Rule the ninja world, starting from the incarnation of Iron Man

Chapter 95 There is Jiraiya and some fairy toads in Mt. Miaogi

Chapter 95 There is Jiraiya and some fairy toads in Mt. Miaogi
The third generation comforted him from the side: "Don't worry, Yuma's precise operation ability is very strong, and he can do anything that no one in the village can successfully prepare."

Ji Lai also said speechlessly: "Old man, knowing how to mix medicine does not mean knowing how to treat medicine. It seems that you have been really confused all these years. I think it's better to let me do this. I don't want to die for the time being."

At this time, Yuma, who came to this place for the first time, began to look around, looking at the huge toad on the throne, his pupils shrank.

On the throne, Immortal Toad opened those two pairs of eyes in a rare way because of Yuma's arrival. They were very bright, like two huge night pearls.

Immortal Fukasaku and Immortal Shima who stood by were a little surprised. This was the first time they had seen their elders open their eyes in these years.

In the past, the Great Toad Immortal did not open his eyes not because he liked to ignore others, but for an old monster who had lived for thousands of years, if he opened his eyes, he would be easily distracted by things.

The so-called confusion of the five aggregates means that everything in the world has the possibility of being confusing.

Even the most common green trees, flowers, stones, and soil, because they are contaminated with the atmosphere of the world, as long as these specific images appear in the mind, they will make the heart of the big toad fairy who has not much longevity, and thus hurt his life.

After all, the long-lived species is not a product of the will of the nine-tailed beasts that will not perish, but is born, aged, sick and died.

In the original book, even in the face of Naruto, the big toad sage didn't mean to open his eyes.

Although Naruto is that kind of "savior", but only the big toad sage knows that everything is just the arrangement of his master "Sage of the Six Paths".

There are more sinister unknown existences in the world, and that kind of thing is the last enemy, which is why the Three Holy Lands choose to cooperate with humans.

Only their three holy lands still remember the lost history.

But these two immortals, Fukasaku and Shima, who have only practiced for seven or eight hundred years, naturally don't know.

They only know that they are willing to open their eyes for this, which means that the little devil in front of them is someone who must be valued.

It is worthy of the attention of a creature that has lived for a thousand years.

Zilai also chattered with the third generation over there, and the man in his teens did not dare to have surgery because he was afraid of death.

No one is not afraid of death, but sometimes, there are things more important than death in the world.

But more importantly, a little ghost like Yuma really made him not believe it easily.

He asked some detailed questions about this, but the answer from the third generation almost made him vomit blood. How dare you trust him?
Isn't that a little too blind, old man?
"Let's call Tsunade. If you really need to connect the bones, I still believe in Tsunade." Jiraiya said seriously.

Now that he had to undergo surgery, he still prefers to let someone he can trust.

Sandai sighed, after some enlightenment from Jiraiya, he also found that he seemed to have too much trust in Oma.

This kind of trust is very groundless, even he himself doesn't quite understand it, but now knowing that Jiraiya's life is the most important, he plans to go back and use manpower to find Tsunade.

Yuma withdrew his gaze from looking at Immortal Toad, but the other party opened his eyes and said nothing, so he didn't need to express anything.

Although he knew that the big toad had never opened its eyes in the original book, he didn't know the real reason behind it. He only thought that the old man liked it that way.

For example, grandma also likes to squint to look at the world?

Seeing that Sandai and Jiraiya were also arguing over there, Oma walked over and looked curiously at the middle-aged man in the original book who single-handedly led the ninja world to two states of "destruction" and "peace".

Just as his talent in the original novel is extremely unremarkable, his appearance is also mediocre.

Square face, wide chin, sloppy clothes, greasy hairstyle, nothing seems to show that this is a movie-level powerhouse.

From the bottom of his heart, Oma, who is a bit obsessive-compulsive and slightly obsessed with cleanliness, feels that he is not compatible with the guy in front of him.
Jiraiya's face changed slightly and he said: "Hey, kid, it's too rude of you to look at me like this. As a Konoha ninja, you have heard of my name after all, right? Can't you show some respect?"

Oma said lightly: "Sannin, right? I've heard that you were almost beaten to death for peeping on Tsunade-sama, who is also one of the three ninjas with you. I admire you very much."

Ji Lai also turned dark, not many people knew about this, and immediately looked at the third generation: "Old man, did you tell him?"

The third generation felt a little embarrassed, and he was a little confused about Yuma's intelligence ability, but this might be one of his abilities.

"Ahem~" Three generations pretended to calm down and coughed, "If you want people not to know, you have to do nothing."

Ji Lai also hated in his heart, judging by his expression, it was probably what Sandai said, so he couldn't help but take another look at Yuma.

Since the incident with Orochimaru, Jiraiya has never seen the third generation value a person so much, but there must be a reason he doesn't know.

Although he can roughly understand the reason why the third generation brought him here, Yuma still asked knowingly: "I don't know what Hokage-sama brought me here for? If you want this ugly and wretched man in front of you to teach me, then there is no need. "

It's true that I don't look good, I'm really sorry, and I've been slandering myself since then.

Immediately reacted: "Wretched?"

Zilai also widened his eyes, unexpectedly someone dared to say that about him.

He didn't know the meaning of this unfamiliar word, but he always felt that it was not a good word.

The third generation felt embarrassed. Originally pulling Yuma forward to heal Jiraiya, this temporary change of mind seemed a bit unreasonable, so he had to say: "That's right, I will bring you to see Mount Miaomu, it should be helpful to you!"

"Oh!" Yuma didn't point it out, knowing that they didn't believe in him, or they didn't believe in him at all.

But he didn't intend to take responsibility either, Jiraiya's injury he judged to be hopeless the first time he saw it.

Unless the brain is kept alive for a while and the body is changed, there is no possibility of reconnecting a person whose bones are broken and whose meridians are broken.

Although ninjutsu is miraculous, Yuma knows that ninjutsu is just a skill to develop the potential of one's own cells.

Such as healing ninjutsu, it can speed up the healing ability of wounds.

Even Tsunade's Baihao technique is a factor that activates the cells between the columns for a period of time, speeding up the super-speed regeneration or healing of the cells, and its essence is nothing but the remnants of Ashura's Yang Dun.

But he has never heard of ninjutsu that has bone healing, nor has he heard of a case where someone survived a broken bone. Most of them survived because of some special means.

Afterwards, Sandai returned to Konoha alone, leaving only Jiraiya and Oma in the field.

Jiraiya couldn't move his body, only his head could barely twist, and Oma didn't know how he was propped up on the stone bench, and he was tied with a very bad bandage.

At this time, Immortal Toad, who had opened his eyes for a long time, seemed to have thought of what to say, and asked a strange question in a deep voice: "Where are you from?"

Jirai is not directly facing the throne, so once you want to look in that direction, you need to tilt your head up.

He just felt that this question was so weird, where did Oma come from, naturally came from Konoha, even he could tell the difference.

Although he was rescued by the other party, although the other party must be very strong, he still had to think about it—in the past, the big toad fairy didn't talk much, except that his memory was not very good. Bar?
This thought seemed to be thoroughly read by the Immortal Fusaku over there, and he said angrily, "Little Ziraiya, do you have any bad thoughts about the Great Elder?"

Immortal Zhima thought that although the Great Elder is indeed a little foolish, he would never chat with people in formal occasions, so he said: "The Great Elder always has the deep meaning of the Great Elder, just listen to it."

Other people or the toad didn't know the meaning of the words of the Great Toad Immortal, but Yuma always felt that what the other party asked was not where he lived now, but the place where he lived a long time ago.

Regarding this secret that belongs to him alone, Yuma should learn to hide it.

After all, no one knows whether telling something about another dimension will cause any unfathomable things.

But the distant and peaceful meaning exuded by the Great Toad Immortal made Yuma feel that he should not lie, and this was not a torture.

Maybe if he tells the truth indirectly, the old monster who lives a long time and has a lot of secrets will know some secrets, so that he can find a chance to return to his hometown.

Therefore, after being silent for a while, Yuma slowly said: "I come from a place far away."

Immortal Toad said again: "How far is it?"

Yu Jiandao: "It is farther than the furthest place you can think of."

"Is that beyond imagination?"


"What is beyond imagination?"

Yuma paused and said truthfully, "I don't know."


Immortal Big Toad didn't ask any more questions, as if he didn't know what to ask, but just opened those eyes, trying to get rid of the stagnation that hadn't been opened for a long time.

Jiraiya and the two fairy toads were confused by the words of Yuma and the Great Elder.

"What is this doing?"


Jiraiya, who has always been sensitive, thought deeply, thinking that Sandai might be right, and Oma was very extraordinary.

He didn't understand what the conversation between Yuma and the Great Toad Immortal just now meant, but he knew that there must be something special about Yuma that he was willing to let the Great Toad Immortal ask so many questions.

So, after thinking about it for a long time, Jilai also decided to take a gamble.

As he said, he knew how serious his injury was, and even if Tsunade came to heal it, there was little chance that he would be cured. It was more likely that he was secretly sad, and he dared not go to the doctor ever since.

Over the years, I have more or less secretly met Tsunade many times, and I know that now she is not only afraid of blood, but also afraid of doctors.

She just blamed herself because the person she loved the most died in front of her because she was helpless.

Although this is just a psychological barrier, it is not an insurmountable thing for ninjas, but if it is not necessary, Jiraiya does not want to force the other party.

"Heart disease needs heart medicine, but if the medicine is not cooked well, it will aggravate a person's heart disease. I don't want to be the medicine that has not been cooked well." Ji Lai also thought, and shouted: "Hey, kid, please give me some medicine." thing!"

Yuma looked over at him.

(End of this chapter)

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