Chapter 64
Seeing Yujian's oath and silence complement each other, Bai raised his eyebrows: "Don't say anything, it seems that you want to suffer something?"

Yuma was still speechless, and his mind was immersed in other places.

"That's nothing to say."

Bai closed his thoughts of interrogation, formed mudra with one hand, and formed different techniques with his left and right hands.

Oma's eyelids twitched after noticing this rhythm, and can he cast two kinds of ninjutsu at the same time?

The next moment, Bai's status answered him.

"Secret Technique: Ice Clone Technique!"

Except for Konoha's multiple shadow clone technique, the clones of other people in the ninja world can only be divided into two at most, even if the strength is Kage-level.

But Bai's ice avatar was a bit unbelievable, it was unclear whether it used the principle of refraction or what, hundreds of whites appeared in the mirror in an instant.

Fills all magic mirrors in this range.

If Bai in the original book used the speed of light to travel through the mirror to cause countless attacks, the current Bai can achieve that effect even without relying on speed, which is even more powerful.

Yuma knew that he had to show his hole cards as soon as possible, otherwise he would be beaten into a sieve later.

With Bai's pervasive penetrating power, I'm afraid the steel suit can't stop it at all.

Thinking of this verse, a thought flashed in Yuma's mind, and there was a sudden movement from the ground.

At this point, he needs to use the gopher.

The reason why he seldom used it in fighting people before was that the enemy hadn't reached the level that made him despair, and the second was that the gopher's ability to ignore the hardness of the earth was not too strong.

As long as the structure of the earth is sandy and gravel, gophers can drill through it, and its essence is a kind of decomposition ability.

So Danzo must still have doubts about how Oma managed to drill thousands of meters deep?

Once this kind of creature beyond the conventional ninjutsu ability is known on a large scale, it may inevitably attract unnecessary covetousness, especially the people in Yanyin Village, who may regard it as a treasure and are bound to get it.

Although Yu Jian now has enough things that can be coveted by others, but one thing more is worse than one thing less.

There was no time to think about the problem, but Yuma raced against the clock, feeling that time was running out.

Finally, the hidden gopher reached Oma's feet, and he could already feel its presence.

However, at the next moment, Yuma's face froze suddenly.

dong dong!

The gopher is now under Yuma's feet, but it seems to be dizzy after bumping into a hard object, looking pitifully at Yuma through a layer of white transparent crystal.


"Why did you forget that the ground is already frozen?"

Yuma sank to the ground as if struggling, but found that this ice crystal was purely chakra illusion, and it was terribly hard.

Even if the electromagnetic gun LV1 is fired, it may take several consecutive rounds to penetrate, which will take several seconds.

But now that there is too little time to think, Oma cannot send out the beam of the electromagnetic cannon in time before Shiro arrives.

"What should I do? The seal has been completed."

"The next moment is the launch of the subtle secret technique."

"Will I be beaten to death? Or will I be beaten half to death?"

In the blink of an eye, Yuma conceived countless countermeasures to make a comeback, but in the end he only came up with one solution.

This is the only way to capture time.

Whether it is the speed of sound or the speed of light, no matter how fast it is, can I think once, can Xiao Ai's calculation of countless Nth powers be fast?
At this moment, Oma's thoughts began to flash alternately like a flashlight.

Under Xiao Ai's command, the battle suit on his body continuously changed from silver to platinum, and Yuma instantly turned into a clothes-changing madman.

No matter how uncut it is outside, it cannot be detected, it is invisible to the naked eye, and it is only believed that the battle armor of Yuma can change color by itself.

But in fact, in this short microsecond moment, Oma has transformed countless times between the first generation of steel suit and the second generation.

Not only because the two suits can take damage, but also because of the automatic repair function of the equipment space.

Although repairing must not be as fast as the damage, it is better than nothing. This is Oma's response.

Is it because your attack causes infinite damage, or is it my ability to withstand it?

Then, after the completion of the Bai Jie seal, the "Secret Art · Killing Shuixiang" was activated.

Ding Ding Ding.
Millions are often just a conceptual imaginary number, but at this time it is not an exaggeration to describe the number of water needles in Bai.

"A lot, a lot, a lot!"

Just like Taicheng Naruto's wind escape and spiral shuriken, countless tiny needles and cones scratched countless scratches on Oma's steel body in an instant.

Horizontal and vertical strokes, up and down the back.

Like a tinkerer, tinkering with Yuma's body is essentially hacking, hacking, and killing.

Even though the two generations of battle suits were used alternately for countless times, Yuma's body still began to be filled with dense and small blood holes.

Countless blood slid down his body and dripped onto the ice rock, staining it red and transparent, and the gopher there could no longer see his simple and clumsy face clearly.

Under such endless attacks, Oma only had time to defend and then defend, but he couldn't take the time to launch the electromagnetic gun LV1.

The outsiders looked at this scene and couldn't help but be amazed. This is the Bai he likes, a born killer.

"You won't be able to escape, but you should be thankful, Bai must have kept his hand, and didn't target your vitals and blood vessels." He muttered to himself.

"But if you don't explain anything, you may really die."

"Being hit by Bai's trick, no one has ever been able to escape, never. Even if I am in the same situation, I can't escape the end of being seriously injured and dying."

Unseen by anyone, the eyes that looked at Bai without cutting for a moment became more gentle.

How can it not be an honor for a person who naturally hates bloody killings to change his nature for him?
But after a short while, apart from looking at Yuma, who was sitting on the opposite side like a prey, with a trace of contempt, all emotions disappeared without a trace.

Rigid and orderly, indifferent and indifferent.

"Okay, is it time to speak? I think your tendons, joints, and nerves are slowly being destroyed and disturbed. This kind of punishment is even worse than Konoha's torture department."

No more words, as long as Oma makes a sound, it means that he has chosen to compromise, and Bai will give up the halfway attack at this time.

In fact, less than two seconds have passed since Bai attacked.

However, the field of ice crystals in the magic mirror is full of blood and flowers, and there is a faint tendency to turn red.

Those are all the blood of Yuma.

At this time, he could actually choose to pretend to delay the time, but due to the dizziness and weakness caused by excessive blood loss, limb weakness and pain.

If he, who doesn't have much energy left, uses the little energy left to make a sound, then the electromagnetic cannon LV he draws after the attack will be useless.

Because he couldn't move anymore, at that time he couldn't even raise his hand, how could he save himself?

Even now, Oma is relying on one breath to stiffen his arms into a posture, and it is possible to regain life and death with his last breath.

It is precisely because he knows that Bai's damage is so great, he will feel relieved to let the half-crippled people choose to beg for mercy if they don't kill him, because the crippled people can't pose any threat.

Yuma didn't make a sound, and if he held on for a while, even though the two sets of steel suits were riddled with holes, the energy would soon be exhausted due to attacks beyond the limit.
But Yujian persisted, as long as the last moment passed, he could save himself.

Therefore, if Yuma didn't say a word, it meant that he chose to give up and choose death.

No more words, nodding to Bai indifferently.

Kill it!

For this kind of person who has more integrity than silence, killing is the only way to respect him.

Another two seconds later, the killing secret technique that lasted for five seconds was finally completed.

As Zabuzhan said, no one can escape Bai's attack, not even the strongest.

If it weren't for the strong resilience of Senju Hashirama or Tsunade, if it weren't for the immortal body, maybe no one would be able to escape.

Not even Oma.

But although he can't, the battle suit can.

With Yuma in the battle suit, it can be regarded as three people sharing the damage together.

In addition, the breeding space is running at high speed at the moment, burning silver to repair the battle suit at a sky-high speed.

So under this incredible sharing of repairs, repairs and sharing, Oma finally left a sigh of relief.

This tone finally gave him an opportunity to idle down his thoughts.

The electromagnetic cannon LV1 hit the frozen ice rock and fired five consecutive shots.

This is not instinct. After all, the steel suit is an external force and needs to be operated by Oma himself.

But it's like an instinct under the process.

The instinct of self-help is just a thought.


The ice and rocks cracked, and the earth and rocks subsided.

An orange groundhog-like creature is so seductive in Yuma's eyes at the moment.

The next moment, Yuma's figure disappeared in place.

Then it appeared not too far away from here, popped its head out and hid in a place.

There is no way, Yuma is in desperate need of surgery at this moment.

Yes, surgery, surgery to repair all kinds of tendons, otherwise the main body will leave irreversible sequelae.

After issuing the guardian order, Oma passed out.

And the mole clone appeared under Xiao Ai's operation, and repaired and repaired hundreds of wounds on Yuma's body.

"Impossible!" No matter how big his eyes were, someone could survive Bai's killing attack and escape.

Zai Buzhan immediately went to the tunnel for one person with Bai who had already closed the ice crystal domain of the magic mirror, frowning.

"When did he use Earth Dungeon?"

Just like Danzo's confusion, Zabuzhan is also full of doubts. It is impossible for them not to notice the emergence of such a tunnel.

But in fact they really didn't notice it.

"Do you want to go in and have a look, and then kill?" Bai didn't have any clear feeling of surprise. The enemy can escape, it can only be said that he is not strong enough.

Since it also takes time to create a tunnel, this tunnel is actually only a few hundred meters deep.

If they choose to enter, it may not be long before they can follow the passage to find Yujian and kill him.

But if you are suspicious by nature, you will be in trouble if there are traps in it.

In addition to Oma's injuries, he even took off his battle clothes at the back. If there is no powerful medical ninja to treat him, he doesn't think the opponent can survive.

At this time, a few familiar breaths rushing to this side interrupted the worries that would not be cut, and said solemnly: "Acquaintances are here!"

Bai Lishen looked into the distance: "It seems to be Kakashi and others, what should we do? Follow the boy just now or stop Kakashi."

Buzhan thought for a while and shook his head: "Don't worry about that kid, he probably won't live long. Kakashi is not easy to deal with. I'm still injured, so you may not be able to take him alone."

Don't turn around again: "Let's go, there will be opportunities for revenge in the future. Now that Cardo is dead, we need to find another way to raise funds."

After the words fell, the two left in an instant.

Squad [-] arrived shortly after, and the battle that took place here alarmed them, but they were still a step late, and both sides of the battle seemed to have left.

Kakashi squatted down and felt the bright red and riddled ground, as well as the part of the ice rock that had not completely disappeared. He said solemnly: "There are strong signs that ninjas have fought."

"How strong?" Naruto asked.

"This kind of aura is no doubt about it, but the remaining traces of the battle are mainly another chakra that I have never seen before."

Kakashi tightened his mask, his eyes showed horror: "This kind of power, I am afraid it has surpassed me! I have never seen such a strong chakra, so strong that it can change the environment for a short time."

"Does Chakra have the natural ability to automatically transform nature? Or, does that person really have the ability to affect the landscape just by exercising Chakra?"

"What? Who is it? Make Kakashi-sensei so solemn." Naruto still remembered Zabuza, but who was there beside Zabuza?

Sasuke said heavily: "It's the boy pretending to be Kirigage Anbe."

As soon as this remark came out, Naruto and Sasuke fell silent.

Stronger than Mr. Kakashi, which means you can kill them anytime and anywhere?
But isn't the other party not much older than them?how come?
In just a few days of travel to Nami Country, they encountered too many dangers and accidents. First, it was a fake Uchiha Itachi, then it was attacked by Zabuza, and now a stronger person appeared beside Zabuza, which made their previous cognition Completely refreshed.

So they felt very unwilling, obviously they didn't lack of hard work, why did they see so many people stronger than them along the way?
It's okay for Yuma, because Yuma also takes care of teaching, so they are convinced by their status.

But what is that disguised Kikage Anbu boy?


If you want to appease the two young men who are extremely competitive, you should properly affirm and encourage them.

However, Kakashi didn't seem to have the potential to observe children's words and feelings, and just sighed: "There is no way, there are people in the world who are obviously younger than us, but much stronger."

"We just have to keep trying."

Although Sakura is a little afraid of the enemy's strength, her mind is not on surpassing the opponent, but on how to escape if they meet each other.

At this time, he thought that since such a teacher Kakashi recognized a strong ninja, then his opponent must also be very strong.

However, there were bloodstains on the spot but no corpse, indicating that the other party had escaped.

Following the source of the blood, Sakura stood at a place: "Look, there is a tunnel here."

(End of this chapter)

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