Rule the ninja world, starting from the incarnation of Iron Man

Chapter 3 Better Than Didara's Explosion Was Money Burning

Chapter 3 Better Than Didara's Explosion Was Money Burning

In the distance, a group of root members saw the figure of Yuma who seemed to be actively waiting for them, standing on the rock, indescribably hazy under the bright moonlight.

The root members stood still, and Oma couldn't see any expressions from their masks with different ghost-painted stripes, and didn't speak.

"Oma-kun, Danzo-sama invites you to come over."

A root member's tone was flat, revealing that he could not refuse.

Yuma doesn't know if there is Saii among the dozen or so members, but it doesn't matter if there is, if he accidentally kills it, at most he will change part of the plot in the future, although he has to do so, he doesn't want to weaken his ability to control the form due to the change of the plot , but revenge is more important than the future.

"It's such a big battle. Just a doubt, all the members are sent. Should I praise Danzo for his decisiveness?"

Obviously, no matter what happens, Danzo is determined to take away Oma, who is restless at the root, and is even prepared to be blocked by others.

"Now that you know, come with us!"

Yuma didn't move, still standing quietly under the bright moon, surrounded by the sound of insects and the rustling of leaves blown by the wind.

The area where Oma lives is some distance away from the densely populated places in the center of the village. Even if there is a fight, if the movement is quiet, it will not attract people's attention.

Seeing that Yuma was indifferent, and it was useless to waste words, a root member raised his right hand to indicate action.

They don't care why Oma seems to know that they will come here to wait, and they don't care why Danzo captures Oma and his relatives. As creatures with no emotions, they just need to complete the task.

After the order was given, several root members ran towards the hut of Oma's house, while others attacked Oma.

Obviously, in addition to taking away Yuma, Yuma's grandmother is also one of their goals this time.

A sharp light flashed in Yuma's eyes, he didn't know how to be forgiving and forgiving, and those who like to implicate their family members should be damned. Regarding this, Yuma had nothing to hesitate, and said a word in his mouth: "Break!"

Immediately, from around where Yuma was located, faint rays of light gushed out one after another, filling the entire night.

Then the light turned from light to bright, from bright to hot, from hot to hot, surrounded by layers of whistling sounds, mixed with a large number of high-temperature explosions.

"Bang bang bang!"

The root members did not expect that, although they lost their feelings, they did not lack a sense of crisis, and at this moment, they performed defensive ninja respectively.

"Ninja Law: Heaven's Fall Gai."

A huge pig-faced blue cover was pressed down directly, as if to cover the different directions from which the high temperature came.

"Ninja Law Super Beast Tail Painting."

A series of flying birds transformed into black rhyme points appeared, taking the root members into the air.

"Ninja Art: The Art of Insect Binding."

A rope made up of dense and tiny worms was like a small snake, and one of them was entwined towards Yuma. Unfortunately, Yuma on the rock was a clone, and suddenly split automatically, and the insect rope caught all of it.

And after everyone finished using the ninja method, the place where it was before, the place where the huge pig's face cover was covered with muffled heat, was just the afterglow from lifting the cover, rushing to the rocks and trees in all directions, and it was gone in a blink of an eye. The area of ​​several meters around was flattened and became barren.

It's a pity that the cover was not broken after all, and a massive explosion showed insufficient stamina.

Yuma's figure reappeared, but his figure was much blurred, and the aftermath of the explosion killed many moles.

Yuma sighed secretly, even though he already knew the incredibleness of ninjas, seeing his keen five senses and powerful ninjutsu this time made Yuma feel excited.

When he looked up at the rope that was about to attack again in mid-air, he smiled slightly: "You are not a nano-scale creature. Mole!"

In an instant, Yuma's figure disappeared, and countless invisible moles scattered into the air, penetrated into the bodies of those poisonous insects, and then exploded themselves.

The self-detonation of moles can only kill cells, but since these poisonous insects claim to be nanoscale, let's see if they can withstand the attack of real nanoscale moles.

Not long after, the poisonous insects that formed the ropes in the air fell from the midair under the explosion at an invisible timing. More and more, in the blink of an eye, the poisonous insects suspected to be exhibited by You Nu Qugen were emptied.

"Since it can blow up to death, it seems that it can barely be regarded as nano-level."

Yuma condensed his figure again, but he looked very divided, and there were not many moles left.

The root members are a little dignified and unbelievable. This information shows that Jian Yuma, who is not even a ninja, just launched the explosion that was enough to hurt them?
"Stupid, don't think so much, with Sai here, do you think I can't think of being able to fly?"

As soon as the conversation fell, hundreds of spiders suddenly emerged from the dense forest, swung through the spider webs, and swayed towards the root member in the air. From the mid-air clouds, countless flying birds flew out, surrounded the root member, and then exploded at the same time .

"Clap clap clap!"

The root members were caught off guard, and only had time to apply the enchantment "Four Purple Flame Formation" to block them, and watched themselves and others being swallowed by the light of the explosion.

Yuma sighed, with flesh pain appearing on his face: "I am really more Deidara than Didala now, but all my treasures need money and energy to make. What is Didara's clay?"

Yes, once the model is unlocked and developed by Xiao Ai, the subsequent manufacturing speed can be increased to the limit through money generation. Different virtual life forms have different prices. Now those who are glowing in mid-air are all 13 years old in Yuma part of the accumulation.

The mist dissipated, and most of the barriers of the root members were torn apart due to the hasty activation and insufficient power. Among them, half of the masks on the faces of several root members were blown up, and one of them was in the outer range, and half of his body was missing , when the smoke dissipated, he involuntarily fell down from mid-air, and was caught by Sai Chao, who escaped unharmed.

Seeing this scene, there was a flash of pain in Yuma's eyes. This kind of explosion can only injure a person who doesn't know whether it is a Chunin or a Jōnin. It seems that the explosion is not the right way after all. The ninja's methods are strange and weird. , the loss is too great.

In the end, you still have to make yourself stronger.

Killing intent appeared in the eyes of the root member who showed half of his face: "This is not his real body. If you look around, the main body must be nearby. You have to speed up. The Anbu members must have been alarmed by this movement."

"Idiot, did you just find out now? I thought you guys would have discovered it long ago." Yuma slowly walked out of the woods. Seeing that the root members were about to charge, he immediately raised his hands and said, "I surrender, you take me away."

Because of his confident appearance, the root members dared not go forward for a while, fearing that there might be an ambush.

"Hey, don't you guys have no feelings, no emotions? Are you still afraid of death?" Yuma already knew that it is not wise to waste the virtual life in the hands of these half-baked supporting roles, and he had to use it To deal with Danzo, Danzo has 11 lives, so he simply let him catch him and face Danzo face to face.

Success or failure is determined here. Although Danzo may not be hurt at all, he must let him suffer, must clarify everything, and must let the third generation stand in line after the first battle, otherwise there will be endless troubles.

In fact, even if his identity is exposed, he can escape from Konoha, escape to a place where there is no Danzo and develop quietly, and come back to slaughter the enemy after unlocking the breeding equipment that can enhance the actual combat power.

But if this is the case, what is the purpose of his hard preparation for all these years?What is the purpose of practicing hard work without complaint?What is the purpose of surviving with hatred?
If he escapes, even if he has the space to grow, he doesn't know if he still has the courage to come back for revenge.

After all, 13 years of uninterrupted collection has only reached a data collection rate of 14%. How long will it take for him to unlock the corresponding breeding equipment and gain strength beyond the shadow level?
Three years, five years, ten years, 20 years?Or longer.

Not to mention the days to come, Danzo will be killed by Sasuke in just over three years, will he be willing at that time?
These thoughts flashed by, and Yuma stopped thinking about it, and stretched out his hands in a self-binding gesture, waiting for the root members to take him down.

After a stalemate for a while, Younu took root and performed the insect binding technique again, binding Yuma's wrists, body, and feet, and Yuma fell to the ground.

Although it is a poisonous insect, the spread of the poison is controllable. The insect rope that binds Yuma is very strong. Once there is any movement in Yuma, the poisonous insect will release the poison and take his life.

The root member, who was suspected of having a stroke in the mountain, asked, "Is B okay?"

Sai shook his head: "Seriously injured, the left arm cannot be repaired, but it will not die."

Saii looked at Oma, who was actively restraining himself, with some strangeness. The pale and stiff face under the mask squirmed. He really couldn't imagine how a ninja school graduate who was about the same size as him could be so difficult to deal with. How can you be so calm?
Shan Zhongfeng waved: "Treat the ground and return!"

In a blink of an eye, under the irrigation of the soil ninja method, the big pit caused by the battle was filled up, and some gravel turned into huge boulders. Except for the trees that were smashed into powder, it seemed that nothing happened here at all.


The root member picked up Oma, and disappeared into the depths of the forest after a few jumps.

They didn't search for Granny Yuma, because they turned around and walked away, and members of Anbu wearing various animal masks appeared.

"There are traces of fighting, and the fighters are unknown."

"Who could do such a thing?"

"Dare to make such a movement in the village, there is no one else except Danzo, report to Hokage-sama!"

The third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen, smoking his pipe one mouthful at a time, withdrew his eyes from the scene of the battle between Oma and the root members he had just seen, and looked at the document that Danzo had taken not long ago in his hand in silence.

It was about Jian Yuma's past deeds and Danzo's comment: "As the heir of the previous root members, it is suspected that he has important secrets about Yougen and the village, and he hides them for the sake of the city. Taking the corresponding status is for the purpose of gaining something, and the general assessment is that it is extremely detrimental to the stability of the village."

Sarutobi Hiruzen knew that Danzo had selfish intentions, even though he didn't fully understand some of the secrets about Gen, but he knew Danzo's original intention, so he turned a blind eye.

He looked at the other side of the table, remembering that he had stopped Iruka Shin who proposed to Yuma to be promoted to a ninja three times, combined with the two consultants Zhuanzuo Haru and Mitomon Yan, who were not right about Yuma's thinking, and the will of fire did not Carrying out the evaluation in his heart, he frowned.

Jian Yuma, is this kind of person?I met him by chance once in the past, and the young man I talked to was very eloquent. He knew everything about politics, military affairs, and management. personal.

He slowly pulled out a picture album from under the desk and cabinet. On it was a hidden, half-covered woman in a muslin gauze cover. From the few explicit titles on the top, it could be seen that this was a book. what book.

This is the origin of Oma and the Three Hokages.

Hiruzaru Sarutobi blushed, "I got it wrong." He lowered the Hokage hat above his head, and quickly took out the book on the lower layer, but it turned out to be the same style and the same tone.

It wasn't until he pulled out a thin white booklet from the bottom layer that he pretended to cough casually, opened it and read it again.

This is already unknown how many times he has read it.

"Temporary management regulations and ideological shaping plans for Konoha's ninjas and civilians."

"The optimal solution for ninja education reform."

"About the possibility of changing the ninjutsu seal."


Every time after reading it, Hiruzaru Sarutobi's old face will show a look of amazement, how can a child of this age write such a strict and confidential thing with excellent feasibility?
It's a pity that Yuma's plan came too late. This kind of drastic reform will take decades, and he probably won't see that day.

"Look again, such an outstanding talent inevitably has a different heart."

(End of this chapter)

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