Rule the ninja world, starting from the incarnation of Iron Man

Chapter 89 Demon Destroyer Theory (Please Subscribe!!)

Chapter 89 Demon Destroyer Theory (Please Subscribe!!)
Yuma, who didn't know how many times she woke up, pressed the button for Xiao Ai to wake up her self-awareness as a matter of course.

So even if they couldn't communicate through their own consciousness, all those submerged cosmetics woke up, but they still didn't belong to Yuma, but to themselves.

Just like what Yuma was most worried about before, the awakened Xiao Ai was out of control at all.

He didn't know the motive, he didn't know the purpose, he couldn't know the past, but he seemed to be aware of Yuma's emotions and will, so he chose to protect the Lord.

Countless spiders, birds, sofas and other realistic life forms began to be created.

Numerous unlocked suits and armors have been produced.

Countless little loves appear all over Konoha.

Countless virtual avatars with the appearance of Yuma revived in the space.

They all have only one conscious body—Xiao Ai.

It turns out that this is infinite!
Truly unlimited!
Xiao Ai, who has infinite consciousness, naturally doesn't have to produce one or two clones like Oma, and thousands of clones gather in the underground world in a blink of an eye, and then put on armor.

In the past, Yuma had to work hard to make money, and only when he got the money could he achieve rapid production, but this is not the case here in Xiao Ai.

The next moment, Konoha exploded, and Oma's last reserve completely erupted.

Konoha should be able to feel the "Super Shenluo Tianzheng" three years later, and witnessed it in advance at this moment.

Konoha was destroyed, so Konoha's silver became the product of Xiao Ai's colonization space.

Konoha was destroyed, but some ninjas survived. They were unbelievable, unbelievable, howling in pain, trying to find the source of the explosion, and then they were attacked to death by the armored troops with a number of over ten thousand.

An hour later, the number of armored troops reached [-], and the reserve of explosive troops reached [-] billion taels.

Three hours later, the number of armored troops reached one million, and the reserve of explosive troops reached one hundred billion taels.

The ninja coalition finally arrived, and what greeted them was the army of Xiao Ai, who was like a wave of viruses.

A mere 50 ninja coalition forces were defeated and fled. Xiao Ai controlled all the soldiers to advance all the way, as if entering the land of no one, and the situation was like a broken bamboo.

This is not a journey that sweeps away decay, but a journey that destroys all.

One day later, the Land of Fire fell under tens of millions of armored troops, and the country's land and buildings were completely devastated and riddled with holes under the immeasurable explosion.

Three days later, the Kingdom of Wind and the Kingdom of Water collapsed, the earth was pierced, the waves lost control, and all armor and explosive troops were lost in the sea of ​​rampage.

Five days later, Xiao Ai, who had analyzed the situation, withdrew the explosive force, and the armored force with a value of over [-] million came back.

The Kingdom of Earth declares its surrender, is invalid, and is destroyed;
The entire army of the Kingdom of Thunder fought against it, but it was ineffective and destroyed.

Scenes of countries being destroyed and people dying are being staged all over the world.

Then the immortal creatures in Miaomu Mountain, Wetbone Forest, and Longdi Cave tried to stop this wave of armored people from destroying the world, but were destroyed.

Ten days later, the world fell into dead silence, with almost no living things.

But that's not enough, because the infinite enemy is the world.

This is the reason to move forward!

So the army of armor is still being manufactured, and there are more and more, one billion, ten billion, one hundred billion.
As a large group of black shadows filled the entire world, the ninja world seemed to be unable to support it anymore. Various natural disasters and earth disasters occurred frequently, and they wanted to destroy this group of armors.

Fire, earthquake, tsunami, avalanche.
More and more disasters appeared in No Man's Land, trying to perform the final swan song.

However, it doesn't work.

According to the original direction of the world, Yuma witnessed that the world will be reorganized after one year.

This is only the fifth month, but the number of armor crowds has reached a terrifying level, filling every gap, every space, and every inch of soil.

Even the crowd lined up, standing on top of other armored men, almost reaching the limit, occupying the sky.

Finally, the illusion world could not support this huge and frightening crowd force, cracks began to appear, and it was about to collapse.

And the countless years in this fantasy world are actually nothing but a fleeting thing to the outside world.

The figure standing in the sky finally realized something was wrong, and after refocusing his gaze, he saw a scene where even the sky was crowded as far as the eyes could see.

"This is impossible!!!"

"What the hell are you?"

The figure couldn't keep calm, how could there be people resisting under the infinite moon reading?This is an absolute illusion constructed by his six-path level consciousness.

Before he could react, the crowd of armored people who had turned into air everywhere in the fantasy world received Xiao Ai's last order.

Blow up!

At this moment, the collapse of the world is no longer enough to describe this picture.

The extreme light and heat evaporated the illusion in an instant.

A painful howl rang out: "No, I hate you!!!"

In reality, Yuma suddenly woke up, and after the figure who had activated the infinite monthly reading screamed pitifully, the figure could no longer remain blurred and showed its original appearance.

Yuma realized what he had encountered, his hair stood on end, and he immediately looked at that figure.

Seeing this, his expression was extremely horrified, and his heart was beating wildly: "Datongmu?!!"

In the line of sight, that figure was very similar to Otsuki Kaguya's appearance in the original novel, with pale skin, long blue-white hair, no eyebrows, and a square face.

It's just that as a male, the horns on the top of this person's head are more sinister and curved, and the structure of the white eyes is more broad and thick.

But what surprised Yuma was the blood-red Samsara Sharingan between his eyebrows.

"Why does such an existence appear at this moment? Will it find me?"

At this moment, the man's Samsara Sharingan was bleeding thickly, and when he was covering that eye with his hands weakly, the man said: "What the hell are you? You have such a powerful consciousness. This king has been so powerful since ancient times. Have you ever seen someone who can break through the illusion of infinite moon reading?"

Yuma couldn't judge the current form for the time being, but he knew that the opponent was very strong, so he immediately put on the third-generation battle suit and asked: "What kind of existence are you?"

Knowing the strength of Otsutsuki Kaguya, the top boss, Oma is far less calm than he imagined at this time. He has already made all preparations and will use all his trump cards to kill the opponent.

The man didn't answer Yuma's question, because the Infinity Tsukuyomi was broken abnormally, it seems that his will body was injured, and the form he condensed with the spirit is slowly dissipating:

"You are indeed a very threatening thing. Even if the aura is gone, I definitely don't feel wrong about the characteristics that are very similar to the Pure Land."

"It's a pity, I can't kill you successfully, and it will take a while to wake up again later."

Yujian said word by word: "Are you the group of existences in the underworld?"

"Hell?" The man seemed extremely displeased with these two words, and said with a frown, "This is a title for the filth in the world. Pure Land is Pure Land, and there is no other name for Hell."

Yuma got the answer, but her heart sank to the bottom.

The worst conjecture really came out, there is an even darker behind the scenes, even getting rid of Otsuki Kaguya is not the end.
The figure of that person dissipated faster and faster, there was no possibility of making a move, and Yuma also relaxed a little.

"Hey!" The man sighed, "I have been thinking about it for a long time, but I can't keep you in the world with peace of mind. So before I wake up, let your fear truly spread in this world."

"This king really wants to know, what will you do in the face of the real reality? Do you want to destroy everything like the situation in the illusion?"

After all, at the next moment, Yuma felt a strange power rising from the ground, and in conjunction with the last will of the person on the opposite side dissipated, it spread to all parts of the ninja world like a gust of wind stirring up the world.

And Yuma also clearly saw that the carrier of that strange force was a strange mass of soil: "Dirty soil?"

After a while, that kind of power seemed to have the ability to automatically identify people, but wherever there was Chakra, the strong wind would blow, including Oma.

Thus, the illusion reappeared.

But at this moment, Yuma is more like a witness from the outside, watching everything in the illusion.

The picture screen of the illusion is not complete, just a blurred scene.

Perhaps because the illusion has been destroyed, people can only see the destruction of a black army that continues to go to all parts of the world.

From the destruction of the five great kingdoms of wind, thunder, water, fire, and earth, until finally the black shadows piled up on the sky and blew up everything.

It's like a piece of film where the specific figure cannot be seen clearly, but there is no doubt that the land where those figures set foot is in a place that everyone is familiar with.

Yes, everyone!

At this moment, this kind of fragment almost appeared in the minds of ninjas all over the world.

Along with this wave of destruction, there is a voice as a narrator: "This king warns the world with his last thoughts. The destroyer is coming, trying to destroy the world. He is the enemy of the world and the opposite of all ninjas."

"This is the king's prophecy. In the future, the devil will come, and no one will be spared."

"So, before the devil grows up, find him, get rid of him, and judge him, so that the world can last forever."

"This king has already blessed you. After seeing the devil himself, you can immediately understand that he is a devil."

The sound stopped abruptly here, as if the man's thoughts had reached the limit and the illusion was shattered.

However, ninjas all over the world suddenly fell into an uproar!

Yuma's face paled.

Konoha's ninjas couldn't calm down, and were horrified by the sudden appearance of the so-called demon's destruction of the world.

Three generations looked up at the sky, their hearts also filled with fear.

But at the next moment, as Hokage, he stepped forward in time to calm down the panic, and then issued an urgent command to prepare for combat.

Sand Hidden Village, Yan Hidden Village, Yun Hidden Village, and Wu Hidden Village also experienced the same situation as Konoha, but all those floating panics were quickly appeased.

Because people don't know that this clip is for all ninjas, so they take it for granted that a powerful ninja has cast a powerful illusion on their village.

But with the passage of time, no trace of the enemy was found in every village, so this matter was gradually buried, and it was regarded as the child's play of an unknown existence.

Although the words of destroying the world are terrible, is there really such a monster in the world?
In terms of frightening, perhaps the most frightening is the person who can silently cast illusions on a village with millions of people and then retreat?

So far, the remarks about destroying the world have been banned as rumors to confuse the public, but the person who is good at illusion has definitely become the number one enemy of every ninja village.

Just because the appearance and ability are unknown, it is marked with a question mark for the time being.

But relatively speaking, on the bounty list for rebellious ninjas, the value of those rebellious ninjas who are good at illusion has increased several steps.

Akatsuki organized Payne to sneer at this oolong-like annihilation event, but became interested in the strong man who is good at illusion.

"The momentum that Xiaolian blocked in the screen can't be done? How is it possible!"

"Once the ten tails come out, what can those shadows do?"

More importantly, this situation of not knowing the truth seemed to have changed some of his views, so he said to Xiao Nan beside him:

"Although it is a ridiculous remark, if such a demon really exists, it may be a big variable. So, prepare to cooperate with Orochimaru, and see what bargaining chip he has that is worthy of me accepting him again."

The Orochimaru that Payne talked about didn't care about this fragment projection, but it made him feel his own insignificance again and deepened his interest in the world.

"A demon? I really want to study it."

"The research on the dirt lifeform seems to be at a bottleneck right now."

But no matter whether the devil exists or not, Yuma knows that the so-called devil is himself.

He didn't want to believe that the man who claimed to be "the king" planted him and appeared in front of others, so that others would know that he was a demon.

However, before calling a trustworthy ninja to reveal his true colors, his body will be temporarily hidden. As for the virtual clone
Among the more than [-] "organization" personnel admitted by Yuma, there are many people with trace amounts of chakra in their bodies.

So after asking, Yuma learned that they also received that kind of clip, so he was relieved-the virtual avatar and the person with Chakra will not release the kind of technique that does not know whether it exists or not.

For this reason, he did not hesitate to bear the dispersal of the consciousness body again to create a third clone.

This is his limit. If he disperses any more, his brain may really go wrong.

As for the mole avatar, it is not actually his own consciousness, at most it consumes some mind, it is essentially just a program to transmit his own orders.

After hesitating for a long time, Oma walked out in the form of a new virtual clone.

"No matter how the later forms will develop, we can't just stagnate like this. Let's test the authenticity of that technique first."

As for the main body, it went to the cultivation space for Xiao Ai to analyze and judge the possibility of that technique.

All the situation is completely unknown, the appearance of people from the underworld, the existence of that kind of existence, which seems to point to the figure of the Otsutsuki clan, all make Oma feel anxious.

At the moment, only by finding ways to become stronger and get out of the predicament can we better cope with future changes.

(End of this chapter)

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