Lin's shop, and people who didn't know it thought there was some kind of event being held here!

Vendors also saw this opportunity, and set up stalls on the side of the street early on, selling soy milk fritters, finger cakes, pancakes and fruits.

The usually deserted alley has now turned into a bustling small morning market.

When Lin Yu opened the store, he was taken aback on the spot, but after learning about the intentions of the customers, he realized that the popularity of the copy of "DNF" was much higher than expected!

Soon a large number of customers entered the store, and Mu Wanqing and Su Tingting were immediately busy.

The vast majority of customers came with a clear intention, that is, to buy the "DNF" key. After picking up the key on the shelf, they went straight to the cashier.

Lin Qing also quickly rushed downstairs to help, which barely maintained the normal operation of the store.

"Can you three do it?"

Looking at the busy backs of the three, Lin Yu worried whether they could cope with so many guests. After all, according to the current situation, this kind of hot scene will last for a long time, and maybe it will become the norm in the future.

Mu Wanqing told him not to worry, if they were too busy, they would hire another waiter.

Lin Yu nodded after hearing this, waved goodbye to everyone, and took a taxi to the airport alone.

When they arrived at the airport, Xiao Yunting and Zhao Yuheng had already been waiting in the waiting room for a long time.

"Why are you so late, boy?"

"Sorry, the business in the store is a bit busy!"

"No way, Brother Lin, I heard that you won a bonus of 11 billion, haven't you? What kind of store are you opening?"

Zhao Yuheng was a little puzzled, Lin Yu obviously had so much money, why did he open a shop to earn his hard-earned money.

"Brother Zhao, you don't understand this! A man still needs to have a career of his own, so as to have a sense of accomplishment."

"Okay, don't play tricks here, this competition is mainly to take you to Beijing to see the world, and by the way, get to know the young talents of the younger generation. You are all the future pillars of Huaguo."

Xiao Yunting interrupted Lin Yu's speech. If this kid was allowed to continue, Zhao Yuheng might have to "abandon martial arts and go into business".

While the three were chatting, two more people came over from the ticket gate.

Xiao Yunting turned around and looked at the two, then walked towards one of them with open arms.

"Yuya, you're here!"

That's right, it was Liu Qingqing and Xiao Yuya who came.

"Dad, please keep your voice down. If the people next to you hear me, my identity will be exposed." Xiao Yuya said softly. After all, she is a big star. Once she is recognized, it will definitely cause a commotion.

"Sorry, I forgot!" Xiao Yunting lowered his voice and expressed his apology.

"Captain Liu, didn't you say you won't be going to the conference in Beijing?" Zhao Yuheng asked Liu Qingqing who was beside him.

Liu Qingqing's answer is also very direct
"I suddenly want to go, but then again, Xiao Zhao, why are you still wearing shackles?"

"Ahem!" Xiao Yunting interrupted Liu Qingqing.


Liu Qingqing is still very respectful to Xiao Yunting, after all, the other party is her immediate boss, and his strength is also terrifying.

Xiao Yuya also saw Lin Yu at this time, and when she thought of what happened that night, a blush appeared on her cheeks.

Lin Yu didn't know what kind of identity to face Xiao Yuya, let alone his real girlfriend Liu Qingqing was still by his side!

"Okay, let's get on the plane first!"

Xiao Yunting at the side saw the delicate atmosphere between the two, so he immediately led everyone to board the plane.

What's interesting is that Lin Yu was arranged in the same row as Liu Qingqing and Xiao Yuya, and his position was still in the middle of the two beauties.

This made him not know what to do for a while, and he didn't dare to talk to any one of them first.

Half an hour after the plane took off, Liu Qingqing put on the blindfold, lowered her back and fell asleep.

Seeing that she was asleep, Xiao Yuya finally had the courage to talk to Lin Yu.

But Lin Yu didn't dare to talk too much, because he knew that Liu Qingqing beside him was just pretending to sleep.

In this way, the two chatted without saying a word. Although they didn't show too much intimacy, they both got a better understanding of each other.

When Xiao Yuya got up to go to the toilet, Liu Qingqing quickly removed her blindfold, and then squeezed Lin Yu's waist hard.

"It hurts, it hurts, it hurts! My aunt, what are you doing?"

"You chatted so happily with Yuya, why do you still ask me!"

"Yuya took the initiative to chat with me. Wouldn't it be very rude if I didn't answer!"

"That's why I misunderstood you!" Liu Qingqing increased the strength in her hand.

Lin Yu endured the severe pain and did not dare to cry out, for fear of attracting the attention of the people around him.

"My aunt, please be gentle. This is in a public place."

"Okay, I won't quarrel with you. Yuya is different from me. This girl is very innocent. You better keep a good distance from her, you philandering carrot. If you make her sad, not only will I not be able to forgive you, but the team leader will not be able to forgive you." You!" Liu Qingqing reminded.

She herself doesn't care about Lin Yu's fickleness, but she knows Xiao Yuya must care.

Once Lin Yu didn't handle this relationship well, something happened with Xiao Yuya, and then made the other party sad, then Xiao Yunting would definitely destroy him with his own hands!

At that time, even if she makes a move, she may not be able to keep Lin Yu.

"The problem is, I seem to have provoked her!"

Then Lin Yu told Liu Qingqing what happened that night. At first, he didn't know that Xiao Yuya was Xiao Yunting's daughter, and he only approached Xiao Yuya with the mentality of making friends.

But I didn’t expect that fate plays a trick on people. If you plant flowers intentionally, they will not bloom, but if you plant willows unintentionally, they will create shade!

He regarded Xiao Yuya as a friend, but the other party seemed to be wrong!
If you want to blame, you can only blame his damn charm that has nowhere to rest!

After Liu Qingqing heard this, she wished to give Lin Yu a kick. Why are you singing for girls when you have nothing to do?
"This is the end of the matter, I advise you to confess to Yuya as soon as possible, the deeper she is now, the more serious her injuries will be in the future, and the worse you will die in the end!"

"Okay!" Lin Yu had no choice but to think about it.

Xiao Yuya also returned to her seat at this time, and then took out a piece of chocolate from her bag.

"Want a piece?"

"No, I lost weight recently!"

"Oh, that's fine! By the way, you have to be more careful when you participate in the big competition this time. Every time Brother Yuheng goes there, he comes back with injuries all over his body. Once again, even his hair was burned off!"

"Is there such a thing? Playing with a game character can still burn your hair!" Lin Yu was a little surprised. Isn't there an official game like this?

"He was mean, and then he was burned with real phoenix fire by the eldest lady of the Dongfang family!" Liu Qingqing who was on the side suddenly interjected.

(End of this chapter)

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