Chapter 31 The Battle of Squad 7 Trio
On the second day, Yuma arrived at the destination, and saw the three-person group keeping a distance, with cold faces and no one looking at anyone.

"It seems that the effect is good. For a while, no one will want to talk to the other party, right?"

However, they all suspected that they hadn't slept all night, each of them was staggering, and their eyelids were heavy.

The reason why he called them at four o'clock was of course not that he had any training methods, it was just to let them sleep and make himself a good person first.

Yuma walked over, took out a scroll from his body, and handed the three tents sealed in the scroll to the three of them.

"Looking at your mental state, you must have not slept well, right? Let's talk about it later."

"What if Mr. Kakashi comes?" Sakura asked with all her might.

Yuma smiled kindly and said, "Relax, I'll ask someone to find Kakashi-sensei to keep him. He won't be able to come in a few hours, so why don't you take a good rest? How can you participate in the survival exercise if you don't have the energy?"

Hearing this, Naruto was moved: "Yuma, you are better, unlike some people."

Naruto looked at Sasuke and Sakura, and in exchange he turned his head and snorted coldly.

Sakura took over the tent with a grateful expression. She had been running all night, and she was too tired now. At that time, she was too impulsive after her self-esteem was stimulated, and she didn't even think about the consequences.

Sasuke's attitude towards Yuma also changed a little, and he suddenly said, "Don't you need to participate in the survival exercise?"

"I don't need to participate, but I have other tasks." Oma replied with a smile.

After a while, the venue became quiet, and the three of them quickly fell into a dormant state. In this village, they were not worried about what might happen.

"It's so peaceful!"

Mima looked up at the blue sky.

It didn't take long for Kakashi to rush to the vicinity. He received Oma's letter, and saw the three of them sleeping and did not come forward to stop them.

As long as it doesn't hurt his students, it is understandable for Yuma to do things under the guise of name in order to complete the task.

Afterwards, the three of them practiced for a few hours and became energetic again. They realized that Mr. Kakashi hadn't been there yet, and thought that everything was due to Oma.

But then Yuma took the three of them back to the training ground, saying that the real practice location was over there, which made the three of them confused and unable to understand the situation.

When they arrived at the venue, without waiting for the three of them to ask questions, Yuma suddenly said: "It's really stupid!"

"What?" Naruto said dissatisfied, "Oma, are you scolding me?"

"No!" Oma glanced at Sasuke, who was frowning, and Sakura, who was always in a state of anxiety, "I scold you three!"

"Do you really believe what others say, and never doubt your own eyes? It seems that what you learn in ninja school is for nothing, and you have wasted six years in vain."

Of course, Yuma also knows that his chakra control ability is one of the best in the village after 13 years of meticulous practice, and ordinary ninjas can't find any traces of his transformation technique at all.

"What do you mean?" Sasuke asked coldly, and the little favor he had for Oma suddenly disappeared.

"What do you mean? You should be very clear about what you went through yesterday, right? Do you feel betrayed by your companions? Do you feel that no one can be trusted except yourself?" Yuma stared at everyone.

Naruto was a little flustered and said at a loss: "Hey, Yuma, what do you want to say?"

"Look at you now." Yuma pointed to the three of them one by one: "Don't understand, don't need, don't have self-confidence, the so-called companionship, you really haven't kept it at all? Didn't Mr. Iruka teach you , is the most important thing after becoming a ninja is to trust your companions?"

"It seems that you believe in authority and rules more than trusting your companions?" Oma said mercilessly, "Once the rules are imposed on yourself, you who have never thought of resisting have no choice but to put this powerless Feelings shifted to complaints about peers."

"Naruto!" Oma yelled, "Although you are stupid, you don't seem like someone who would resent others, but yesterday, were you resenting Sasuke and Sakura?"

"I, I." Naruto hesitated, unable to speak. After the tree stepping practice failed, he really thought that it was Sasuke and Sakura who abandoned him, not because he was incompetent.


Sasuke and Sakura looked at Naruto at the same time, and looked at each other again, and realized that something was wrong. Shouldn't it be me who should be angry?

Seeing that the three of them were suspicious, or at a loss, guarding against each other, but still unable to sort out the truth, Oma shook his head in disappointment: "Forget it, you don't even have the ability to see through the truth of the matter, how can you blame you for maintaining a sense of companionship?"

Oma backed away slowly, and said bluntly: "To tell you the truth, I lied to you about the change of the so-called survival drill rules, and Kakashi-sensei never approached you. Everything is for me to test the three of you. The relationship between people is a trick to make you confront each other."

"Because, the mission Kakashi gave me is to prevent you from becoming ninjas!" Yuma's expression was indifferent, and he looked like a villain at the moment.

"I thought it would take a little more work, but I didn't expect it to be so simple. Now, you who are so disunited, what qualifications do you have to become ninjas? Ninjas are people who can hand over their backs to others, and you are not worthy. So, you all quit the first Class seven!"

"Damn it, bastard Oma, I misread you!" Naruto was in a daze for a while, and then couldn't believe it, how could that Oma say such a thing and do such a thing?

Sasuke's eyes were as cold as ice, he couldn't accept being deceived, and he couldn't accept someone trying to stop his revenge.

Instead of being angry, Sakura breathed a sigh of relief, and said to Sasuke with a guilty expression, "Sasuke, I'm sorry, I misunderstood you!"

Naruto didn't want to doubt Oma, and asked again: "Sakura, Sasuke, Oma, is this guy trying to prevent us from becoming ninjas? Did he change all of you I saw yesterday? Why did he do that?"

After Sasuke knew that everything was provoked by Oma, he thought of the indifference of the past and the cold face of today, felt ashamed, and rarely explained: "Naruto, just like he said that we can't resist the rules, he can't resist the rules himself." , This is the task Kakashi gave him."

"Damn it!" Naruto was very frustrated, "Why did Mr. Kakashi give Oma such a task? Aren't we all from Konoha? Why?"

Sakura learned the truth that she might not have to leave Class [-] due to failure, she was naturally overjoyed, and then she felt cheated, which misunderstood Sasuke-kun's anger.

This anger turned into indignation, she hugged Ying Ying and said: "Naruto, it doesn't matter what the reason for Xueba to do this kind of thing, now, he is preventing us from becoming the enemy of ninjas. You are not willing to give up Become a ninja?"

"It's so hard to become a ninja, why would I give up?" Of course Naruto didn't want to.

"Then get ready, Xueba won't let us get what we want. Yesterday was a provocation, but now he takes us to different places, maybe there is a trap." Sakura guessed.

Sasuke didn't care what method Oma used, he stood up and said, "I want to challenge you, if this is your task, defeat me, I will automatically quit the seventh class."

Seeing the reaction of the three people as he expected, Yuma said without hesitation: "I refuse!"

But at the next moment when Sasuke was in a daze, he released the gravitational support on his body, walked behind Sasuke in an instant, and smashed his elbow on the back of his head.

Sasuke was caught off guard, and was smashed to the ground on the spot, his mouth was full of ashes, and he was in a state of embarrassment.

After a successful blow, Yu Jian quickly retreated, not wanting to fight, and said sarcastically: "Weak, weak, too weak, you want to challenge me with this level of strength?"

"Damn it, it's so shameless, you're a sneak attack!" Naruto was furious and accused Oma.

"Sasuke-kun!" Sakura came to the side and helped Sasuke up.

"A ninja is a person who decides life and death, so there is no sneak attack." Yuma teased.

Sasuke slowly stood firm, the back of his head was still a little numb, but when he looked up, his eyes were wide open, and he was irritated.

In an instant, he pushed Sakura away and rushed towards Yuma, with a Fuma Shuriken in his hand.

Yuma Wuwu panicked and disappeared from the spot in time, Sasuke Fumo's shuriken crossed and fell into the air.

Who knew, "Fire Escape·Phoenix Immortal Fire Art!"

A group of scattered flames came from behind Yuma Landing.

"Tu Dun·Tu Liubi!"

Yuma used the earth flow wall to block the incoming flames, but a Fumo shuriken rushed out of the flames.

The shuriken collided with the dirt flow wall, turned into Sasuke's real body, leaped over the low dirt wall, and shot a few kunai towards Oma.

Yuma narrowly dodged it, almost getting scratched.

"The shadow clone casts a fake Fuma shuriken. Is there a shuriken body controlled by silk threads hidden in the fake fire escape? As expected of Sasuke, he has a lot of combat experience!"

On the surface, Yuma was able to do everything with ease, but in his heart he panicked a lot.

Without the battle armor, his physical fitness is not much stronger than Sasuke, and he will soon be seen through all actions by the Sharingan.

But he didn't intend to fight the trio. Kakashi, who is hiding in the dark, can't watch him being beaten by several people, right?
"Sasuke, we're here to help you!"

Seeing the battle between Sasuke and Oma, Sakura and Naruto flew from both sides, outflanking Oma.

"Multiple shadow clone technique!" Naruto's old-fashioned incarnation of dozens of shadow clones.

Kozakura held Kunai in her hand, her face was full of bravery and iron blood.

Sasuke was the first to bear the brunt, and continued to unleash powerful ninjutsu: "Fire Escape · Fireball Jutsu!" He thought that since he was serving as their semi-instructor, Oma's methods would not be limited to just that.

Oma didn't wait for Kakashi to appear, he had just finished placing a semi-finished earth flow wall, and there was not much chakra left in his body, so he had to use physical skills to deal with it.

"The first door of the Eight Doors Dunjia, open the door, open it!"

After a while, the speed was slightly increased. Before Sasuke's Sharingan could work, his body retreated sharply, and several kunai shot out from the flames in different directions. Sasuke quickly dodged after releasing the ninjutsu.

Unexpectedly, his feet stepped on the air without warning, a small crack stuck his ankle, and after the Oma received the surgery, he had already appeared behind Sasuke.

"Even if it is a C-level ninjutsu, Tuliubi's attack method can be used flexibly!"

Just as he was about to knock Sasuke unconscious with a whip, Naruto yelled, "Oma!"


Accompanied by the body coming close to him, Oma's eyelashes raised slightly, and he slid backwards to avoid it, but the speed of the comer was not slow, and finally collided with Oma's body face to face, Oma's body flew upside down, and landed smoothly .

It was Naruto's body that collided with him.

Naruto yelled: "How about Yuma? I call this move Naruto Cannonball!"

"Emergency is good, but unfortunately it only works once!"

Yuma praised slightly, and the next moment, he appeared behind Naruto, raising his hand to fight.

At this time, Sakura rushed to him, thinking that Oma was going to deal with Naruto, and wanted to stab Kunai, but felt that it was too cruel, so he punched out directly.

"It seems that you are born with a violent factor, Sakura!"

Oma had sensed the approach of Sakura's figure for a long time, attacking Naruto was just a feint, and with a short body, Sakura's fist firmly hit Naruto's face who turned his head and threw his elbow, and was about to attack Oma.

Naruto's face was sunken, his body suddenly turned over, and he hit the ground casually.

Half-squatting and half-kneeling, caressing her red cheeks, she said aggrievedly, "Xiao Ying, what are you hitting me for?"

"Ah, I'm sorry, Naruto, I stopped for a while, I didn't expect him to dodge!" Sakura waved her hand in embarrassment, but she was inexplicably excited about punching Naruto in her heart, ok, I taught this lover a lesson The blond-haired kid who pestered himself.

"Sakura, you are so strong!"

The veins on Sakura's forehead twitched: "What?"

He didn't have time to watch the two quarrel, Oma had already swung his arm on Sakura's back and bumped her into Naruto who got up again.

Sakura screamed and slapped Naruto, and Naruto was so wronged that he wanted to cry.


At this moment, Sasuke had already placed the Fuma Shuriken in his hand, and suddenly threw out: "Fuma Shuriken Kagepinche!"

Yuma smiled slightly, he knew the ninjutsu in this move.

When another shuriken was shot out of nowhere from the shadows on the ground, he dodged it with a light leap.

Unexpectedly, Yuma's figure was suddenly locked tightly, unable to move easily, traces of bloodstains appeared on Yuma's body.

Looking closely, the two shurikens were entwined with several lines in the air, and the power of flying in two directions was instead used as the pulling force of the lines.

"Caught you!"

At the same time, the shadow clones that swooped in piled up on Yuma one by one, hugging Yuma tightly.

Naruto smiled triumphantly: "Oma, you are really weak enough, you fell into the hands of me Uzumaki Naruto!"

Unexpectedly, Sasuke's figure suddenly passed by, galloping towards Oma on the other side with Kunai in his hand.

Naruto left the avatar in a daze, only to realize that he was holding a piece of wood in the middle.


Seeing that Sasuke's movements were gradually able to capture Oma's figure, Kakashi couldn't let this special student with a guiding function lose face, and suddenly flashed to the left and right to block Sasuke and Sakura who were planning to attack Oma at the same time.

"Okay, stop, it's all good, but that's it!" Kakashi said weakly. It was really early in the morning watching a group of students sleep, but he couldn't sleep. It was all a good thing that Oma did. Expect to sleep an hour late.

(End of this chapter)

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