Rule the ninja world, starting from the incarnation of Iron Man

Chapter 44 Three generations of change, starting from the cinema

Chapter 44 Three generations of change, starting from the cinema

Since Sasuke began to train Sharingan and Taijutsu according to Oma's method, Sasuke needs to be studied by Oma on the grounds of necessary procedures every week or so.

The research process was simple, requiring only Sasuke to relax and lie down in a meditative position for a few minutes.

In the past few minutes, Sasuke actually didn't feel anything, and only did it because Oma said it was a training program.

But in fact, in just a few minutes, countless moles were shocked to death by the slightly fluctuating Chakra on the road of analyzing Sasuke's Sharingan.

"Even if a person is completely open, is Chakra's self-defense so powerful?"

Slightly wiping off the sweat caused by distress, every part of the mole passed away represented the loss of countless silver taels.

The 500 million that I finally got from Ebisu was subtracted at a speed visible to the naked eye.

But in short, the advantage of quantity is reflected in this.

Thanks to the disdainful efforts of the moles, Xiao Ai's CPU was running extremely well, and finally analyzed some data of Sharingan at this stage.

While complete data is still elusive, this at least represents a viable start.

You're done, the two of them didn't waste any unnecessary verbal conversations, and Yuma just gave a warning and left.

Yuma quietly pressed her temples, and came to the dressing room to call Xiao Ai.

"Xiao Ai, how about it? Based on the sharingan data collected three times so far, what is the possibility of repairing the three eyes?"

"I'm sorry master, the data rate of the one-gou jade sharing sharing eye and the three-gou jade sharing sharing eye are quite different in terms of specific manifestations. Although the basic structure is not bad, based on the incomplete information obtained so far, the restoration may be less than 1%. "

"That's it!" Although it is known that this is a long-term project, and the specific efficiency is not unrelated to Sasuke's growth, it is still not a pleasant thing to get so little.

At this time, feeling the fragmented message from the virtual avatar, Yuma showed doubts.

"Three generations? Why did you come to me alone?"

As the Hokage who can decide the overall situation in the village with one word, Oma doesn't think that Sandai is an emotional old man who likes to chat with others.

After letting the virtual avatar avoid it for the time being on the grounds of making tea, Oma himself quickly went to the electronics store.

The third generation looked around the ordinary furnishings in the tataku room on the second floor, which was specially used to entertain guests, and did not stop at those slightly novel electrical appliances that could not be named.

On the contrary, looking at the grandma Tsuchino Ayako who squinted her charity eyes and shook her like a child was a little strange.

"Ayako Tsuchino?" Midai tried to call out.

As if unconscious, grandma looked at the building outside the window and said, "It's really peaceful!"

Alas, it seems that it is indeed dementia, the third generation answered in his heart.

Maybe it's the common age, they are all from the older generation of the village, and the three generations of Sujue talked about it.

"Ayako, tell me, is Konoha's current situation good or bad?"

Without getting an answer, the third generation felt that he could speak out his thoughts more smoothly, these were the words that he could not easily say in front of others.

"Sometimes, looking back on the past, I realize that Konoha has been established for more than 60 years, and the master and the first generation are no longer in this world."

"How amazing the first generation was back then. It rose from the chaotic world, put down the chaotic ninja system in one fell swoop, and established the ninja village system. In such a ninja village, people live and work in peace and contentment, and are diligent and diligent."

"Presumably, with such great achievements, since the establishment of the village, such a system has been regarded as a Taiping residence that can last forever?"

"However, as time went by, the outbreak of ninja wars completely tore up the so-called peace mask."

"Maybe the destiny of a ninja is to fight, maybe a ninja is doomed to die from the moment of birth. Even if there is a ninja village that can protect one side, the contradictions of ninjas cannot be reconciled uniformly."

"But in ancient times, we came out of such wars. We have at least established a paradise that can make people pure and peaceful, and enjoy peace. I have never had any doubts in thinking like this."

"But the fact is that doubts have always existed here and cannot be transferred by my will. With Ninja Village, ninjas have responsibilities, and with responsibilities, we must act on the same level as our own responsibilities."

"Unknowingly, the ninjas are getting higher and higher, and the number of ninjas is increasing. From the elite ranks of four or five ninjas in ancient times to tens of millions of ninjas."

"I know this is not the fault of Ninja Village, but the inevitable result of the gathering of ninjas scattered in the corners of the world. It is also the inevitable result of ninjas going from the dark assassination to the positive."

"The more ninjas there are, the more power they have. With such power, big countries have to accept us in various names."

"However, the terrifying power of the ninja makes the big countries fear. How can there be no traces of those big countries in the countless divisions and provocations in the past few decades?"

"But in the end, conspiracies and tricks are just tricks, and the effectiveness of establishment is only in the aspect of tricks. Without the accumulation of strength, the so-called big country, unknowingly, becomes a vassal of Ninja Village."

"People say that the real ruler is the daimyo, but I know that daimyo are afraid of ninjas."

"It is precisely because of this that the mentality of the ninjas has changed since they were able to breathe in a group. Including me, it has been unconsciously produced. Without the dependence of ninjas, the so-called big country is just a bigger area. This kind of arrogance is so arrogant. Unpleasant consciousness."

"The traditional idea of ​​loyalty to the emperor is not even comparable to the expansion of ambition brought about by power."

"So, Ninja Village began to accumulate various contradictions. This is no longer just a contradiction between ninjas, but also a contradiction between the unique status of ninjas and the status of ordinary people reduced to pure labor."

"If these things hadn't been carefully observed in every street and alley, I'm afraid no one would have cared about them at all. If it wasn't for the brochures that pointed out the shortcomings that Yuma gave me a few years ago, I'm afraid I wouldn't have discovered them either."

"Perhaps it is precisely because he came from hardships that he can discover hardships. I understand that since some time, civilians have developed two abnormal emotions of fear and dependence on ninjas that cannot be balanced."

"Will such emotions break out? I don't know. But I know that if this continues, sooner or later there will be a war that is not exclusive to ninjas and ninjas. How many people will die in such a war? Perhaps the history of large and small wars since ancient times There is no comparison in general.”

"Zhanluan and death are really disgusting. Especially when the guardian may kill the person being guarded."

"How to solve it? A sense of security, a sense of happiness? I didn't understand it before, but when I saw you, Ayako, I might understand."

"Peace, ignorance, and ignorance, maybe this is the only way to be happy. After all, the world does need clear changes, and after all, ninjas should not appear from the dark to the bright and be known by ordinary people."

After finishing talking, the third generation has nothing to say.

Like his words, he may just be strengthening his confidence and making a decision.

Although there is no audience.

In fact, Yuma had been listening all the time, and when he heard that Sandai was willing to say such words, he was not only happy, but also at a loss for the way ahead.

This kind of topic is too big, even though he once let go of the wild words, but to actually realize it is full of stumbling blocks that are hard to follow to the end.

What's more, he doesn't have many supporters.

Finally, the biggest supporter, the third generation, seems to have finally made up his mind, but it is a pity that he is going to die.

"If today's words are your true words, I will find a way to keep you alive in that battle a few months later."

But soon, Yuma abandoned this idea.

A method is a method, and whether it can be realized can only be done according to the destiny.

Because he also needs to live in Yuma, who knows if Danzo will take advantage of the chaos to make trouble for him in that war?

"It's still too late, three generations, it's too late"

Yuma shook his head, went up to the second floor with the new tea, and placed it flat in front of Sandai.

The third generation took a sip, smiled and boasted: "You have quite a lot of novelties here, and the taste of this tea is something I have never tasted before."

"I made it myself, Hokage-sama, of course you haven't drunk it."

The third generation smiled, didn't get entangled in this aspect, and directly got to the point.

"I came to see you today because I want you to secretly command a piece of construction land."

"Building land rights?" Yuma Qing raised his eyebrows slightly, this name is very big,

"Didn't you say that change has always started with infrastructure construction. Only when the infrastructure is improved can the people feel a sense of fullness and affluence, and then get a sense of happiness." The third generation blew on the hot tea in his hand, Swallow as much as possible, he is not a person who likes to slow down.

Yu Jian lifted the teapot and poured him another cup, saying, "This kind of right is too great, I'm afraid I can't do it."

"You don't need to take responsibility, so you're just in command secretly." The third generation didn't drink any more, and put his hands into his sleeves. "On the surface, I'm still in charge. You can think about the specific buildings. For example, education, institutions, etc. Yes, just change the name and beautify it afterwards.”

Yuma stood cross-legged on the opposite side, bowed slightly and said, "I wonder if the two consultants and other high-level officials know about this?"

"It's natural to know, but I don't know what you are planning. For specific projects, let's build them first to see the effect. As Hokage, I can't advocate the construction of a piece of land." The third generation calmly said, but in fact, because there is no The reason is that building land requires top pressure, which may not be as easy as it seems.

Yuma hesitated, he yearned for some changes, but to say that a piece of land can change anything is obviously a lie.

Thoughts cannot be subtly shaped on the surface, and the effect of stealing and cowardly in the dark may not be great.

"What? It's you who have been talking to me about the village's disadvantages, but you're not willing when I decide to implement it?" The third generation frowned slightly.

Anyway, something is better than nothing.

These things have not been really implemented in Oma, maybe people are getting in touch with new things faster than expected?

He replied: "No, it's just, do you really want me to judge what facilities to build?"

The third generation nodded, and said: "Look at what you said so well in writing, what will happen if you actually implement it? Don't worry, this is an experiment, even if it fails, I won't blame you."

Yuma got up and saluted respectfully: "Then I'm duty-bound to take it."

The third generation also got up and said with a smile: "Do you have any ideas for building?"

"Yes!" Yuma smiled slightly, saying something that can be accepted by people the fastest, of course it is entertainment.

Such a thing, even if it is brought to the light afterwards, is at most regarded as a playful idea, not a heresy trying to provoke conflicts.

"What are you going to build?"


The third generation was startled and narrowed his eyes, but he didn't raise any doubts.

Just like that, a silent construction of a movie theater began to be carried out in full swing somewhere in Konoha.

(End of this chapter)

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