Chapter 55 Preacher

Yuma's figure slowly appeared, but instead of revealing his real body, he was wearing a steel battle suit.

"The people you are going to kill."

Funano squinted his eyes, and quickly overlapped the culprit who destroyed the bridge in Yataro's description passed by Oma and Riya, and launched ninjutsu without saying a word: "Ninjutsu·Skynet Seal!"

A strange energy and enchantment rolled up in the area where Yuma was located.

If an ordinary person stood here, he would feel that he was firmly bound by an invisible net.

It's a pity that Yuma is just a group of composites. After decomposing and recombining, the seal will be broken by itself.

This time Oma turned into Kakashi's appearance: "It's really shameless, just joking."

He didn't want to provoke the underground organization here. If more than a dozen ninjas launched ninjutsu to attack him in this open underground, I'm afraid the moles would suffer heavy casualties.

"I'm here to work with you!"

Funano's blow failed, and he no longer acted rashly. The sight of Yuma in front of him brought him a strange sense of unpredictability.

He didn't answer, but asked instead, "You've been here all this time? Who are you?"

Yuma shrugged: "That's right, I heard all your conversations clearly. But don't worry, I am not hostile, I just listened out of curiosity."

"Who are you?" Funano asked a second time.

"Don't be so anxious, you just need to know that I have the same purpose as you."

"Same purpose?"

"Forget it!" Yuma scratched his head, "It's meaningless to explain more, let me read this book for you first, after reading it, you will know who I am."

After finishing speaking, Oma took out a booklet from the dressing space and threw it over.

Seeing that Yuma was not hostile, and the book didn't seem like a hidden weapon, Funano took it.

At the first glance, he frowned at the titles on the cover——Declaration of Egalitarianism!

Somehow, this book gave him a feeling as if he was ascending to the clouds, and his heart was beating uncontrollably, as if the world in the book would give him earth-shaking changes.

"Three Basic Points"

"Property and assets, how do ninjas and non-ninjas coexist"

"The Ruler's Thought of Serving the People"

"How to Break the Class Divide"

"History of Human Civilization"

Just like that, an underground organization that advocates equality, and a book delivery person who goes along with the flow.

Successfully brewing ideas such as science, equality, and fraternity in a small underground cave.

Just after reading the opening chapter, Funano trembled with excitement and called out, "This is, the Bible!!"

When he turned to the middle page, he was dazzled and sighed by the comprehensive statements in it one after another.

The palm of his hand couldn't help but slapped his head, showing remorse, and his face was ferocious, as if he had gone mad.

"That's how it is, that's how it is"

From time to time, he shouted a few words of hello, and from time to time he stomped his feet in excitement or frustration, or burst into tears, or sighed.

It seems that these words are gradually overlapping with what he has done in the past.

It seems that these words have become the truth to test his actions.

It seems that all the haze in the heart that covered the clouds and the sun in the past, at this moment, the clouds and the moon are seen, and the world is bright and bright again.

Gradually, with the passage of time, Funano finished reading the thousands of words of essence that Oma combined with various thoughts in his hometown.

At this moment, the myriad of thoughts are not enough to describe the touch and intoxication in his heart.

Funano clearly understood the essence of his persistence these days and the goal he was striving for.

That is - liberate the country of waves!

The moment the thought appeared, Funano obtained the ultimate sublimation.

The world has become wider, the field of vision has become wider, and even the once difficult days have become epic.

In the blessing of the only faith that can be called great, what is suffering?

Apart from persevering, perhaps the only thing left is to be smashed to pieces!
Funano passed the book to others for reading, and bowed to Oma Nato: "You are the Allah who brings hope to the land of waves, you are the preacher who brings peace and equality, and you are the only one who can discern the truth of the world." Leader, please, save the country of Bo!"

The ninjas didn't know why their leaders knelt down, and they read the egalitarian manifesto reluctantly.

But even for people with their brains, when they read the opening sentence - no one is perfect, everyone is equal, so is the ninja, and so is the daimyo.

When such rebellious words were made, the bottom of my heart was numb and overwhelmed by the concise, clear and bold exposition of this sentence at the same time.

In this era, does anyone really dare to throw out such disrespectful words that will be divided into five horses?

However, this is just the beginning, and the ideas to be conveyed in the following articles are getting bigger and bigger, and the behaviors that are against the world are getting bigger and bigger.

If it is spread out, it will definitely be pointed out by thousands of people, and it will suffer the greatest denunciation and attack in history.

But when they continued to read, they realized that this was the truth when they combined the instinctive deeds of listening to the leaders in the past.

Because they are filled with this kind of thought in their bones.

Who said that civilians are inferior to ninjas?Who says noble people must be noble?
At this moment, not because of the orders of their own leaders, but because of their own wishes, they knelt down to Yuma Xinyue together: "Please save my country of waves!"

However, when everyone looked up, they realized that Yu Jian had left without knowing when.

For a moment, everyone showed confusion and disappointment, and they left.
They actually forgot the time because they were too obsessed with watching and thinking too much.

But Oma left a letter, and a spider.

A letter from Oma, a spider that can deliver a message.

"If you want to bring down Kado and achieve true equality, it won't work by planting bombs in the bridge. Because there are strong people around him who can save him. Besides, whether he will go on the bridge or not depends on It depends on luck."

"So, I blew up the bridge. The metal man you want to attack is also me, but it's just my clone."

"If you believe me, then pass on your intelligence and actions to the spider. If you don't believe me, there is nothing you can do. No one can stop my plan, it's not just a simple matter of killing Kado."

After reading the letter, Funano and the others remained silent for a long time.

A moment later, Funano Guojue said: "From then on, the organization that crusade against Kado officially changed its name to the Equality Group, and I am no longer your leader, but the preacher. brought the Gospel, call him a saint"

Funano picked up the Egalitarian Manifesto: "And this is the future Bible of the Kingdom of Nami. Everything is for unity and liberation!"

Yes, from now on, killing Kado or something is just a goal.

Their biggest belief is to completely liberate the country of Bo, and then make this country that has been declining and poor grow stronger.

Under the leadership of the sage, he believes that all this is not a luxury.

Because he clearly understands that even if only this declaration is passed on, a saint is enough to become a saint.

Because he is wise, he is holy.

"At the same time!" Funano narrowed his eyes and said, "No one should inquire about the saint's appearance. Anyone, everything is subject to the saint's order."

"Yes!" The ninjas ordered.

A saint can bring light to the world, but he will also be savagely squeezed out by the old forces.

Therefore, the true appearance of the saint cannot be spread.

"Next, condolences to the famous bridge builder Danaz, and wait for the order of the saint!"

"I don't know where Kakashi and the others have gone. Have they encountered Zabuzhan? In order to take care of Danaz's footsteps, they still have at least two or three days to reach the land of waves."

Oma pondered for a while, and learned that the Inari family had begun to mourn Danaz, with a strange expression on his face.

"If they come back and hear that Danaz is dead, I don't know if they will suspect that they have encountered a ghost!"

After the success of the first show of the second generation of steel, Cardo generously donated the 5000 million yuan that Yuma had on hand for research and development. The follow-up funds said that it would take a day or two to arrive at the scene, so we first made do with the development.

But Yuma knew that the so-called two days were definitely the two days when Kado took money from his treasury.

Whether he can obtain the treasure that Kaduo claims to be in the trillions depends on these two days.

However, I was a little surprised that Kakuzu seemed to have noticed something. These days, his eyes would turn to Zabuzhan, the incarnation of Yuma, from time to time.

"Could it be that Kaduo's desire to withdraw money has been exposed?"

"No, only Kado and I know about the investment in the development of the Destroyer, maybe it's just a look."

But as time went by, Yuma didn't see Kado's willingness to withdraw money at all.

With a quick mind, he understood at that time.

The reason why no one was able to find out how Kaduo withdraws money is because the person who withdraws money is not him at all.

"Could it be that Kaduo still has that kind of dead man who won't be moved when he sees trillions?"

In order to keep a close eye on Kado, Oma has been keeping an eye on the huge chakra in Kadotsu in the dark these days, sending moles around Kado at all times, keeping his eyes on every move he makes.

By observing the clues, Yuma found that Kado had nothing to do this day except ordering the virtual clone to enter the standby state from time to time, and he didn't seem to be doing anything.

If it weren't for the fact that the second generation of Iron Suit can save energy when not fighting people, I'm afraid it will be exposed due to energy depletion.

But fortunately, when night falls, Kado will sleep like a normal person, and Kadotsu will also rest and rest.

At this time, it is completely regarded as a virtual avatar that is placed in the charging display cabinet set up by Yuma as a robot, and can take off the battle suit and put it back in the breeding space to fill up the energy, which is enough to maintain daily activities without fighting.

After a while, I thought that this action might not achieve any results, so I planned to give up the observation first, and Yuma, who had been recuperating for a while, finally caught the slightest clue.

"This guy! Too cautious!"

Oma finally found a suspicious point.

Since he didn't know Kado's living habits, Yuma thought it was normal for Kado to light sandalwood to repel mosquitoes before going to bed at night.

But the corners not far away were awakened by the smell of sandalwood, and the unusual behavior of walking away from a certain distance with an impatient face caught Yuma's attention.

"Guardian Kadozu has been in the dark for a while, right? Are you used to Kado lighting sandalwood? It can only mean that this may be Kado's first time, or one of the few times he has done so."

"And this happened to be what Kaduo did when he wanted to withdraw money. It would be too coincidental to say it was a coincidence."

Just like that, Yuma began to gather his energy and observe the changes near the sandalwood.

If it turns out to be superfluous in the end, then it's nothing more than sluggishness during the day, but if you missed some clues.
Waiting and waiting like this, until midnight, when almost all the ninjas fell asleep, a night owl appeared above the tent, and the night owl flew away after circling for a while.

Not worth the surprise scene.

However, Yujian suddenly cheered up and released the mole to follow.

Even the mouse Oma that appeared on the ground and flitted past the tent did not let go.

Whenever nocturnal animals approached the camp, Oma sent moles to follow them closely.

Finally, the hard work paid off, and Kado's method of withdrawing money that he thought was seamless was cracked by Yuma.

After the night owl flew away, it soon had an extremely unusual encounter with dozens of hyenas living in the forest.

Those hyenas seemed to have received some signal and ran towards a big mountain, and then stopped somewhere to dig a hole.

Yuma quietly revealed his figure and smiled: "I found my trillion treasures!"

(End of this chapter)

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