Chapter 33 Survival Exercises
Gathering his whole body, Kakashi glanced at Naruto and thought, the teacher's child is a bit reckless in doing the truth, but this perseverance is really the same.

After witnessing Naruto's quick recovery from his wounds through Sharingan, Kakashi tightened his mask, raised Erlang's legs and sat on a rock:

"Well, next, you, Yuma, will discuss the plan with the three of you, and you will also participate in the bell. I will give you 5 minutes."

The three of them got up tremblingly, and Sakura timidly said: "Sasuke, Naruto, are we really going to take the bell from such a powerful Jonin?"

Oma walked up and said, "It's not a fight to seize something, Mr. Kakashi will keep it."

Sasuke turned his head and looked over, slightly startled, "Are you alright?"

Yuma shrugged: "In fact, it will be much better if you are used to fighting. That kind of thing is nothing more than an aura acquired through experience, a powerful appearance. When you are no longer afraid of this appearance in your heart, this aura will no longer be It's self-defeating."

Sasuke clenched his fists tightly, and he was compared again. He was oppressed just now like a dog, but Oma was fine.

Sakura's tone subconsciously brought a bit of respect and said: "Xueba, you can withstand such a strong oppression, it's amazing."

Naruto endowed himself with courage in a different way, but when he heard that he was going to fight someone as strong as Kakashi, he trembled involuntarily, obviously he hadn't really recovered from the lingering fear.

He tightly grasped his arms, and repeatedly questioned himself: "Damn it, didn't I tell myself not to be afraid, why am I still unable to hold myself back, can it be that fear is really inescapable?"

Yuma sighed, clapped his hands on Naruto's shoulders and said, "Naruto, it's just an appearance to be scary. Are you afraid of not having friends? Are you afraid of not having family members? You are afraid of all these things, but you have come to this day like this ?”

"Now the seventh class is your partner and friend. What would you do if you were not facing Kakashi-sensei but an enemy? Please cheer up!"

"Everyone is! Cheer up!" Yuma looked at the three of them, "You are already ninjas. If you can't even overcome fear, maybe this cruel path is not suitable for you? So, are you willing to do it? ?”

Everyone fell silent, and there was an empty space.

Sasuke suddenly raised his head and said, "I won't stop here, just like I promised, no one can stop me!"

Naruto looked at Sasuke and Sakura: "I won't run away anymore. At least, I can't blame my fear and ignore my companions when I encounter difficulties. That's not the reason for me to give up struggling. Next time, I will definitely protect you, Sasuke , Sakura, well, and Oma."

"Hmph, you'd better protect yourself first!" Sasuke snorted.

Sakura smiled sweetly: "Our seventh squad must advance and retreat together. Even in the face of a powerful enemy, I still want to play my role."

Seeing the three cheering up, Yuma nodded: "Then I won't say anything, let's make a plan, I have a way to defeat Kakashi."

The three of them immediately pricked up their ears, listened, and squatted together into a small circle.

Although I really don't want to admit it, but when it comes to things like the brain, Omashi is much better than them, and it's not a big deal to listen to opinions occasionally.

Yuma talked eloquently and clearly laid out his plans.

Naruto kept nodding, and said something else if he didn't understand, but he was very diligent in agreeing: "Oma, the way is not bad, this time I will reluctantly ask you to order us, everything is to defeat Kakashi-sensei. But you still my opponent."

Yuma stood up slowly, and solemnly said to Naruto: "Naruto, you are the most important part of this plan, perform well!"

"Don't worry, I will defeat Kakashi-sensei!" Naruto easily floated into the sky, exaggerating.

The other two understood Oma's plan. Although they were a little hesitant and couldn't figure out whether such a powerful ninja would fall into the trap, they still started to act according to the proposed plan.

The four turned around at the same time, and said to Kakashi in high spirits: "Mr. Kakashi, we are ready!"

Kakashi was very pleased with the joint discussions of the few people at the beginning, but he didn't think there was any way for them to gain advantage in the face of absolute strength.

But at this moment, seeing the appearance of several people who are eager to try, I have a bad premonition in my heart: "It seems that Yuma is a variable, and the battle must be resolved quickly, at least to show the strength of being a Jonin."

"Then, let's start!" Kakashi said casually, waved his hand down, a puff of smoke came out, and then Kakashi disappeared in place.

Then Kakashi appeared in the middle of the four without warning.

"It's so fast!" Oma unexpectedly, Kakashi's speed is more than several times faster than that of Mizuki of Juyinichi?
"Konoha Fluid Technique!"

Chi Chi Chi!
After a whirlwind of fists and kicks, Kakashi turned into a figure with fast fists and kicks, causing the four of them to be hit at the same time, and they fell towards all sides.

Fortunately, the four of them had a strong sense of vigilance, and instead borrowed Kakashi's physical strength to land safely.

Oma turned his eyes towards the galloping figure, and saw that Kakashi intentionally separated them: "Do you want to break them one by one?"

Yuma left in an instant, rushing to Sakura's side: "The easiest to break is Sakura."

Sure enough, Kakashi's figure came to Sakura: "Narakumi no Jutsu", Sakura suddenly became wobbly and fell to the ground.

"Illusion?" Sasuke was startled, and Kakashi easily dodged it, but Oma had already come to Sakura and cast the illusion · solution, and Sakura woke up slowly.

Naruto made a surprise attack from behind Kakashi, and several shadow clones attacked at the same time, but Kakashi easily found the main body, and the thousand-year killer rushed out.

Naruto suffered chrysanthemum falls, wounds all over the ground, his face turned into a liver color.

Sasuke just stabbed diagonally, and a shuriken flew out.

Kakashi was hit, but turned into a substitute wood with a snap.

When he reappeared, he was in front of Oma who was in charge of the command, and also activated the "Narakumi Technique", and Oma fell to the ground.

Sakura woke up and wanted to remove the illusion for Oma, but Kakashi dodged in front of Sakura, and fainted after taking a slap with a hand knife.

Until now, Kakashi was slightly relieved, it seemed that he was just forbearance after all, and there was no unpredictable means.

Sasuke Kage's windmill started again, Kakashi had seen this move in secret, and was prepared for it.

With a relaxed head, he dodged the oncoming shuriken, and at the same time, his body tensed up to punish the thing in the shadows.

As expected, I saw Naruto Uzumaki rushing out of the shadows, and shouted: "Mr. Kakashi, about the later plot of "Kind of Heaven"."

Kakashi's complexion changed, and he covered his ears instantly, he was about to be robbed of the bell without warning.

However, with a bang, Naruto rushed out.

It turned out to be a clone.

Kakashi jumped down from a tree and smiled slightly: "I have been on guard against this kind of trick for a long time."

The main reason is that he is afraid of being spoiled by Yuma, and he has always been on guard against it.

"Is this your last resort? If you do that, you won't be able to grab the bell."

After finishing speaking, Kakashi planned to quickly deal with Naruto and Sasuke, but saw that the fallen Fuma Shuriken turned into another Naruto, and at the same time split into countless clones to grab.

Caught off guard, Kakashi retreated again and again.

At the same time, a thin line manipulated the direct shot of Kunai to aim at Kakashi's body, making him have to dodge left and right to another forest.

Without warning, two figures appeared from the forest at the same time, one left and one right grabbed the bell together.

Kakashi was a little surprised, and found that it was Sakura and Oma who fell to the ground, but although it was sudden, he didn't grasp the actual situation well.

He thought that his speed was enough to dodge before the two came.

But when he retreated, he found that the person behind was also Sasuke, and the person above was also Naruto.

"How is this going?"

Kakashi, who was taken aback, was forced to cover his ears by the language of spoilers from all directions, and then was caught by four people.

That's how the bell came.

Kakashi, who had no choice but to spread his hands, would not deny his defeat. Looking at Oma and Sakura on the ground, they all turned into smoke and dissipated in an instant.

"A clone again?"

Oma came over with a smile and said, "Not only that, it's still Naruto's clone. Even though the teacher escaped our siege from all directions, we still have our clones and haven't used them!"

"Hey!" Kakashi shook his head, "It's really a disadvantage to only use illusion and physical skills. Didn't you think that you planned to lure me here from the beginning?"

Naruto snatched the bell, held it in his hand and shook it beautifully: "Mr. Kakashi, I know this. Oma said, you will not use your full strength after the snatching starts, but you must plan to make a quick victory, so I You will definitely not pay attention to the change of form, later on"

Some Naruto who couldn't remember scratched his head, and Sasuke took over the conversation: "From now on, the fastest way to win a quick battle is to defeat them one by one, first defeating Sakura who lacks fighting methods, and then Oma who is the least underestimated , deal with me and Naruto in the end."

"And you, who have been observing the situation on the battlefield, must have not noticed that the ones you are dealing with are actually avatars, Naruto's avatar and my avatar. I also did not expect that Mr. Kakashi would follow Oma's idea. generally implemented.”

Xiaoying blinked her eyebrows slightly, twitched her hair and said, "Xueba's guess is very accurate. Teacher, you were dealing with the illusion that turned into my clone, and Yuma guessed that you took advantage of it."

Kakashi thought that the defeat was just a defeat, but he didn't expect that he was actually following the steps that Oma imagined, and he was a little dumbfounded for a while.

What does this mean?It shows that Kakashi's ninjutsu information and fighting style have been thoroughly studied by Oma. Although this is because Kakashi has not used his full strength, it is still a little unbelievable.

Thinking about it, Kakashi pulled Oma up and moved away from the three little ones.

"Where did you get my information?" Regarding this question, Kakashi had to take it seriously. He should have never been seen by Oma in the battles he participated in, which is weird.

Oma couldn't admit that he had seen through all of Kakashi's ninjutsu, so he just said, "Guess!"

"Can you guess to this extent?"

Oma argued: "Mr. Kakashi, I think many people can guess your ability!"

"Why don't I know this? Ninja information is very important. Do you have any unknown source of information?" Similarly, Kakashi and Konoha's high-level officials suspected that they were together.

"It's really a guess. Isn't your reputation of Sharingan Kakashi widely spread? Since you are Sharingan, it's normal to be good at illusion. In addition, you can't do big fights when you fight with your own students. Naturally I can guess what you will use to deal with us." Yumakou explained wrongly.

But when Kakashi thought about it, it was true, and he reluctantly believed this statement.

Back to the issue of the bells, Kakashi is not a person who refuses to admit defeat, so he looked at the three of them and said, "Oma is different from you, so there is no need to allocate bells, but after all, there are only two bells that I give out, that is, there is one more." Individuals need to be punished, have you figured out who should be punished?"

Will you blame each other on the choice of this punishment?
Xiao Ying took the initiative to stand up and said: "Teacher, I did the least amount of effort in this exercise, and I voluntarily punished to watch you eat bento."

Naruto objected: "No, Sakura, how can you not eat in time as a girl? I will punish you." He looked at Sasuke as he spoke, as if expecting him to stand up.

Sasuke nodded: "Sakura, you step back, let Naruto, a guy with good physical strength, be punished! Of course, if Naruto is unwilling, it doesn't matter if I come."

"Who says I'm not willing, I'll come if I come!"

Just like that, Naruto was tied to the stone pillar like in the original book, and Kakashi disappeared with Oma after a little threat.

But this time the three little ones were very decisive, even after seeing Kakashi's horror, Sasuke and Sakura did not give up on Naruto.

I just don't know if there is any reason for the confidence brought by their victory over Kakashi.

Sakura took the initiative to feed Naruto the bento in the bowl, and Sasuke shared some of the meals with him.

After the meal was finished, Kakashi didn't come out aggressively to show off to the three of them. Wasn't this kind of result foreseen after the bell was robbed?
"But I really didn't expect them to understand the meaning of companions so quickly. It's all thanks to you, Oma!" Kakashi praised with a smile.

"No!" Yuma vetoed, "They are people who cherish their companions, otherwise, no matter how I design and guide them, it will not be effective."

"That's right! Then, congratulations, you have been recognized by me. From now on, you will be my assistant!" Kakashi stretched out his hand to Oma.

Yuma spread his hands over: "Okay, Kakashi Jonin."

"Well, you are still a student after all, so you should call me a teacher!"

"This is not acceptable. The position of a teacher needs to be recognized before you can call it whatever you want."

Kakashi raised his eyebrows and said with a smile: "So, now it's your turn to admit me?"

"That's right! Wait and see, I will give you a score."

"Haha, you are really interesting!"

Seeing Kakashi and Oma Wuhai approaching, Naruto, whose body was still bound, suddenly shouted: "Well, everyone is here, I have an extremely important message to tell everyone!"

Several people looked over, a little curious.

Yuma had some guesses, with a strange expression on his face.

Naruto's face was rosy, and he roared excitedly: "Listen. The pinnacle of tolerance, proud of the world, Naruto will be the sky if I have Naruto! How, cool or not?"

Everyone: "."

Yuma only felt a strong middle school atmosphere began to fill the surroundings.

(End of this chapter)

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