Rule the ninja world, starting from the incarnation of Iron Man

Chapter 59 The Birth of a Saint and the Great Liberation of the Land of Waves (Compensation Chapter)

Chapter 59 The Birth of a Saint and the Great Liberation of the Land of Waves (Compensation Chapter)
Kado's death declared that the dire situation in the land of waves had officially come to an end.

The Kado ninja resident was in chaos, and many wandering ninjas robbed the valuable property left by Kado everywhere, and even fought for it, bleeding.

Yataro stared at the smoky ninja confrontation traces around him dumbfoundedly, and then found Kado's charred body: "Dead, dead?"

Kado, who stood in front of them and brought great pressure to the Kingdom of Waves with his mortal body, just died like this?
For a moment, Yataro felt as if he had passed away.

It was as if he had come to the wrong set, and this was a dream world.

But the next moment he woke up in time, and then ecstasy appeared on his face: "I won, I really won. Be sure to tell the good news to the organization."

There is no need for him to stay here and continue to serve as a spy to deliver Cardo's news.

Taking a deep look at the metal fragments that splashed down and disappeared abruptly in the sky, Yataro thanked deeply in his heart and disappeared in place.

Jiaodu frowned, without even looking at the chaos on the ground, he immediately ran to his water body after confirming that Kado was dead.

If the treasure site is real, it doesn't matter if Kado is dead, but if it's false, I'm afraid that trillions will have to be buried underground forever.

Fortunately, he found the treasure, but unfortunately he was more cautious than Yataro, and soon discovered that most of the suitcases were fake drugs.

"Damn it, isn't Kaduo too cautious? The past few months have been wasted."

Although Jiaodu was annoyed, he didn't have any regrets. After all, he had never really seen a quadrillion, so who knows if it's true or not?

After taking away the last tens of millions of income scrolls, the corner was about to come out of the hole, but was surprised to find a piece of white paper on the ground.

It turned out to be information about the location of the treasure, and that location pointed to the place where Yuma went to last.

Holding half-belief and suspicion, Jiaodu traveled all the way to this place, and then found an empty cave.

And the traces that have been placed on the ground show that there may have been quadrillions here.

Suddenly, a figure appeared, and it was Zabuzhan who was wearing a bandage, and he said: "I accept the billions of dollars of wealth, I don't know who came here, congratulations on taking away the prize that is worthless. "

"Of course, there is still one award, and that is"

When the image ended here, the cave suddenly boomed, and then, there was another explosion that was several times more violent than before.

The entire entrance of the cave suddenly collapsed, and countless rocks fell from the top of the head, burying the treasure cave that once held a huge amount of wealth.

The world fell silent, and Kakuto seemed to be blown to death.

Until a long time later, a hand that was sewing lines stretched out from it, curling up with overwhelming anger and malice: "No, no, chop, you angered me, I will let you die without a whole body!"

"Huh?" Because of experiencing death again, Yuma, who was sleepy, fell asleep and woke up at this moment.

He has returned to his original appearance, and he is going to go all over the country of Bo to collect some customs information and so on, depending on the situation.

Although this kind of information has little effect on the increase in data rate, it is worth adding up. If you travel all over the world, how can you increase it by 20%, right?
Ben also had nothing to do, so Yuma embarked on a journey of leaving as soon as he said it.

Not long after walking, Yuma suddenly felt the explosion left in the treasure cave being activated, and smiled slightly: "It should be Kakuzu, after all, the order I set is to activate the underground and rock top once the mole shows signs of annihilation." explosion."

"And the mole is on the top of the rock, and it can be annihilated so far away, which shows that the chakra is amazing. It is unrealistic to say that such a person can be seen everywhere in the Kingdom of Waves. But if you blow up the wrong person."

If you make a mistake, you will make a mistake. If the person who does this kind of thing is not beheaded, what does it have to do with Jian Yujian?

Continuing to trek through the impoverished country under his feet, in just a few hours, Yuma discovered that the country of Nami had begun to change drastically.

Since receiving the news of Cardo's death, the underground organization, or the Equality Group, has started their vigorous revolution and the act of cutting down decay like the autumn wind sweeps away fallen leaves.

The wandering ninja forces established by Kaduo at various transportation terminals are like a mob without a leader, and they either defect or abscond at an incredible speed.

In a blink of an eye, more and more ninjas joined the revolutionary group.

As for the ninjas who join the organization, the first order is to read and recite the egalitarian declaration as soon as possible.

With the passage of time, under the tenet of advocating equality for all, not only ninjas but also civilians began to join in.

Beat local tyrants, divide property, and open warehouses to help the poor.

As far as the naked eye can see, there are scenes of orderly queues in various places waiting for the sweet porridge to arrive.

Gathering manpower and destroying bandits, those bandits who could not bear to attack even the poor people were gradually eliminated in the full-scale reform.

More importantly, the royal family of the Kingdom of Waves, or daimyo bureaucrats.

Due to the loss of the mountain-like pressure of Kado, he has never cared about the people's life and death, and tried to re-declare the ruling sovereignty over the country of Bo.

Perhaps it was due to the limitation of loyalty to the emperor for a long time. When the daimyo took the initiative to stand up and say some grandiose involuntary words, many civilians did not dare to criticize, bowed their heads and accepted it, and even shed tears of understanding.

The few remaining food supplies were sent to the royal family by the fear and oppression in his bones, and he would rather go hungry.

Because their daimyo said that he was hungry and needed the food tax from the people.

But Funano didn't want to. Killing Kado was only the first goal. If you don't get rid of the bullying, dominating people with power, and mediocrity, the wave country will never improve.

So Funano appealed to the believers of the equality group to visit various places to promote the enlightenment of the saints, to promote the sanctity of the saints, and even began to create gold, silver, and bronze statues for the saints.

No one knew who the saint was, and some even said they saw the scene where the so-called saint died during the battle with Kado.

Regarding this, Funano stood up and said: "The saint will not die, he will always be there. Those who die are only the messengers who are willing to sacrifice their lives for the cause of liberation."

No one believed his words, and no one dared to stand up.

How could anyone not die?

If saints exist, why don't they appear early in the morning?

Ever since, the country of Waves began to show a polarized evolution, and the power of the equal group is still growing. More and more wandering ninjas who have suffered have deeply understood the true meaning of the declaration and joined this organization to contribute their own efforts. strength.

But more and more civilians dare not resist, are afraid of overstepping, and even say that they are heresies and evil gods when the equal group ninjas grow stronger.

This must be a conspiracy by the royal family to fan the flames, but Funano has nothing to do.

Suddenly he came up with a way, that is to publicize heroes and let people recall Uncle Kesha, who fought against difficulties and natural disasters in the past, and never conceded defeat in the face of Cardo.

Under this kind of publicity, Funano did not talk about the power of ninjas anymore, but deliberately expressed that many of their ninjas were children raised by Kaisha, hoping that the common people would lower their grudges against them.

It is really that the wandering ninjas in the past oppressed the civilians too hard.

At the back, in order to show his determination, Funano pulled out a group of wandering ninjas who behaved the worst, and executed them in front of the civilians.

In this series of actions, the people finally let go of their fear of ninjas, coupled with dissatisfaction with the cowardice in their bones, they chose to join the equality group.

Seeing that the situation was one-sided, the royal family came up with another set of rhetoric, fighting against the equal group to the end.

Such a battle has become a question of how to deal with the relationship between ninjas and civilians.

The Bridge of Hope in the Land of Waves has been destroyed, and Danaz, the famous bridge builder, has also been killed.

And it is ninjas who make these.

Even if you are wholeheartedly expressing that you are equal to others, will you who have power in the future really be willing to have a group of civilians step on your feet?

The person who said this was a royal nobleman, but he never seemed to have considered that he also looked down on the inferior commoners with the eyes of self-esteem.

Funano's rebuttal is very simple, let everyone take out the egalitarian manifesto, and recite the above teachings verbatim collectively.

The sound is like a bell, up to the nine heavens, down to the pure land.

There is nothing to fill up the long mouths.

All the people who could see the fire were shocked by the imposing gungun Yintao and lost their minds.

Especially the members of the royal family, although they do not want to be equal to the common people in every possible way, but those words seem to have magical powers.

Let them immerse themselves in the true meaning of it unknowingly, unable to extricate themselves, and some people even said on the spot that they would join the equal group.

The bureaucracy of the Kingdom of Waves has become a complete mess and is on the verge of collapse.

Although they should have fallen a long time ago.

"The sage said that there is no good or evil in human nature, high or low, and everyone can rely on their usefulness to renew the kingdom of waves for all generations."

"Now that the great enemy has been eliminated, the dignified name doesn't care about restoring the country and benefiting the people. He still occupies the throne, and his heart is only for his own selfish desires. His heart should be punished and his virtue should be executed."

Funano spoke the last sentence, no longer being polite, and led a large number of ninjas and civilians who had gradually favored the equal group to break through the royal family and take down the court.

At the same time, elections began to be carried out at an extremely fast speed, to sort out the chaos of the country's political order, and to convey the thoughts of saints.

In this way, Oma walked and stopped all the way, collecting data while witnessing the country of Waves from unification to division and then to unification.

It took two days.

The royal family of Wave was completely GG, and the speed made Yuma a little dumbfounded.

It can only be said that because the royal family of Bo has been staying out of the matter for a long time, regardless of the people's suffering, it has long been popular. The reason why there are still supporters is that the common people dare not break the awe of the royal family and high-ranking people in their bones.

As for the awe of ninjas, Funano's way to get rid of it is to build statues of saints at great cost.

The appearance of the statue is shrouded in clouds and mists, representing mystery and holiness.
The clean soil is stepped on the feet of the statue, which means that it is rooted in the earth and educates the world.

The hand of the statue reaches out and touches something, which represents intimacy and harmony with people.

After promoting this image, Funano uttered a sentence that Yuma did not say at all: "The saint is an ordinary person. He does not have chakra, and he is not considered a ninja."

"But he has endless power of faith. As long as people maintain awe and respect, he will always protect the people."

"And our group of ninjas are actually just one of the emissaries of the sage's preaching, and the original meaning is to protect the common people."

In this way, Yuma inexplicably gained millions of believers, and inexplicably became the first saint in the ninja world.

Not a god, better than a god.

Because the gods will not respond to the world, but Yuma will.

On this day, Yuma took the initiative to find Funano, who had been elected as the interim leader by all people.

On this day, Class [-] finally arrived in the land of waves.

(End of this chapter)

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